cplic del <object name>


Detaches a Central license from a remote managed Security Gateway or Cluster Member.

When you run this command, it automatically updates the license repository.

The Central license remains in the license repository as an unattached license.


cplic del {-h | -help}

cplic [-d] del <Object Name> [-F <Output File>] [-ip <Dynamic IP Address>] <Signature>




{-h | -help}

Shows the applicable built-in usage.


Runs the command in debug mode.

Use only if you troubleshoot the command itself.

Best Practice - If you use this parameter, then redirect the output to a file, or use the script command to save the entire CLI session.

<Object Name>

The name of the Security Gateway / Cluster Member object as defined in SmartConsole.

-F <Output File>

Saves the command output to the specified file.

-ip <Dynamic IP Address>

Deletes the license on the DAIP Security Gateway with the specified IP address.

Note - If this parameter is used, then object name must be a DAIP Security Gateway.


The signature string within the license.

To see the license signature string, run the cplic print command.