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Upgrading Hardware Components

In This Section:

Upgrading the CMM Firmware on N+1 Chassis

Upgrading the CMM Firmware on N+N Chassis

Upgrading SSM160 to SSM440

Upgrading SSM Firmware

Upgrading the CMM Firmware on N+1 Chassis

You can upgrade or downgrade a CMM firmware version on an N+1 Chassis.

In a Dual-Chassis configuration, first upgrade the CMMs on the Standby Chassis, then fail over the Active Chassis and upgrade it. All CMMs in both Chassis must have the same firmware version after the upgrade or downgrade.

Important - At certain points during this procedure, the Chassis will not have a functional CMM. At these times, hardware monitoring data is not collected and the Chassis fans rotate at maximum speed.


Procedure 1 - With Physical Access to the Chassis

Use this procedure to upgrade or downgrade the CMM Firmware on an N+1 Chassis, if there is physical access to the Chassis.





Change the Standby Chassis to Admin DOWN state.

# asg chassis_admin –c <Chassis_B_ID> down


Connect to an SGM on the Standby Chassis with SSH or a serial console.



Download the applicable firmware version. Usually the latest recommended firmware file is located at:



Copy and extract the file on the SGM to /var/log/.

# tar -xvf $FWDIR/conf/hw_firmware/SM_update.tar -C /var/log/


Remove all CMMs from the Standby Chassis.



Reinstall one CMM into the Standby Chassis.



Copy the firmware files from the SGM to the CMM /tmp/ directory.

The password is: admin

# scp /var/log/sentry.shmm500.* admin@


Open a console connection to the serial port on the CMM front panel.

Use the Default parameters: 9600,8,N,1


Verify system health.

This confirms that all upgrade files and sentry files successfully copied to the CMM.

# clia shelf info_force_update

# ls /tmp

Important - We recommend that you manually enter the commands below. Because of the length of the command, copy/paste can cause unexpected behaviors.


Run these commands:

# cd /tmp

# setenv rc2 /etc/rc.asis

# clia terminate

# rupgrade_tool -s -v --r=sentry.shmm500.rfs --k=sentry.shmm500.kernel --u=sentry.shmm500.u-boot --hook=erase


Run the firmware installation script.



Follow the instructions on the screen.

When prompted, select the applicable Chassis parameters.

For more information about the PSU type, see sk91980.

Note - The screens that show can be slightly different.

Select one of following options.
1: Press 1 for AC1(Telkoor) or DC.
2: Press 2 for AC2(Lambda).
3: Press 3 for DC power records.

Power records Modification
1: Press 1 for AC power records.
2: Press 2 for DC power records.
3: Press 3 to skip.

EEprom upgrading
1: Press 1 for EEProm upgrading.
2: Press 2 to skip.


If the Chassis ID is 2, change the Chassis ID setting.

# sed -i 's/CHASSID="1"/CHASSID="2"/g' /etc/shmm.cfg

# reboot


Make sure Chassis ID is correct.

Outputs of these commands must be the same and must show correct Chassis ID.

If the outputs do not match, stop the procedure and contact Check Point Support immediately.

# grep SHMM_CHASSID /etc/shmm.cfg


# clia shelfaddress


To upgrade the second CMM:

  • Remove the first upgraded CMM
  • Install the second CMM
  • Repeat Steps 7 - 13



Insert both of the CMMs and make sure the Active and Standby CMMs both have the same firmware version.

> asg_version -i


Set the Standby Chassis to Admin UP state.

> asg chassis_admin -c <Chassis_ID> up


To upgrade the second (Active) Chassis CMMs:

  • Perform Chassis failover to the Standby Chassis
  • Repeat Steps 1 - 17 on the new Standby Chassis


Procedure 2 - No Physical Access to the Chassis

Use this procedure to upgrade or downgrade the CMM Firmware on an N+1 Chassis, if there is no physical access to the Chassis.

This procedure requires a console connection to both CMMs.





Set the Standby Chassis to administratively DOWN state.

# asg chassis_admin –c <Chassis_B_ID> down


Open a console connection to the serial port on the Active and Standby CMMs on the Standby chassis.

Note - Use the Default parameters: 9600,8,N,1



Connect to an SGM on the Standby chassis over SSH, or a serial console.



Download the applicable firmware version.

The latest recommended firmware file is usually located here:




Copy and extract the file on the SGM to /var/log.

# tar -xvf $FWDIR/conf/hw_firmware/SM_update.tar -C /var/log/


Terminate the Standby CMM.

To identify the Standby CMM:

# clia shmstatus

From the Standby CMM console connection:

# clia terminate


Copy the firmware files from the SGM to the active CMM in the /tmp/ directory.

The password is: admin

# scp /var/log/sentry.shmm500.* admin@


Run these commands from the console connection to the Active CMM.

# cd /tmp

# setenv rc2 /etc/rc.asis

# clia terminate

# rupgrade_tool -s -v --r=sentry.shmm500.rfs --k=sentry.shmm500.kernel --u=sentry.shmm500.u-boot --hook=erase


Run the firmware installation executable.

Press Enter when prompted, to reboot the CMM.



Follow the instructions on the screen.

When prompted, select the applicable Chassis parameters.

For more information about the PSU type, see sk91980.

Note - The screens that show can differ slightly.

Select one of following options.

1: Press 1 for AC1(Telkoor) or DC.

2: Press 2 for AC2(Lambda).

3: Press 3 for DC power records.


Power records Modification

1: Press 1 for AC power records.

2: Press 2 for DC power records.

3: Press 3 to skip.


EEprom upgrading

1: Press 1 for EEProm upgrading.

2: Press 2 to skip.


If the Chassis ID is 2, change the Chassis ID setting.

# sed -i 's/CHASSID="1"/CHASSID="2"/g' /etc/shmm.cfg

# reboot


Make sure Chassis ID is correct.

Outputs of these commands must be the same and must show correct Chassis ID.

If the outputs do not match, stop the procedure and contact Check Point Support immediately.

# grep SHMM_CHASSID /etc/shmm.cfg


# clia shelfaddress


Terminate the Active CMM.

From the Active CMM console connection:

# clia terminate

# ifconfig eth0 down

# ifconfig eth1 down


Activate the Standby CMM, after reboot.

This CMM will be the Active CMM.

From the Standby CMM console connection:

# reboot


Install the firmware on the Active CMM.

Do Steps 7-11.



Activate the Standby CMM.

From the Standby CMM console connection:

# reboot


Make sure that the Active and Standby CMMs both have the same firmware version.

# asg_version -i


Set the Standby Chassis to administratively UP state.

# asg chassis_admin –c <Chassis_B_ID> up


To upgrade the second (Active) Chassis CMMs:

  • Perform Chassis failover to the Standby Chassis
  • Repeat Steps 1 - 18 on the new Standby Chassis