cplic upgrade


Upgrades licenses in the license repository with licenses in the specified license file.

Note - You get this license file in the Check Point User Center.


cplic upgrade {-h | -help}

cplic [-d] upgrade -l <Input File>




{-h | -help}

Shows the applicable built-in usage.

-l <Input File>

Upgrades the licenses in the license repository and Check Point Security Gateways / Cluster Members to match the licenses in the specified file.


This example explains the procedure to upgrade the licenses in the license repository.

There are two Software Blade licenses in the input file:

  • One license does not match any license on a remote managed Security Gateway.

  • The other license matches an NGX-version license on a managed Security Gateway that has to be upgraded.

Workflow in this example:

  1. Upgrade the Security Management Server to the latest version.

    Ensure that there is connectivity between the Security Management Server and the Security Gateways with the previous product versions.

  2. Import all licenses into the license repository.

    You can also do this after you upgrade the products on the remote Security Gateways.

  3. Run this command:

    cplic get -all


    [Expert@MyMGMT]# cplic get -all
    Getting licenses from all modules ...
    Retrieved 1 licenses
  4. To see all the licenses in the repository, run this command:

    cplic db_print -all -a


    [Expert@MyMGMT]# cplic db_print -all -a
    Retrieving license information from database ...
    The following licenses appear in the database:
    Host Expiration Features Never CPFW-FIG-25-53 CK49C3A3CC7121 MyGW1 26Nov2017 CPSB-SWB CPSB-ADNC-M CK0123456789ab MyGW2
  5. In the Check Point User Center, view the licenses for the products that were upgraded from version NGX to a Software Blades license.

    You can also create new upgraded licenses.

  6. Download a file containing the upgraded licenses.

    Only download licenses for the products that were upgraded from version NGX to Software Blades.

  7. If you did not import the version NGX licenses into the repository, import the version NGX licenses now.

    Use this command:

    cplic get -all

  8. Run the license upgrade command:

    cplic upgrade -l <Input File>

    • The licenses in the downloaded license file and in the license repository are compared.

    • If the certificate keys and features match, the old licenses in the repository and in the remote Security Gateways are updated with the new licenses.

    • A report of the results of the license upgrade is printed.

For more about managing licenses, see the R81 Security Management Administration Guide.