

The cplic command manages Check Point licenses.

You can run this command in Gaia Clish or in the Expert mode.

License Management is divided into three types of commands:

Licensing Commands

Applies To


Local licensing commands

Management Servers,

Security Gateways and Cluster Members

You execute these commands locally on the Check Point computers.

Remote licensing commands

Management Servers only

You execute these commands on the Security Management Server or Domain Management Server.

These changes affect the managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members.

License Repository commands

Management Servers only

You execute these commands on the Security Management Server or Domain Management Server.

These changes affect the licenses stored in the local license repository.

For more about managing licenses, see the R81 Security Management Administration Guide.

Syntax for Local Licensing on a Management Server itself

cplic [-d]

      {-h | -help}

      check <options>

      contract <options>

      del <options>

      print <options>

      put <options>

Syntax for Remote Licensing on managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members

cplic [-d]

      {-h | -help}

      del <options>

      get <options>

      put <options>

      upgrade <options>

Syntax for License Database Operations on a Management Server

cplic [-d]

      {-h | -help}

      db_add <options>

      db_print <options>

      db_rm <options>





Runs the command in debug mode.

Use only if you troubleshoot the command itself.

Best Practice - If you use this parameter, then redirect the output to a file, or use the script command to save the entire CLI session.

{-h | -help}

Shows the applicable built-in usage.

check <options>

Confirms that the license includes the feature on the local Security Gateway or Management Server.

See cplic check.

contract <options>

Manages (deletes and installs) the Check Point Service Contract on the local Check Point computer.

See cplic contract.

db_add <options>

Applies only to a Management Server.

Adds licenses to the license repository on the Management Server.

See cplic db_add.

db_print <options>

Applies only to a Management Server.

Shows the details of Check Point licenses stored in the license repository on the Management Server.

See cplic db_print.

db_rm <options>

Applies only to a Management Server.

Removes a license from the license repository on the Management Server.

See cplic db_rm.

del <options>

Deletes a Check Point license on a host, including unwanted evaluation, expired, and other licenses.

See cplic del.

del <Object Name> <options>

Detaches a Central license from a remote managed Security Gateway or Cluster Member.

See cplic del <object name>.

get <options>

Applies only to a Management Server.

Retrieves all licenses from managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members into the license repository on the Management Server.

See cplic get.

print <options>

Prints details of the installed Check Point licenses on the local Check Point computer.

See cplic print.

put <options>

Installs and attaches licenses on a Check Point computer.

See cplic put.

put <Object Name> <options>

Attaches one or more Central or Local licenses to a remote managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members.

See cplic put <object name>.

upgrade <options>

Applies only to a Management Server.

Upgrades licenses in the license repository with licenses in the specified license file.

See cplic upgrade.