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Create or Modify Policy Objects (Hosts, Networks)

This section shows sample scripts that create one or more new network or service objects. You can combine one or more of these samples into one script file.

We recommend that you add the update_all command to the end of the script file.


You can use a script to manage database objects that include:

These are sample scripts that show how to create and configure the database objects.

Creating a Network

This sample script:

  1. Create the Network object with the name "net-internal"
  2. Modifies this Network object to configure its IPv4 address
  3. Modifies this Network object to configure its IPv4 Netmask
  4. Adds a comment to describe what the object is for (optional) - "Created by fwadmin with dbedit"

The dbedit Script:

create network net-internal

modify network_objects net-internal ipaddr

modify network_objects net-internal netmask

modify network_objects net-internal comments "Created by fwadmin with dbedit"

Configuring Automatic NAT

If your network uses NAT (Network Address Translation), you can use dbedit (see skI3301) to configure an Automatic NAT rule. Add these lines to a script only for a network that uses Automatic NAT rules.

This sample script creates an Automatic NAT rule for the net-internal network that starts with the IP address

The next four modify lines are optional and are only needed if you want

to do an automatic NAT rule for this object.

modify network_objects net-internal add_adtr_rule true

modify network_objects net-internal NAT NAT

Set the NAT type, adtr_static or adtr_hide

modify network_objects net-internal NAT:netobj_adtr_method adtr_hide

Set the "valid" IP address for this object.

For a static NAT on a network, the assumption is there is a 1-to-1 ratio

between untranslated and translated addresses and the valid range is

contiguous. This setting is the first IP address in this range.

modify network_objects net-internal NAT:valid_ipaddr

Creating a Host

This sample script creates the host host-10 with the IP address

Create the actual object (of type host_plain)

create host_plain host-10

Modify the host IP address

modify network_objects host-10 ipaddr

Add a comment to describe what the object is for (optional)

modify network_objects host-10 comments "Created by fwadmin with dbedit"

You can also add the lines to this script to configure Automatic NAT for the host. The modify commands for this sample rule starts with: modify network_objects host-10

Creating an Address Range

This sample script creates the address range object addr-range with the IP addresses to

Create the actual object (of type address_range)

create address_range addr-range

Modify the first IP address in the range

modify network_objects addr-range ipaddr_first

Modify the last IP address in the range

modify network_objects addr-range ipaddr_last

Add a comment to describe what the object is for (optional)

modify network_objects addr-range comments "Created by fwadmin with dbedit"

You can also add the lines to this script to configure Automatic NAT for the address range object. The modify commands for this sample rule starts with: modify network_objects addr-range

Renaming and Deleting Objects

You can change the name of an object or delete it from the database. When you change the name of an object the Security Policy is also updated with the new name.

Rename the network object addr-range to IPv4-range

rename network_objects addr-range IPv4-range

When you delete an object, the references to it are also deleted from the Rule Base. The delete command fails if there is a different object that is dependent on it.

Delete the network object addr-range

delete network_objects addr-range

Network Groups

You can create and use a group object as a container for network and host objects.

Creating a Network Group

Create a network group that uses networks and hosts. Make sure that these objects are in the management database before you create a network group.

This sample script creates the object host-group for the hosts host-100 and host-101.

Create a group object

create network_object_group host-group

Add the individual elements to the group

addelement network_objects host-group '' network_objects:host-100

addelement network_objects host-group '' network_objects:host-101

Configuring and Deleting a Network Group

You can remove a network or host from a network group. This sample script removes host-100 from host-group.

Remove individual elements from the group

rmelement network_objects host-group '' network_objects:host-100

You can rename or remove a network group almost the same as objects.

Rename the network object host-group to host-ipaddrs

Rename network_objects host-group host-ipaddrs

Delete the network object host-ipaddrs

delete network_objects host-ipaddrs


Services are objects that are used for network protocols.

Creating a Service

This sample script creates these services:

Renaming and Deleting a Service

You can rename or remove a service almost the same as objects.

Rename inspect_svc to inspect_tcp123

rename services inspect_svc inspect_tcp123

Delete the network object inspect_tcp123

delete services inspect_tcp123

Service Groups

You can create and use a group object as a container for service objects.

Creating a Service Group

Create a service group for more than one service. Make sure that the service objects are in the management database before you create a service group.

This sample script creates the object mysvc-group for the services SSH and HTTPS.

Create a group object

create service_group mysvc-group

Add the individual elements to the group

addelement services mysvc-group '' services:ssh

addelement services mysvc-group '' services:https

Configuring and Deleting a Service Group

You can remove a network or host from a network group. This sample script removes the SSH service from mysvc-group.

Remove individual elements from the group

rmelement services mysvc-group '' services:ssh

You can rename or remove a network group almost the same as objects.

Rename the service group mysvc-group to myservices

rename services mysvc-group myservices

Delete the network object my services

delete services myservices

Object Naming Restrictions

These are some of the restrictions for object names:

To see a full list of the naming restrictions, go to sk40179.