In This Section: |
This section describes how to create a new VSX cluster using the VSX Cluster Wizard. The wizard guides you through the following steps to configure a VSX cluster.
After completing the VSX Cluster Wizard, you can modify most cluster and member properties directly from SmartDashboard.
To create a new cluster:
If you are using Multi-Domain Security Management, open SmartDashboard from the Domain Management Server in which you are creating the cluster.
The General Properties page of the VSX Cluster Wizard opens.
The Cluster General Properties page contains basic identification properties for VSX clusters.
This window contains the following properties:
Note - All cluster members must use the type of platform, with the same specifications and configuration. |
The Virtual Systems Creation Templates allows you to select a Virtual System Creation Template that automatically applies predefined, default topology and routing definitions to Virtual Systems when they are first created. This feature ensures consistency among Virtual Systems and speeds up the provisioning process.
You always have the option of overriding the default creation template when creating or modifying a Virtual System
The available creation templates are as follows:
The VSX Cluster Members window defines the members of the new cluster. You must define at least two cluster members, and up to as many as eight members. You can add new members later.
To add a new cluster member:
The VSX Cluster Interfaces window lets you define physical interfaces as VLAN trunks. The list displayed contains all interfaces currently defined on the gateway machine or cluster.
To configure a VLAN trunk:
Select an interface to define it as a VLAN trunk. You can clear an interface to remove the VLAN trunk assignment.
Important - You cannot define the management interface as a VLAN trunk. To use a VLAN as the management interface, you must define the VLAN on the Security Gateway before you use SmartDashboard to create the VSX Gateway. |
If you selected the custom configuration option, the VSX Cluster Members window appears. In this window, you define the synchronization IP address for each member.
To configure the cluster members:
To use a VLAN as a synchronization interface:
and add this line:fwha_monitor_all_vlan=1
The VSX Gateway Management page allows you to define several security policy rules that protect the cluster itself. This policy is installed automatically on the new VSX cluster.
Note - This policy applies only to traffic destined for the cluster. Traffic destined for Virtual Systems, other Virtual Devices, external networks, and internal networks is not affected by this policy. |
The security policy consists of predefined rules covering the following services:
For example, you may wish to allow UDP echo-request traffic in order to be able to ping cluster members from the management server.
Click New Source Object to define a new source.
For more about security policies, see the R77 Security Management Administration Guide.
To complete the VSX Cluster Wizard:
It can take several minutes to complete. A message appears indicating successful or unsuccessful completion of the process.
If the process ends unsuccessfully, click View Report to view the error messages. See to the troubleshooting steps for more information