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Working with Cluster Members

This section presents procedures for adding and deleting cluster members, as well as for upgrading existing cluster members to VSX.

Included Topics

Adding a New Member

Deleting a Member

Upgrading Cluster Members

Adding a New Member

Important - Verify that no other administrators are connected to the management server before proceeding. The vsx_util command cannot modify the management database if the database is locked because other administrators are connected.

To add a new member to an existing cluster:

  1. Close SmartDashboard and backup the management database.
  2. From the management server CLI, enter expert mode.
  3. Run the vsx_util add_member command and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Wait until the add member operation finished successfully message appears, indicating that the database has been successfully updated and saved.

    Note - In a Multi-Domain Security Management environment, this operation will skip any Domain Management Servers locked by an administrator. If this should occur, run the operation again for the relevant Domain Management Servers once they become available.

  5. Open SmartDashboard and verify that an object representing the new member appears in the specified cluster.
  6. If necessary, modify the cluster configuration.
  7. Close SmartDashboard.
  8. From the management server CLI, enter expert mode.
  9. Run the vsx_util add_member_reconf command and follow the on-screen instructions.
  10. Wait until the Reconfigure module operation completed successfully summary notice appears.

    Note - In a Multi-Domain Security Management environment, the operation will skip any Domain Management Servers locked by an administrator. If this should occur, run the operation again for the relevant Domain Management Servers when they become available.

  11. Reboot the new member.
  12. If the cluster is running in the VSLS mode, run vsx_util vsls to redistribute Virtual Systems to the newly added member.

Deleting a Member

Important - Verify that no other administrators are connected to the management server before proceeding. The vsx_util command cannot modify the management database if the database is locked.

You perform this operation using the management server command line. It is strongly recommended that you back up the database prior to removing a member.

To remove a member from a cluster:

  1. Detach the license from the member to be removed. You cannot remove a member if the license is attached.
  2. Close SmartDashboard.
  3. From the management server command line, run the vsx_util remove_member command. Perform the following tasks as prompted:
    1. Enter the Security Gateway or main Domain Management Server IP address.
    2. Enter the administrator name and password.
    3. Type 'y' to confirm that you have detached the license from the member.
    4. Select the cluster name.
    5. Select the cluster member name.
    6. Type 'y' to confirm that the member to be removed has been disconnected.
  4. Wait until the remove member operation finished successfully message appears. The database is now updated and saved. In SmartDashboard, the object for the deleted member no longer appears in the specified cluster.
  5. Open SmartDashboard and verify that deleted member no longer appears in the specified cluster.

    Note - In a Multi-Domain Security Management environment, the operation will skip any Domain Management Servers locked by an administrator. If this should occur, run the operation again for the relevant Domain Management Servers when they become available.

Upgrading Cluster Members

This section describes the procedures for upgrading cluster members that were initially installed using an earlier version of VSX. You perform the upgrade process using the vsx_util upgrade command. Afterwards, you use the vsx_util reconfigure command to apply settings stored in the management database to the newly upgraded member.

Upgrading a Member to the Current Version

Important - Verify that no other administrators are connected to the management server before proceeding. The vsx_util command cannot modify the management database if the database is locked.

To upgrade the cluster and its members:

  1. Close SmartDashboard.
  2. From the management server command line, enter Expert mode.
  3. Run: vsx_util upgrade

    Enter when prompted:

    • Security Gateway or main Domain Management Server IP address
    • Administrator name and password
    • Cluster name
    • Select the version to upgrade to
  4. Wait until the Finished upgrading/database saved successfully message appears, indicating that the database has been updated and saved.
  5. Open SmartDashboard and verify that an object representing the new member now appears in the specified cluster.

    Note - In a Multi-Domain Security Management environment, the operation will skip any Domain Management Servers locked by an administrator. If this should occur, run the operation again for the relevant Domain Management Servers when they become available.

  6. Install VSX on each upgraded member.
  7. Run the initial configuration steps on each member:
    1. Define the IP address, net mask, and default gateway.
    2. Install a valid license.
    3. Set the SIC activation key.
    4. Configure the cluster properties as required. These property settings must be the same as defined for the other cluster members.

    If you upgrade with CPUSE, you can skip the next step and reboot when the gateway is ready.

  8. Run: vsx_util reconfigure

    Enter when prompted:

    1. Management server or main Domain Management Server IP address
    2. Administrator name and password
    3. SIC activation key for the upgraded member

    This action installs the existing security policy and configuration on the newly upgraded members.

  9. Wait until the Finished upgrading/database saved successfully message appears.
  10. Reboot each member.

Notes to the Upgrade Process