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Configuring Link Aggregation (Bonding)

Link Aggregation combines multiple physical interfaces into a virtual interface called a bond. Bonded interfaces (known as slaves) add redundancy to a connection and increase the connection throughput to a level beyond what is possible with a single physical interface.

To create an interface bond:

  1. Create a bonding group:

    > add bonding group <bond_id>

  2. Set a bonding mode:
    • 802.3ad (LAPC): > set bonding group <bond_id> mode 8023AD
    • XOR: > set bonding group <bond_id> mode XOR
  3. Set the slave interface to on:

    > set interface <if_name> state on

  4. Enslave the interfaces to the bond:

    > add bonding group <bond_id> interface <if_name>

If you use VSX:

  1. Add the interface bond to the physical interfaces of VS0.
  2. Delete the slave interfaces of VS0.

Note - Before you run the Link Aggregation commands, make sure that the slave interfaces do not have an IP address already assigned.

Related Topics

Creating a Bonding Group

Setting a Bonding Mode (set bonding group)

Setting a Polling interval

Setting the Slave Interface to On

Enslaving Interfaces

Removing Slaves from a Bond

Deleting a Bonding Group

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