Block external IP

The automation blocks the incoming access from external IP on the Check Point Security Gateway across the organization.

Supported Product

Check Point Security Management Server (Quantum)


IP block duration

Set the expiration period for the automations that are executed automatically (without Administrator's approval).

Block reason

Enter the reason for blocking IP.

Notification subject

Enter a subject for a notification you receive through a configured communication tool.

Notification message

Enter the text for a notification you receive through a configured communication tool.

Notification subject (not added)

Enter the subject for the notification that is sent to the Administrator if the IP address is not quarantined as it is listed in the Allowed Sources List.

Notification message (not added)

Enter the message for the notification that is sent to the Administrator if the IP address is not quarantined as it is listed in the Allowed Sources List.

Notification profile (IP was blocked)

Select a notification profile to send notification to Administrator if the IP address is blocked. For more information, see Notifications.

Notification profile (IP was not blocked)

Select a notification profile to send notification to Administrator if the IP address is not blocked as it is in the Allowed Sources List. For more information, see Notifications.


Matching block IP.

To view the example of this log, click Run.
