![Expand](plus.gif) Getting Started
![Expand](plus.gif) Licensing
![](space.gif) Deployment Options
![Expand](plus.gif) Installing Security Management Server and Security Gateways
![Expand](plus.gif) Installing Multi-Domain Security Management
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Prerequisites
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Security Management Server and Security Gateways
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Multi-Domain Security Management
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading with SmartUpdate
![](space.gif) Gaia Automatic Software Updates
![Expand](plus.gif) Advanced Upgrade and Database Migration
![Collapse](minus.gif) Upgrading ClusterXL Deployments
![Expand](plus.gif) Planning a Cluster Upgrade
![](space.gif) Minimal Effort Upgrade on a ClusterXL Cluster
![](space.gif) Zero Downtime Upgrade on a ClusterXL Cluster
![](space.gif) Zero Downtime Upgrade of SecurePlatform ClusterXL to Gaia ClusterXL
![](space.gif) Converting a Security Gateway Cluster to VSX
![Collapse](minus.gif) ClusterXL Optimal Service Upgrade
![](space.gif) Upgrade Workflow from R75.40VS
![](space.gif) Upgrading the Cluster from R75.40VS
![](space.gif) Upgrade Workflow from R67.10 VSX
![](space.gif) Upgrading the Cluster R67.10 VSX
![](space.gif) Troubleshooting the Upgrade
![](space.gif) Limitations
![Expand](plus.gif) Full Connectivity Upgrade on a ClusterXL Cluster
![](space.gif) Index