![Expand](plus.gif) Getting Started
![Expand](plus.gif) Licensing
![](space.gif) Deployment Options
![Expand](plus.gif) Installing Security Management Server and Security Gateways
![Expand](plus.gif) Installing Multi-Domain Security Management
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Prerequisites
![Collapse](minus.gif) Upgrading Security Management Server and Security Gateways
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Standalone
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading the Security Management Server
![Collapse](minus.gif) Upgrading Security Gateways
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Gateways using SmartUpdate
![Collapse](minus.gif) Upgrading Security Gateways on Appliances
![Expand](plus.gif) UTM-1, Power-1, and 2012 Models
![Collapse](minus.gif) IP Appliances
![](space.gif) Gaia to Gaia
![Collapse](minus.gif) IPSO to Gaia
![](space.gif) Preparing for Upgrade
![](space.gif) Upgrade Procedure Overview
![](space.gif) Step 1: Getting the Upgrade Package and the Gaia Image //upgrade // Template for Web Admin
![](space.gif) Step 2: Putting the Gaia ISO on an FTP Server
![](space.gif) Step 3: Installing the Package on the IP Appliance
![](space.gif) Step 4: Running the Installation and Upgrade Script
![](space.gif) Step 5: Verifying the FTP Server
![](space.gif) Step 6 (Optional, Recommended): Supplying Reports and Backup Server Information
![](space.gif) Step 7: (Optional): Supplying Special Package Server Information
![](space.gif) Step 8: Confirming Your Selections
![](space.gif) Step 9: Upgrade Runs Automatically
![](space.gif) Step 10: Making Sure the Upgrade Succeeded
![](space.gif) Rollback from Gaia to IPSO
![](space.gif) IPSO to IPSO
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Security Gateways on Open Servers
![](space.gif) Upgrading a VSX Gateway
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Standalone Full High Availability
![](space.gif) Upgrading Clusters
![](space.gif) Enabling IPv6 on Gaia
![](space.gif) Changing to an IPv6-Only Management IP Address
![](space.gif) Deleting the IPV4 address from Management HA
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading Multi-Domain Security Management
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading with SmartUpdate
![](space.gif) Gaia Automatic Software Updates
![Expand](plus.gif) Advanced Upgrade and Database Migration
![Expand](plus.gif) Upgrading ClusterXL Deployments
![](space.gif) Index