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Adaptive Response Action

In This Section:

Defining Searches

Creating Correlation Search and Associating Actions

This app includes Check Point Upload IOC AR action. This action uploads the specified IOCs and their metadata to the configured destination machine in csv format.

Enter the IOC details on the action HTML form. Refer to the table below.






Indicator type.

Supported Values:

  • Domain
  • Mail from
  • Mail-cc
  • Mail-reply-to
  • Mail-to
  • Mail-subject
  • URL
  • MD5
  • IP (IPv4 only)
  • IP Range

Input Type


Type of input.

Supported Values:

  • Field Name: Select this option if you want to obtain the value of “Value”, “Severity”, “Confidence” and “Comment” from certain fields in events. Afterward, to obtain the values, provide the field name.
  • Value: Select this option if you want to provide the value of “Value”, “Severity”, “Confidence” and “Comment” directly.



Valid value, based on the selected “Type” of the indicator. Based on the “Input Type” selected, you can provide a field name or a direct value.



Severity of the indicator. Based on the “Input Type” selected, you can provide a field name or direct value.

Supported Values: low, medium, high, critical

Default: high



Confidence of the indicator. Based on the “Input Type” selected, you can provide a field name or a direct value.

Supported Values: low, medium, high

Default: high



Comment for the indicator. Based on the “Input Type” selected, you can provide a field name or a direct value.

Default: “Splunk reported IOC”

Note - A comment cannot contain these characters: \n , ! # .



Check Point Software Blade that processes the indicator.

Supported Values:

  • AV: Check Point Anti-Virus Software Blade
  • AB: Check Point Anti-Bot Software Blade

Note - MD5 can only be processed by the Anti-Virus Software Blade.

Expiration Time (in minutes)


Expiration time of the indicator in minutes.

Default: 86400 minutes



Server group where you want to upload the file. These are the groups you configured in the configuration page. The file is uploaded on all the servers of the selected group.

This action maintains the list of IOCs and its metadata in the KV Store. This metadata also includes the expiration time.

To delete expired IOCs, this app contains a checkpoint_kvstore_update_search saved search which is set to run at 12:00 PM and 12:00 AM by default. You can modify this schedule as needed.

To execute this action automatically, associate it to the correlation searches. You can also manually push events to the notable index and then invoke it from the Incident Review dashboard of the Splunk Enterprise Security App.

Defining Searches

To use the alert action, you must first define the search according to your use case.

Use Case example:

You receive threat feeds from various platforms in Splunk under the “threat” index. As these are known threats, you want to upload them to the Check Point Security Gateway to take appropriate actions.

This is the search query:

index=”threat” sourcetype=”ip:threats” | table ioc_name, ioc_value, confidence, ioc_severity, ioc_comment

The search should output only one type of indicator. You must create a search for each supported indicator type.

To invoke the action automatically, these fields are mandatory in the output events:

When you associate the action to the correlation search, you must provide these fields as input.

Creating Correlation Search and Associating Actions

You must create a correlation search for each search query you create. For more information on how to create a correlation search, go here.

When you define the correlation search, you can select which Adaptive Response actions you want to perform when the search criteria is met.

Saved Mode of Invocation

In Saved mode, the action is invoked automatically.

To use Saved mode:

  1. For action, select Notable and enter the details. This creates notable events and incidents in the Incident Review dashboard of Splunk Enterprise Security.
  2. Select Upload IOC to Check Point and enter the details.

You can now find the incidents generated in the Incident Review dashboard and the status of the associated actions:

When you click Upload IOC to Check Point, you can drill down to see these details:

Ad Hoc Mode of Invocation

In Ad Hoc mode, the action is invoked manually.

To use Ad Hoc mode:

For action, select Notable and enter the details. This creates notable events and incidents in the Incident Review dashboard of Splunk Enterprise Security.

You can now find the incidents generated in the Incident Review dashboard and the status of the associated actions.

To invoke the action manually:

  1. Click the Actions drop-down menu for the incident to report to the Demisto Enterprise Application.

  2. Click Run Adaptive Response Actions to push incidents from Splunk to the Demisto Enterprise Application.

  3. Click Add New Responsive Action.

  4. From the list of Actions, select Upload IOC to Check Point and enter the details.
  5. Click Run.

    Splunk displays this message: "Upload IOC to Check Point has been dispatched. Check the status of the action in the notable event details."

  6. In the main screen of the Incident Review dashboard, locate the incident on which you took action and expand it. You should see the Upload IOC to Check Point action entry under Adaptive Responses.

  7. When you click the Upload IOC to Check Point action name, you can drill down to see th details such as which indicators uploaded successfully, which failed, and if the indicators uploaded on all the defined servers.