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UserCheck Client
In This Section:

UserCheck Client Overview

UserCheck Requirements

Enabling UserCheck Client

Getting the MSI File

Distributing and Connecting Clients

Helping Users

UserCheck Client Overview

The UserCheck client is installed on endpoint computers to communicate with the gateway and show UserCheck interaction notifications to users.

It works with the Data Loss Prevention and Content Awareness Software Blades.

Notifications of incidents can be sent by email (for SMTP traffic) or shown in a popup from the UserCheck client in the system tray (for SMTP, HTTP and FTP).

UserCheck client adds the option to send notifications for applications that are not in a web browser, such as Skype, iTunes, or browser add-ons (such as radio toolbars). The UserCheck client can also work together with the UserCheck portal to show notifications on the computer itself when:

Users select an option in the notification message to respond in real-time.

For Data Loss Prevention (DLP), administrators with full permissions or the View/Release/Discard DLP messages permission can also send or discard incidents from the SmartConsole Logs & Monitor > Logs view.

Workflow for installing and configuring UserCheck clients:

  1. Configure how the clients communicate with the gateway and create trust with it.
  2. Enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway.
  3. Download the UserCheck client MSI file.
  4. Install the UserCheck client on the endpoint computers.
  5. Make sure that the UserCheck clients can connect to the gateway and receive notifications.
UserCheck Requirements

See UserCheck Client Requirements in the R80.30 Release Notes.

Enabling UserCheck Client

Enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway in the Properties window of the gateway object in SmartConsole. This is necessary to let clients communicate with the gateway.

To enable UserCheck and the UserCheck client on the gateway:

  1. In SmartConsole, click Gateways & Servers and double-click the Security Gateway.

    The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.

  2. From the navigation tree, click UserCheck.
  3. Select Enable UserCheck for active blades.

    This enables UserCheck notifications from the gateway.

  4. In the UserCheck Client section, select Activate UserCheck Client support.

    This enables UserCheck notifications from the client.

  5. Click OK and Install Policy.
Getting the MSI File

To get the MSI file:

  1. In SmartConsole, in the Gateways & Servers view, open the General Properties window of the gateway object.
  2. From the navigation tree, select UserCheck.
  3. In the UserCheck Client section, click Download Client.

    Important - Before you can download the client msi file, the UserCheck portal must be up. The portal is up only after a Policy installation.

Distributing and Connecting Clients

After configuring the clients to connect to the gateway, install the clients on the user machines. You can use any method of MSI or EXE mass deployment and installation that you choose. For example, you can send users an email with a link to install the client. When a user clicks the link, the MSI file automatically installs the client on the computer.

Alternatively, users can download the installation package from the regular DLP UserCheck notifications.

To install the client for all user accounts on a Windows computer, see sk96107.

The installation is silent and generally, no reboot is required.

When the client is first installed, the tray icon indicates that it is not connected. When the client connects to the gateway, the tray icon shows that the client is active.

The first time that the client connects to the gateway, it asks for verification from the user and approval of the fingerprint.

Best Practices:

If UserCheck for DLP is enabled on the gateway, users are required to enter their username and password after the client installs.

Example of message to users about the UserCheck client installation (for DLP):

Dear Users,

Our company has implemented a Data Loss Prevention automation to protect our confidential data from unintentional leakage. Soon you will be asked to verify the connection between a small client that we will install on your computer and the computer that will send you notifications.

This client will pop up notifications if you try to send a message that contains protected data. It might let you to send the data anyway, if you are sure that it does not violate our data-security guidelines.

When the client is installed, you will see a window that asks if you trust the DLP server. Check that the server is SERVER NAME and then click Trust.

In the next window, enter your username and password, and then click OK.

Note - If the UserCheck client is not connected to the gateway, the behavior is as if the client was never installed. Email notifications are sent for SMTP incidents and the Portal is used for HTTP incidents.

UserCheck and Check Point Password Authentication

You can see and edit Check Point users from Users and Administrators in the navigation tree.

To enable Check Point password authentication:

SmartConsole Configuration

  1. Open SmartConsole and open the Manage & Settings view.
  2. Click Permissions & Administrators > Administrators, and select an existing user or create a new user.
  3. In the General Properties page of the user, make sure that an email address is defined.
  4. In the Authentication Properties page of the user, set Authentication Scheme to Check Point Password and enter the password and password confirmation.
  5. Click OK.

UserCheck Client Configuration

Ask your users to configure their UserCheck client:

  1. On the UserCheck client computer, right click the UserCheck icon in the Notification Area (next to the system clock).
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Select Authentication with Check Point user accounts defined internally in SmartConsole.
Helping Users

If users require assistance to troubleshoot issues with the UserCheck client, you can ask them to send you the logs.

To configure the client to generate logs:

  1. Right-click the UserCheck tray icon and select Settings.

    The Settings window opens.

  2. Click Log to and browse to a pathname where the logs are saved.
  3. Click OK.

To send UserCheck logs from the client:

  1. Right-click the UserCheck tray icon and select Status.

    The Status window opens.

  2. Click Advanced and then click the Collect information for technical support link.

    The default email client opens, with an archive of the collected logs attached.

UserCheck for Access Control Default Messages

These are the default UserCheck messages in the Access Tools > UserCheck page of the Access Control Policy:


Action Type


Access Approval



Access Notification


Shows when the action for the rule is inform. It informs users what the company policy is for that site.

Blocked Message - Access Control


Shows when the action for the rule is Block, when a request is blocked.

Cancel Page - Access Control


Shows after a user gets an Inform or Ask message and clicks Cancel.

Company Policy


Shows when the action for the rule is ask. It informs users what the company policy is for that site and they must click OK to continue to the site.

If the default UserCheck messages do not fit your needs, you can create a UserCheck Interaction object.

For example, you can create a message with Content Awareness fields.

You can show these UserCheck message previews:

Application and URL Filtering UserCheck Page

Ask and Inform pages include a Cancel button that users can click to cancel the request.

For Threat Prevention and Application and URL Filtering , you can show these UserCheck message previews:

For DLP, you can also show these UserCheck message previews:

Localizing and Customizing the UserCheck Portal

After you set the UserCheck interaction object language, you can translate the Portal OK and Cancel buttons to the applicable language. For more information, see sk83700.

Some of the UserCheck predefined notifications are translated to more than one language. For example, Access Notification is translated to English, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

To support more languages:

  1. In the Security Policies view of SmartConsole, go to the Access Control Policy.
  2. Click Access Tools > UserCheck.
  3. Double-click the UserCheck object to edit it.
  4. In the Message page, click Languages.
  5. Select the Languages from the list.