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Managing Users and Administrators Locally

In This Section:



Users Database

User Templates

Configuring Users

Managing User Groups

Configuring Administrators

Configuring Administrator Groups

Managing User and Administrator Expiration

Assigning Permission Profiles to Administrators

SmartDashboard administrators with permissions can manage user accounts and the permissions of other administrators. You can use the Check Point Users and Administrators objects.


This glossary contains important terms that are used in this chapter.


The Check Point user management solution is part of SmartDashboard. Users, Administrators and their groups are managed as objects, using the standard object administration tools: the Objects Tree pane and the Objects Manager window.

The user's definition includes access permissions to and from specific machines at specific times of the day. The user definition can be used in the Rule Base's Authentication Rules and in Remote Access VPN.

SmartDashboard further facilitates user management by allowing you to define user and administrator templates. Templates serve as prototypes of standard users, whose properties are common to many users. Any user you create based on a template inherits all of the template's properties, including membership in groups.

Users Database

The users defined in SmartDashboard (and their authentication schemes and encryption keys) are saved to the proprietary Check Point Internal Users Database (the Users Databases) on the Security Gateway.

The Users Database is automatically downloaded to Check Point hosts with installed Management Software Blades as part of the Policy installation process. Alternatively, you can manually install the Users Database by selecting Policy > Install Database from the menu. Security Gateways that do not include a Management Software Blade do not receive the Users Database.

The Users Database does not contain information about users defined externally to the Security Gateway (such as users in external User Directory groups), but it does contain information about the external groups themselves (for example, on which Account Unit the external group is defined). For this reason, changes to external groups take effect only after the Security Policy is installed or after the Users Database is downloaded.

User Templates

A user template lets you to create a prototype of a standard user, whose properties are common to many users. Any user you create based on this template will inherit all the properties of the user template, including memberships in groups. Changes in the template do not affect existing users, only future ones.

To create a new user template:

  1. Click the Users tab in the Objects tree.
  2. Click Users and Administrators.
  3. Click General Properties and enter a template name in the Template name field.
    This property is required and is case sensitive.
  4. Do one of these steps to set the expiration date:
    • Select According to Global Properties to use the default expiration date.
    • Select Expire at to manually set the expiration date. Select a date using the calendar control.
  5. Define the remaining user properties.

To use this template to create a new user:

  1. Right-click the Users folder and select New User > [Template name].
  2. In the General tab, enter the User Name. The user name is not inherited from the template.
  3. Define or change other properties as required.
    Other properties are inherited from the template.

Configuring Users

Users are personnel responsible for managing the Security Management environment. Administrators have permissions to use the SmartConsole clients.

This section includes procedures for configuring users using SmartDashboard.

In this section

Creating or Changing a User

General Properties

Setting the Expiration Date

Assigning a Permissions Profile



Connection Times



Creating or Changing a User

This section shows you how to create, change or delete a user.

To create a new user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Right-click Users.
    The User Properties window opens.
  3. Configure the properties as necessary.

To change an existing user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Double-click a user.
    The User Properties window opens.
  3. Configure the properties as necessary.

To delete a user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Select a user.
  3. Press Delete and then press OK in the confirmation window.
    If the user is a member of a group, one more confirmation windows opens. Press OK to continue.

General Properties

General properties include the name and other optional properties.

To configure the General Properties:

  1. In the User Properties window, click General Properties.
  2. Enter a unique name in the User Name field.

    The user name property is required and is case sensitive.

  3. Optionally, enter the email address and mobile phone number in the specified fields.

    Note - If you generate a user certificate with a non-Check Point Certificate Authority, enter the Common Name (CN) component of the Distinguished Name (DN).

    For example, if the DN is: [CN = James, O = My Organization, C = My Country],
    enter James as the user name.

    If you use Common Names as user names, they must contain exactly one string with no spaces.

Setting the Expiration Date

You can assign an expiration date for each User. After this expiration date, the user is no longer authorized to access network resources and applications. SmartDashboard includes tools for managing expiration dates and warning users of impending expirations.

To configure the expiration date:

  1. Open the User Properties > General Properties pane.
  2. In the Expiration Date section, click the arrow and select an expiration date using the calendar control.

    The default expiration date shows, as defined in the Default Expiration Settings.

Assigning a Permissions Profile

A permission profile is a predefined set of Security Management and SmartConsole administrative permissions that you can assign to administrators. You can assign a permission profile to more than one administrator. Only administrators with applicable permissions can create and manage permission profiles.

To assign permissions to an administrator:

  1. In SmartDashboard, create a new administrator or double-click an existing administrator.
  2. In the Administrator Properties window, go to the General Properties pane.
  3. Select a permissions profile from the list.

You can also do these actions in the Administrator Properties window:


All users must authenticate to access network resources. Select and configure an authentication method for this administrator. If you do not select an authentication method, the administrator cannot log in or use network resources.

To select an authentication scheme for this user:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Authentication.
  2. In the Authentication window, select an authentication scheme.
  3. If prompted, enter and confirm a password.
  4. For RADIUS or TACACS authentication, select a server.


To add user network locations:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Location.
  2. Select one or more Network Objects from the list.
  3. Click Add, to add these locations to the source or to the destination list.

To remove locations from the user permissions:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Location.
  2. Select one or more locations from the Source or Destination list.
  3. Click Remove.

Connection Times

Configure the days and the times during which this user can connect to network resources and applications.

To configure days and times:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Time.
  2. Select or clear the days of the week on which this user can connect to network resources.
  3. Enter the time range during which this user can connect in the specified fields.


You can create and manage certificates for this user. From this pane, you can:

To create and Revoke certificates for this user:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Certificates.
  2. To create a new certificate click New or to edit an existing certificate, double-click it. Do one of these steps:
    • Click Registration Key to send a registration key that activates the certificate. When prompted, select the number of days the user has to activate the certificate before the registration key expires.
    • Click Certificate file to create a .p12 certificate file. Enter and confirm the certificate password when prompted.


Select and configure an encryption method for this user.

To select an encryption method:

  1. In the User Properties window, click Encryption.
  2. Select an encryption method.
  3. Click Edit to change the settings for this encryption method.
  4. Select Password if this user authenticates with a pre-shared secret password. Enter and confirm the password.
  5. Select Public Key if this user authenticates with a public key contained in a certificate file.

Managing User Groups

User groups are collections of related user accounts. These groups let you manage and do operations on many user accounts at the same time.

To create a new user group:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Right-click User Groups and select New Group from the options menu.
    The Group Properties window opens.

To change user group settings:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Double-click a user group.
    The Group Properties window opens.

To add users or user groups to a group:

  1. In the Group Properties window, select users or user groups in the Available Members list.
  2. Click Add.
  3. If you are adding a group to the list, do one of these tasks when the message window opens:
    • Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group.
    • Click No to add only the group.

To remove users or user groups from the group:

  1. In the Group Properties window, select users or user groups in the Selected Members list.
  2. Click Remove.

To delete a user group:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Select a group.
  3. Press Delete and then click No to confirm.

Configuring Administrators

Administrators are personnel responsible for managing the Security Management environment. Administrators have permissions to use SmartConsole clients.

Creating or Changing an Administrator

This section shows you how to create, change or delete an administrator.

To create a new user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Right-click Administrators.
    The Administrator Properties window opens.
  3. Configure the user properties as necessary.

To change an existing user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Double-click an existing administrator.
    The Administrator Properties window opens.
  3. Configure the user properties as necessary.

To delete a user:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Select an administrator.
  3. Click Delete and then click OK in the confirmation window.
    If the administrator is a member of a group, another confirmation window opens. Click OK to continue.

Configuring General Properties

To configure the General Properties:

  1. In the Administrator Properties window, click General Properties.
  2. Enter a unique name in the User Name field.

    The user name property is required and is case sensitive.

  3. Optionally, enter the email address and mobile phone number in the specified fields.

    Note - If you generate a user certificate with a non-Check Point Certificate Authority, enter the Common Name (CN) component of the Distinguished Name (DN).

    For example, if the DN is: [CN = James, O = My Organization, C = My Country],
    enter James as the user name.

    Common names used as user names must have exactly one string with no spaces.

Setting the Expiration Date

You can assign an expiration date for each User. After this expiration date, the user is no longer authorized to access network resources and applications. SmartDashboard includes tools for managing expiration dates and warning users of impending expirations.

To configure the expiration date:

  1. Open the User Properties > General Properties pane.
  2. In the Expiration Date section, click the arrow and select an expiration date using the calendar control.

    The default expiration date shows, as defined in the Default Expiration Settings.

Selecting a Permissions Profile

A permission profile is a predefined set of Security Management and SmartConsole administrative permissions that you can assign to administrators. You can assign a permission profile to more than one administrator. Only administrators with applicable permissions can create and manage permission profiles.

To assign a permissions profile:

  1. In the Administrator Properties window, click General Properties.
  2. Select a profile from the Permissions Profile list.

You also can do these actions in the General Properties window:

Administrator Groups

Administrator groups are collections of related administrator accounts. These groups let you manage and do operations on many administrator accounts the same time.

To create a new user group:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Right-click User Groups and select New Group
    The Group Properties window opens.
  3. To add users or user groups to this group, select them and then click Add.
    If you select a group, a pop-up window shows. Do one of these steps:
    • Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group itself.
    • Click No to add only the group.
  4. Optionally enter information in the Comment, Email Address or Mobile Phone Number fields.

To change a user group definition:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. To add users or user groups to this group, select them and then click Add.
    If you select a group, a pop-up window shows. Do one of these steps:
    • Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group itself.
    • Click No to add only the group.
  3. Optionally enter information in the Comment, Email Address or Mobile Phone Number fields.

Configuring Authentication

Administrators must authenticate to access network resources. Select and configure an authentication method for this administrator. If you do not select an authentication method, the administrator cannot log in to SmartConsole clients.

To select an authentication scheme for this administrator:

  1. In the Administrator Properties window, click Authentication.
  2. In the Authentication window, select an authentication scheme.
  3. If prompted, enter and confirm a password.
  4. For RADIUS or TACACS authentication, select a server.


To create and revoke certificates for this user:

  1. In the Administrator Properties window, click Certificates.
  2. To create a new certificate, click Generate and save.
  3. To revoke an existing certificate, click Revoke.

Configuring Administrator Groups

Administrator groups are collections of related administrators. These groups let you manage and do operations on many administrators at the same time.

To create a new administrator group:

  1. In the SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Right-click Administrator Groups and select New Administrators Group.
    The Group Properties window opens.
  3. Add or remove administrators from the group:
    1. To add administrators and other administrator groups to this group, select them and then click Add.

      Note - If you add a group, a pop-up window shows. Do one of these steps:

      • Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group itself.
      • Click No to add only the group.
    2. To remove administrators or other administrator groups, select them and then click Remove.

Optionally, configure the other settings in this window.

To change administrator group definition:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Double-click an administrator group.
    The Group Properties window opens.
  3. Add or remove administrators from the group:
    1. To add administrators and other administrator groups to this group, select them and then click Add.

      Note - If you add a group, a pop-up window shows. Do one of these steps:

      • Click Yes to add each member of the group instead of the group itself.
      • Click No to add only the group.
    2. To remove administrators or other administrator groups, select them and then click Remove.
  4. Optionally, configure the other settings in this window.

To delete an administrator group:

  1. In SmartDashboard, click the Users and Administrators tab.
  2. Select a group.
  3. Press Delete and then click No to confirm.

Managing User and Administrator Expiration

You must assign an expiration date to each administrator. After this expiration date, the administrator cannot log in to the SmartConsole clients or do actions in the Security Management environment.

Note - Account expiration has no effect on operating system administrators. Operating system administrators are different from administrators defined in SmartDashboard and can access the command line.

SmartDashboard includes tools for managing expiration dates and warning administrators of impending expirations.

Configuring Default Expiration Parameters

The default expiration settings show when you define a new administrator account. These settings include:

To set the default expiration Parameters:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Policy > Global Properties.
  2. Select User Accounts or Administrator Accounts.
  3. In the User or Administrator Accounts window, set the expiration date using one of these options:
    • Expire after - Enter the number of days (from today) before this user account expires.
    • Expire at - Click the arrow on the text box and then select the expiration date using the calendar control.
  4. For Administrator accounts, select Notify during login to show an expiration warning message when the administrator logs in. Enter the number of days before expiration that this warning shows.
  5. Select Show indication on the status bar to show expiration warnings in the Expired Accounts window. Enter the number of days before expiration that this warning shows.

Assigning Permission Profiles to Administrators

A permission profile is a predefined set of Security Management and SmartConsole administrative permissions that you can assign to administrators. You can assign a permission profile to more than one administrator. Only administrators with applicable permissions can create and manage permission profiles.

Creating and Changing Permission Profiles

This section includes procedures for creating, changing and deleting permission profiles.

Administrators with the applicable permissions can create, edit or delete permissions profiles.

To create a new permissions profile:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Manage > Permissions Profiles.
  2. In the Permissions Profile window, click New and then select Permissions Profile.
  3. In the Permissions Profile Properties window, configure permissions profile settings.

To change an existing permissions profile:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Manage > Permissions Profiles.
  2. In the Permissions Profile window, click Edit.
  3. In the Permissions Profile Properties window, configure permissions profile settings.

To delete an existing permissions profile:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Manage > Permissions Profiles.
  2. In the Permissions Profile window, click Remove.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

To configure permissions profile settings:

  1. In the Allow access via section, select one of these options:
    • Management Portal and SmartConsole Applications enables access to the Security Management server and SmartConsole applications and Management Portal.
    • Management Portal only enables access to the Security Management server using only Management Portal.
  2. In the Permissions section, select one of these options:
    • Read/Write All - Full access to all Check Point products.
      • Manage Administrators - Can manage other administrators.
      • Read DLP logs including confidential fields and incidents lets an administrator with this Permissions Profile:

      See all fields of DLP logs in SmartView Tracker.

      See the messages or this incident. This includes permissions to read captured data, therefore, users must understand that their emails can be read if they violate corporate Data Loss Prevention rules.

      Send or discard quarantined user emails from SmartView Tracker. With the Customized option you can assign a subset of these permissions if necessary. You can give administrator permissions to only see the content of fields in DLP logs in SmartView Tracker and not see/send the actual content of incidents.

    • Read Only All gives read-only access to all Check Point products.
    • Customized gives user-defined access to the selected Check Point products and select permissions for each application.

Configuring Customized Permissions

If you select Customized Permissions, you can define permissions for each Security Management resource (object, Policy and feature) separately. The resources show on four different panes in the Administrators Permission Configuration window. Each pane contains a list of related resources.

To configure customized permissions:

  1. In the Permissions section, select Customized and then click Edit.
  2. Select a pane in the Administrator Permissions Configuration window:
    • General - Security Policy, blades and features
    • Monitoring and Logging - Monitoring and logging options
    • Events and Reports - SmartEvent and SmartReporter features
    • Provisioning - SmartProvisioning features and scripting
    • Endpoint - Endpoint Security Policy management and Endpoint Security client deployment and management
  3. Set permissions for the resources:
    • To prevent an administrator from seeing or configuring a resource, clear its checkbox.
    • To let the administrator see a resource (but not change it), select its checkbox and then select Read only.
    • To let the administrator see and configure a resource, select its checkbox and then select Read/Write.


Managing Permissions Profiles

Security Management includes tools to help you manage permissions profiles. You can see information about the latest changes made to a permissions profile and see which administrators are using a permissions profile.

To see information about the latest changes to a permission profile:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Manage > Permissions Profiles.
  2. Select a permissions profile.
  3. In the Permissions Profiles window, click Actions > Last Modified.
    The Last Modification window opens.

    This window shows:

    • Date of the latest change
    • Administrator who made the change
    • GUI client used to make the change

To see which administrators are using a permissions profile:

  1. In SmartDashboard, select Manage > Permissions Profiles.
  2. Select a permissions profile.
  3. In the Permissions Profiles window, click Actions > Where used.
    The Object Managers References window opens.

    This window shows:

    • All administrators using this permissions profile
    • If you can delete this permissions profile