Auditing Changes with SmartView Tracker
Actions performed using SmartWorkflow are recorded in the audit logs and can be viewed using SmartView Tracker. Actions are logged in real time when saved in SmartDashboard. You can view the logs at any time, whether or not the session has been approved or the policy has been installed.
Viewing Session Activity in SmartView Tracker
To view session activity in SmartView Tracker:
- In the window, select a session and then click.
An instance of SmartDashboard opens to the selected session.
- In the Session Information pane, click .
SmartView Tracker opens to the log entries for the selected session.
Auditing Objects and Rules in SmartView Tracker
To view changes to objects or rules:
To see the changes made to a specific rule:
- Right-click on the rule number. You will see all changes to the specific rule package.
The records include the following categories of information: the date and time when changes were made, the application used to make the changes, the type of operation performed, the type and specific name of the object, the changes made, and the administrator who performed the changes.
Creating Custom SmartView Tracker Queries
You can create your own queries and filters with SmartView Tracker to audit changes to your security and network environment. Feel free to experiment using all of the advanced features available with this powerful tool. For detailed information regarding the use of SmartView tracker, refer to the SmartView Tracker online help.
To open SmartView Tracker directly from SmartDashboard, select from the menu.