API Keys

You can create and manage Application Program Interface (API) keys for Infinity Portal services to automate your configuration and integrate with third-party applications. For more information about the Infinity Portal API, see the API documentation. Each third-party application must receive its own API Key. These are the types of API Keys:

Account API Key

Includes access to one Infinity Portal service in your Infinity Portal account

User API Key

Includes access to Infinity Portal services that a specific user can access from his account. If an administrator of the Infinity Portal account changes the Specific ServiceClosed A Check Point service offering that helps customers with deployments or technical services for Check Point products. Roles for the user, the changes also apply to the User API Key. For information about assigning roles to users, see Users and User Groups.

These actions are not supported for a User API Key:

  • Change user profile

  • Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) other API Keys.

  • Switch to a different Infinity Portal account

  • Delete an Infinity Portal account

  • Modify Infinity Portal account settings (examples: Users, Services and Contracts)