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vsx_util Command


Performs various VSX maintenance tasks. You run this command from the expert mode on the management server (Security Management Server or a Main Domain Management Server in a Multi-Domain Security Management environment).


vsx_util <sub-command> [parameters]




-s <management IP>

Perform action using the specified management IP

-u <user name>

Perform the action using the specified administrator

-c <cluster or gateway name>

Perform the action on the specified cluster or VSX Gateway

-m <member name>

Perform the action on the specified member


Display help text



Note - You must close SmartDashboard before executing the vsx_util command if any Virtual Systems are defined on the Security Management Server or Multi-Domain Security Management Domain Management Server. Failure to do so may result in a database locked error.

The vsx_util command typically requires you to enter the following information before executing the command:

Included Topics
















Adds a new member to an existing VSX cluster.


vsx_util add_member


  • VSX cluster object name
  • New member name
  • IP for [interface]: IP address assigned to specified interface (IP address is required for management and sync network interfaces)


Run the command and follow the instructions on the screen. When the command finishes executing, you must also Run the vsx_util add_member_reconf command.

See Adding a New Member before using this command.



Restores VSX configuration after adding a cluster member


vsx_util add_member_reconf


  • VSX member object name: VSX cluster member name
  • Activation Key: SIC activation key assigned to the Security Management Server or main Domain Management Server
  • Retype Activation Key: Retype to confirm the SIC activation key


Execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen. Reboot the member after the command script finishes.

Review the procedure for defining a new member before using this command.



Automatically replaces designated existing interfaces with new interfaces on all Virtual Devices to which the existing interfaces connect.

This command is useful when converting a deployment to use Link Aggregation, especially where VLANs connect to many Virtual Devices.


vsx_util change_interfaces


  • This command is interactive. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  • This command supports the resume feature.
  • You can use this command to migrate a VSX deployment from an Open Server to a Check Point appliance by using the Management Only mode.
  • Refer to the notes for additional information.

Important - You must close SmartDashboard for all Multi-Domain Security Management Domain Management Servers using the affected interfaces prior to running this command.

Using vsx_util change_interfaces

To change interfaces:

  1. Close SmartDashboard for the Security Management Server and/or Multi-Domain Security Management Domain Management Servers.
  2. On the management server, enter the Expert Mode.
  3. Run vsx_util change_interfaces
  4. Enter the IP address for the Security Management Server or Multi-Domain Security Management main Domain Management Server.
  5. Enter the administrator name and password as requested.
  6. Enter or select the VSX cluster or VSX Gateway object name.
  7. When prompted, select one of the following options:
    • Apply changes to management and Security Gateway/cluster members: Changes the on the management server, the VSX Security Gateway and cluster members.
    • Apply changes to management Only: Changes interface on the management server only. You must use the vsx_util reconfigure command to push the updated configuration to VSX Gateways or cluster members.
  8. Select the interface to be replaced.
  9. Select the replacement interface.
    1. You can optionally add a new interface by selecting "Enter new interface name". This interface must physically exist on the VSX Gateway or cluster members or the operation will fail.
    2. At the prompt, enter the new interface name. If the new interface is a bond, the interface name must match the bond name exactly (bond names are case sensitive).
  10. To replace additional interfaces, enter y when prompted and repeat steps 6 through 8.
  11. To complete the process, enter n.
  12. If you selected the Apply changes to management only option, you can remove the replaced interfaces from the database. Enter "y" for this option:

    Would you like to remove the old interfaces from the database? (y|n) [n]:

  13. Reboot the VSX Gateway and/or cluster members as appropriate.




Changes gateway or cluster member management IP address within the same subnet. See sk92425.


vsx_util change_mgmt_ip


VSX Gateway/member object name

New management IP address


We recommend that you back up the management database before using this command.

Execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen.



Change the gateway or member management IP address to a different subnet. See sk92425.


vsx_util change_mgmt_subnet


  • VSX Gateway/member object name
  • New subnet mask


  • Backup the management database before using this command
  • Only automatically generated routes are changed by the command script. You must remove and/or change all manually created routes using the previous management subnet.

To perform this action, execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen. Reboot the VSX Gateway or cluster members after the command script finishes.



Changes the cluster internal communication network IP address.


vsx_util change_private_net


VSX cluster object name

New cluster private network: New IP address for the cluster private network


We recommend that you back up the management database before using this command.

The private network IP address must be unique and not used anywhere behind the VSX Gateway, cluster or Virtual Systems.

For an IPv4 cluster, the default cluster private network uses for the netmask. You can change this value.

For an IPv6 cluster, the new cluster private network must use /80 for the netmask.

Run the command and follow the instructions on the screen.



Converts the cluster type from High Availability to VSLS or from VSLS to High Availability


vsx_util convert_cluster


VSX cluster object name

ClusterXL mode: HA for High Availability or LS for Virtual System Load Sharing


Backup the management database before using this command.

To perform this action, execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen.

When switching to High Availability, all Virtual Systems are active on the same member by default. Peer Virtual Systems are standby on other members.

When converting to VSLS, all members must be in the Per Virtual System state.



Restores a VSX configuration to a newly installed gateway or cluster member


vsx_util reconfigure


VSX cluster member name

SIC activation key assigned to the Security Management Server or Domain Management Server

Retype to confirm the SIC activation key


For more about how to use the vsx_util reconfigure command for VSX Gateway R77.10, R77.20 or R77.30, go to:

sk97552: VSX Reconfigure and Upgrade Matrix to R77.10 / R77.20 / R77.30.


This command is also useful for restoring a gateway or cluster member after a system failure.

Execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen.

A new gateway or cluster member must have the same hardware specifications and configuration as its replacement and other cluster members. Most importantly, it must have the same number of interfaces (or more) and the same management IP address.

The new or replacement machine must be a new installation. You cannot use a machine with a previous VSX configuration.

In addition, see sk100395: How to backup and restore VSX gateway.



Removes a member from an existing cluster


vsx_util remove_member


Backup the management database before using this command

Make certain that you remove member license before executing this command

Execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen



Displays selected interface information in a VSX deployment. Provides information regarding interface types, connections to Virtual Devices, and IP addresses. The output appears on the screen and is also saved to the interfacesconfig.csv file.


vsx_util show_interfaces




1) All Interfaces

Show all interfaces (physical and Warp)

2) All Physical Interfaces

Show Physical interfaces only

3) All Warp Interfaces

Show Warp interfaces only

4) A Specific Interface

Enter the interface name when prompted to a specific interface.



Note - You cannot specify a VLAN tag as a parameter for the Specific Interface option. You can, however, specify an interface used as a VLAN (without the tag suffix) to view all tags associated with that interface. This is illustrated in the sample output below.

Sample Output

Expert@mgmt95:0]# vsx_util show_interfaces

Enter Security Management Server/main Domain Management Server IP address
(Hit 'ENTER' for 'localhost'):

Enter Administrator Name: jon

Enter Administrator Password:


Select VSX Gateway/cluster object name:

1) vsx-cluster

2) vsx-cluster_2

3) vsx-gw

4) vsx-gw_2

Select: 1


Which interface would you like to display?

  1)    All Interfaces

  2)    All Physical Interfaces

  3)    All Warp Interfaces

  4)    A Specific Interface

Enter your choice: 1



|Type & Interface|Virtual Device Name|VSID|               IP / Mask length      


|M eth0          |vsx-cluster        |0   |v4 v6 2001:0DB8::98/64


|S eth1          |vsx-cluster        |0   |v4                        


|U eth2          |vs1                |1   |v4 v6 2001:0DB8:c::1/64  


|U eth3          |vs1                |1   |v4 v6 2001:0DB8:b::1/64


|A eth4          |                   |    |               


|U eth5          |vs2                |2   |v4 v6 2001:0DB8:a::1/64


|A eth6          |                   |    |                                      




#Type: M - Management Interface    S - Synchronization Interface

#      V - VLAN Interface          W - Warp Interface

#      U - Used Interface          A - Available Interface

#      X - Unknown Interface       E - Error in Interface Properties



Upgrades Gateways and/or cluster members to newer versions


vsx_util upgrade


This command updates all VSX objects in the management database to the designated newer version.

Backs up the management server.

Execute the command and follow the instructions on the screen.

After the command script finishes, execute the vsx_util reconfigure command.



Displays Virtual Device configuration and status, including troubleshooting information. This command also compares the management server database with the actual VSX Gateways and cluster member configurations.


vsx_util view_vs_conf


[Expert@mgmt95:0]# vsx_util view_vs_conf

Enter Security Management Server/main Domain Management Server IP address (
Hit 'ENTER' for 'localhost'):

Enter Administrator Name: jon

Enter Administrator Password:


Select VSX gateway/cluster object name:

1) vsx-cluster

2) vsx_cluster_2

3) vsx-gw

4) vsx-gw_2

Select: 1


Select Virtual Device object name:

1) vs1

2) vs2

3) vs3

4) vsx-cluster

Select: 1


Type: Virtual System


Interfaces configuration table:



|Interfaces |Mgmt |VSX GW(s) |


|Name | IP / Mask length | |mem96 |mem97 |


|eth2 |v4 v6 2001:db8::abc::1/64 | V | V | V |

|eth3 |v4 v6 2001:db8::3121/64 | V | V | V |




Interfaces Table Legend:


V - Interface exists on the gateway and matches management information
(if defined on the management).

- - Interface does not exist on the gateway.

N/A - Fetching Virtual Device configuration from the gateway failed.

!IP - Interface exists on the gateway, but there is an IP address mismatch.

!MASK - Interface exists on the gateway, but there is a Net Mask mismatch.


Routing table:



|Ipv4 Routes                                               |Mgmt |VSX GW(s)    |


|Destination / Mask Length |Gateway             |Interface |     |mem96 |mem97 |


|                |                    |eth2      |  V  |  V   |  V   |

|                |                    |eth3      |  V  |  V   |  V   |





|Ipv6 Routes                                               |Mgmt |VSX GW(s)    |


|Destination / Mask Length |Gateway             |Interface |     |mem96 |mem97 |


|2001:db8::abc::/64        |                    |eth2      |  V  | !NH  | !NH  |

|2001:db8:0a::/64          |                    |eth3      |  V  | !NH  | !NH  |


|2001:db8::1ffe:0:0:0/112  |                    |eth2      |  -  |  V   |  V   |

|2001:db8::fd9a:0:1:0/112  |                    |eth3      |  -  |  V   |  V   |



Routing Table Legend:


V - Route exists on the gateway and matches management information
(if defined on the management).

- - Route does not exist on the gateway.

N/A - Fetching Virtual Device configuration from the gateway failed.

!NH - Route exists on the gateway, but there is a Next Hop mismatch.


Note: Routes can be created automatically on the gateways by the Operating

Therefore, routes that appear on all gateways, but are not defined on the
management,do not necessarily indicate a problem.




Displays the Virtual System Load Sharing Menu, which allows you to perform a variety of configuration tasks for Load Sharing deployments. You perform configuration tasks interactively by following the instructions on the screen.


vsx_util vsls


VS Load Sharing - Menu


1. Display current VS Load sharing configuration

2. Distribute all Virtual Systems so that each cluster
member is equally loaded

3. Set all VSs active on one member

4. Manually set priority and weight

5. Import configuration from a file

6. Export configuration to a file

7. Exit


Enter redistribution option (1-7) [1]


  • This command is interactive. Select the desired menu option and follow the instructions on the screen.

You use the vsx_util vsls command to perform various Virtual System Load Sharing configuration tasks, including:

  1. Displaying the current VSLS configuration
  2. Distributing Virtual Systems equally amongst cluster members
  3. Set all Virtual Systems as active on one member
  4. Manually define the priority and weight for individual Virtual Systems
  5. Import VSLS configurations from comma separated value (CSV) text files
  6. Export VSLS configurations to comma separated value (CSV) text files
  7. Exporting and Import VSLS configurations from/to comma separated value (CSV) text files

To work with the vsx_util vsls command:

  1. Run vsx_util vsls from the Expert mode on the management server
  2. Select the desired choice from the VSLS menu