Incidents - MITRE

The MITRE ATT&CK is a framework that breaks down the cyber attack lifecycle into its component stages and provides in-depth information about how each stage was accomplished.

To view the MITRE page:

  1. Access Infinity XDRClosed Extended Detection & Response/XPRClosed Extended Prevention & Response and click IncidentsIncidents.

  2. Click the incident title or hover over the incident and click >.

  3. Click MITRE.

MITRE ATT&CK organizes information into a hierarchy:

  • Tactics: The column headers, represent adversaries' tactical goals in a cyber attack.

  • Techniques: The cells under the tactic, represent the known methodologies available to achieve each tactic.

The number in a cell indicates the number of insights associated with the tactic or technique in the incident. Click the number to view the Incidents - Insights & Forensics page searching for the chosen tactic or technique.