Incidents - Attack Map

An Attack map shows the connections between assets and their associated artifacts and indicators in an incident.

To view the Attack map of an incident:

  1. Access the Infinity XDRClosed Extended Detection & Response/XPRClosed Extended Prevention & Response Administrator Portal and click IncidentsIncidents.

  2. Click the incident title or hover over the incident and click >.

  3. Click Attack graphs > Attack map.

Reading an Attack Map





ArtifactClosed A domin, URL, IP address or file impacted by the security attack. For example, an encrypted file. or IndicatorClosed A malicious artifact, such as domain, URL, IP address, and files.

Note - For artifacts, the color code indicates their severity.

To view the attack map of an asset:

  1. Click the asset.

    The system highlights all the artifacts and indicators connected to the asset.

    You can drag and re-arrange the asset and the connected artifacts/indicators to view their connection in detail.

  2. To view the artifact details, hover over it.

    The card shows:

    • Check Point reputation score of the artifact.

    • Threat classification of the artifact (when available)

    • Malware family of the artifact (when available)

    • To view the Intelligence information about the artifact, click Intelligence. The system opens the Intelligence page and shows the data filtered by the artifact's IP address.

    • To view the Threat Hunting information about the artifact, click Threat hunting. The system opens the Threat Hunting page and shows the data filtered by the artifact's IP address.

  3. To view the insight summary of the connection, hover over the link.

  4. To find an asset, artifact or indicator on the attack map, on the right pane, in the Highlight search field, enter the value.

    The system highlights the node on the map.

  5. To search and view only the nodes connected to the searched value, enter the value in the Search field at the top.

  6. To view a miniature version of the attack map, see the mini-map at the top-right corner.

Filtering an Attack Map

You can filter an Attack map by:

  • Groups

    • By Asset type:

      1. In the Group by section, select the Asset type checkbox.

        The system shows the attack map grouped by asset type.

      2. To view the assets in a group, click the icon or the grouped node.

      3. To go back to the grouped view, click or click anywhere within the group.

    • By Indicators and Artifacts type:

      In the Group by section, select the Indicator & Artifact type checkbox.

      The system shows the attack map grouped by indicator/artifact type.

  • Asset type

    • Machine

    • User

    • IP Address

  • Indicator and Artifact type

    • Registry

    • Process

    • URL

    • IP Address

    • File

  • Indicator severity

    • Critical

    • High

    • Medium

    • Low

    • Informational

    • N/A (artifact)

  • InsightClosed An aggregation of one or more logs into valuable observations indicating the nature of the activity. severity

    • Critical

    • High

    • Medium

    • Low

    • Informational