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Custom Intelligence Feeds

Custom Intelligence Feeds lets you add custom cyber intelligence feeds (threat indicators) to the Threat Prevention engine. You can add feeds from a third-party server directly to the Security Gateway to be enforced by the Anti-Virus and Anti-Bot Software Blades. For more information, see sk132193.

An indicator of compromise (IOC) is a pattern of relevant, observable malicious activity in an operational cyber domain, and includes information on how to interpret and handle the threat. Indicators are derived from intelligence, self-analysis and/or government agencies, partner organizations, etc.

To add IOC feeds from Splunk:

If the Splunk feeds are on the gateway:

  1. In Gaia, add a new user to this gateway.

    Note - The user must have bash (scp not run in, and the user UID cannot be 0.

  2. Under Assigned Role, select AdminRole.
  3. Put the Splunk file feeds on the client directory: /home/client/

The Splunk feed is built from several files.

To define the new feed in cli, use this command:

ioc_feeds add --feed_name <name of feed> --transport local_directory --resource /home/<user name>

This collects all files under the directory as a single feed.

If the Splunk feeds are on the web server, each file is considered separately.


ioc_feeds add --feed_name <name of feed> --transport http --resource local.splunk.server/feeds/ips.csv

ioc_feeds add --feed_name <name of feed> --transport http --resource local.splunk.server/feeds/URLSs.csv

ioc_feeds add --feed_name <name of feed> --transport http --resource local.splunk.server/feeds/MD5s.csv

Observable is an event or a stateful property that can be observed in an operational cyber domain. These include: