cplic get


Retrieves all licenses from managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members into the license repository on the Management Server.

This command helps synchronize the license repository with the managed Security Gateways and Cluster Members.

When you run this command, it updates the license repository with all local changes.


cplic get {-h | -help}

cplic [-d] get


      <IP Address>

      <Host Name>




{-h | -help}

Shows the applicable built-in usage.


Runs the command in debug mode.

Use only if you troubleshoot the command itself.

Best Practice - If you use this parameter, then redirect the output to a file, or use the script command to save the entire CLI session.


Retrieves licenses from all Security Gateways and Cluster Members in the managed network.

<IP Address>

The IP address of the Security Gateway / Cluster Member, from which licenses are to be retrieved.

<Host Name>

The name of the Security Gateway / Cluster Member object as defined in SmartConsole, from which licenses are to be retrieved.


If the Security Gateway with the object name MyGW contains four Local licenses, and the license repository contains two other Local licenses, the command "cplic get MyGW" produces output similar to this:

[Expert@MGMT:0]# cplic get MyGW
Get retrieved 4 licenses.
Get removed 2 licenses.