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Changing a Rule Base

This section shows sample scripts that change the Policy on a Domain Management Server named Standard. We recommend that you write the scripts in a text file and then you import the file to dbedit.

Adding a Rule

When you use dbedit command (see skI3301) to add a rule, the rule must be added to the bottom of the Rule Base by manually specifying the rule number. If the policy contains no other rules, the rule becomes the policy’s first rule.

Note - Rules in SmartDashboard start with rule number 1. Rules in dbedit start with rule number 0.

This sample script creates a new policy called DemoPolicy with a Rule Base that contains this rule:









create policies_collection ##DemoPolicy

modify policies_collections ##DemoPolicy comments "Demo"

modify policies_collections ##DemoPolicy default 1

update policies_collections ##DemoPolicy

create firewall_policy ##DemoPolicy

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy default 0

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy collection policies_collections:##DemoPolicy

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule security_rule

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:name "AcceptAll"

rmbyindex fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:track 0

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:track tracks:None

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:time globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:install:'' globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:action accept_action:accept

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:src:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:src:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:dst:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:dst:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:services:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##DemoPolicy rule:0:services:op ''


Changing a Rule

This sample script changes this rule:






Original rule 4





New rule 4






Modify Rule 4

Previous rule was any any any accept, it will now be any dmz ssh accept


modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:comments "Allow SSH to firewall with logging"

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:disabled false

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:track 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:track tracks:Log

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:action 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:action accept_action:accept

rmelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:src:'' globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:src:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:src:op ''

rmelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:dst:'' globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:dst:'' network_objects:DMZ

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:dst:op ''

rmelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:services:'' globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:services:'' services:ssh

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:3:services:op ''

Adding a Rule - Middle of Rule Base

When it is necessary to add a rule to the middle of a Rule Base, you cannot use dbedit (see skI3301) to simply insert a rule.

  1. Delete all the rules that are after the new rule you are adding.
  2. Create one or more new rules.
  3. Add again the rules that you deleted in step 1.

This sample script adds a new rule number 2 in a Rule Base that has three rules.

Note - Rules in SmartDashboard start with rule number 1. Rules in dbedit start with rule number 0.


Delete rule 2 and 3 (delete in reverse order)


rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule 2

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule 1


Add new rule 2


addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule security_rule

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:comments "Firewall stealth rule"

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:disabled false

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:track 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:track tracks:Log

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:time globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:install:'' globals:Any

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:action 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:action drop_action:drop

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:src:'' network_objects:net-internal

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:src:op 'not in'

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:dst:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:dst:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:services:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:1:services:op ''


Add New Rule 3 (Old Rule 2)


addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule security_rule

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:comments "Allow selected hosts outbound"

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:disabled false

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:track 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:track tracks:Log

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:time globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:install:'' globals:Any

rmbyindex fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:action 0

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:action accept_action:accept

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:src:'' network_objects:flamer-100

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:src:'' network_objects:flamer-101

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:src:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:dst:'' network_objects:net-internal

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:dst:op 'not in'

addelement fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:services:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##Standard rule:2:services:op ''


Add New Rule 4 (Old Rule 3)


addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule security_rule

modify fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:comments "Drop all"

modify fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:disabled false

rmbyindex fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:track 0

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:track tracks:Log

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:time globals:Any

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:install:'' globals:Any

rmbyindex fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:action 0

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:action drop_action:drop

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:src:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:src:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:dst:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:dst:op ''

addelement fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:services:'' globals:Any

modify fw_policies ##MyPolicy rule:3:services:op ''