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Installing and Uninstalling a Hotfix on SGMs

In This Section:

Installing a Hotfix on SGMs

Uninstalling a Hotfix on SGMs

Installing a Hotfix on SGMs


Use asg_hf_installer to install one Hotfix on SGMs.

Best Practice - We recommend you follow the directions that come with the Hotfix.


# asg_hf_installer -b <SGM_IDs> install file <File_Name> [no_confirm] [no_reboot] [force] [no_sync] [sync_reg] [admin_up] [no_admin_down] [no_crs]




-b <SGM_IDs>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <SGM_IDs>.

<SGM_IDs> can be:

  • No <SGM_IDs> specified, or all - Applies to all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM (for example, 1_1)
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (for example, 1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (for example, 1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (chassis1, or chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)



Specifies to perform the installation of the Hotfix.

file <File_Name>

Specifies the Hotfix path and file name.

This must be a .tgz file.


Installs the Hotfix without asking any questions.


Installs the Hotfix without reboot.


Installs the Hotfix, even if it was installed already.


Does not synchronize files listed in the /etc/xfer_file_list file during the next reboot.


Synchronizes Check Point Registry during the next reboot.

Default: Check Point Registry is not synchronized.


Changes the state to Admin Up when you have finished the Hotfix installation.

Default: Admin Down state.


Does not change the state to the Admin Down position at the beginning of the Hotfix installation.

Default: Change to Admin Down state.


For internal Check Point use only.


# asg_hf_installer -b chassis2 install file /var/log/fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R76SP_30_JHF.tgz

Hotfix Installation Wizard


Extracting fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R7...                                  [OK]



You are about to perform Hotfix installation on blades: 2_01,2_02,2_03

Installing hotfix requires the following stages:

1. Setting to admin down SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03.

2. Rebooting of SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03.


Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y


Hotfix installation requires auditing

Enter your full name: <name>

Enter reason for Hotfix installation [Maintenance]:

WARNING: Hotfix installation on blades: 2_01,2_02,2_03, User: <name>, Reason: Maintenance


Installing Hotfix


Creating /tmp/hotfix/ on SGMS...                                     [OK]

Copying fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R7 to SGMS...                             [OK]

Setting execution permission to fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R76SP_30_JHF...   [OK]

Setting SGMs to down...                                              [OK]

Installing hotfix on 2_01,2_02,2_03...                               [OK]

Reboot of SGMs 2_01,2_02,2_03 is necessary, reboot now?(y/n)



Add registry commands to the registry commands file on requested SGMs [OK]

Deleting temp files...                                               [OK]





Installation of hotfix completed successfully


Rebooting SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03...                                    [OK]

Uninstalling a Hotfix on SGMs


Use the asg_hf_installer command to uninstall one Hotfix on SGMs.

Best Practice - We recommend you follow the directions that come with the Hotfix.


# asg_hf_installer <SGMS_IDs> uninstall file <Path_and_File_Name> [no_confirm] [no_reboot] [no_sync ] [sync_reg ] [admin_up] [no_admin_down]

# asg_hf_installer <SGMS_IDs> uninstall name <Hotfix_Name> [no_confirm] [no_reboot] [no_sync ] [sync_reg ] [admin_up] [no_admin_down]




-b <SGMS_IDs>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <SGM_IDs>.

<SGM_IDs> can be:

  • No <SGM_IDs> specified, or all - Applies to all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM (for example, 1_1)
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (for example, 1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (for example, 1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (chassis1, or chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)



Uninstalls the specified Hotfix.

file <Path_and_File_Name>

Specifies the Hotfix full path and file name (as saved in Check Point Registry).

name <Hotfix_Name>

Specifies the legal Hotfix name.

This Hotfix must be installed on the requested SGMs.

The Hotfix name is the same as that of the Hotfix name used during the installation, but without the .tgz postfix.


Uninstalls the Hotfix without asking any questions.


Uninstalls the Hotfix without reboot.


Does not synchronize files listed in the /etc/xfer_file_list file during the next reboot.


Synchronizes Check Point Registry during the next reboot.

Default: Check Point Registry is not synchronized.


Changes the state to Admin Up when you have finished the Hotfix uninstall.

Default: Admin Down state.


Does not change the state to the Admin Down position at the beginning of the Hotfix uninstall.

Default: Change to Admin Down state.

Syntax examples

# asg_hf_installer -b chassis2 uninstall name fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R76SP_30_J50_012

# asg_hf_installer -b chassis2 uninstall file $FWDIR/.../uninstall_fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R76SP_30_J50_012

Example output

# asg_hf_installer -b chassis2 uninstall name fw1_wrapper_HOTFIX_R76SP_30_J50_012

Hotfix Removal Wizard


Getting silent uninstall command on all requested SGMs               [OK]

Check uninstall file exists on all requested SGMs                    [OK]



You are about to perform Hotfix installation on blades: 2_01,2_02,2_03

Removing hotfix requires the following stages:

1. Setting to admin down SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03.

2. Rebooting of SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03.

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y

Hotfix installation requires auditing

Enter your full name: <name>

Enter reason for Hotfix installation [Maintenance]:

WARNING: Hotfix installation on blades: 2_01,2_02,2_03, User: <name>, Reason: Maintenance

Removing Hotfix


Setting SGMs to down...                                              [OK]

Removing hotfix on 2_01,2_02,2_03...                                 [OK]

Reboot of SGMs 2_01,2_02,2_03 is necessary, reboot now?(y/n)


Add registry commands to the registry commands file on requested SGMs[OK]

Deleting temp files...                                               [OK]



Removal of hotfix completed successfully

Rebooting SGMs: 2_01,2_02,2_03...                                    [OK]
