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Configuring 16000 Appliances

In This Section:

Connecting to the 16000 Appliances CLI

Starting the Appliance

Initial Configuration

Creating the Network Object

Connecting to the 16000 Appliances CLI

You can configure advanced options in Gaia from the Gaia Portal or the CLI.

To connect to the command line interface of the 16000 Appliances, use one of these:

Starting the Appliance

Connect the appliance to a power source and turn on the appliance. When the appliance is ready, you can do the First Time Configuration Wizard to configure it.

To start the appliance:

Connect the power cables to the power supply units in the rear panel.

The appliance turns on.

Note - When one of the power supply unit cords is not connected to the outlet, an alarm sounds continuously. If you hear the alarm, reconnect the cord to the outlet.

To turn off the alarm, press the red Alarm off button on the rear panel of the appliance.


Available Software Images

The 16000 appliance comes with the R80.30 software image.

Reverting to a software image takes a few minutes. To follow progress and see when the appliance is ready, connect to the appliance using a serial console.

For more about software images, see the appliance home page.

Synchronizing RAID

All 16000 appliances support two storage devices.

In 16000 appliances that use two storage devices, RAID1 mirroring across both storage devices is used. This lets the appliance continue to work if there is a storage device failure.

The mirror rebuild is automatic. Both storage devices must be the same type.

First Boot Up

At first boot up, wait for up to six hours to let the storage devices fully synchronize. If you reboot the appliance before the storage devices are synchronized, the synchronization starts again from scratch at the next boot.

To monitor the RAID status of the storage devices from the CLI:

  1. Log in to the appliance.
  2. Run raid_diagnostic to monitor the RAID status of the storage devices:

    This shows data about the RAID and storage devices, with the percent of synchronization done.

    DiskID 0 is the left storage device. DiskID 1 is the right storage device.

    When you first turn on the appliance, the RAID state (in the VolumeID line) shows DEGRADED (this indicates that the drives are not synchronized). The DiskID:0 state shows ONLINE and the DiskID:1 state shows INITIALIZING.

    After the RAID is synchronized, the RAID state (in the VolumeID line) shows OPTIMAL (this indicates that the drives are synchronized). The DiskID:0 and DiskID:1 states show ONLINE.

    For example:

    Server123> raid_diagnostic

    This example shows that the storage devices are fully synchronized.

To monitor the RAID status of the storage devices from the WebUI:

  1. Log in to the WebUI.
  2. Select Maintenance > RAID Monitoring.

To monitor the RAID status of the storage devices from SmartConsole:

  1. From Gateways & Servers, select the object that represents the appliance.
  2. In the Summary tab, click Device Information.
  3. Click RAID Volumes.

    The window shows volume and disk information.

To monitor the RAID status of the storage devices using SNMP:

Set up SNMP traps to send information about the RAID.
Use OID:

For more about how to configure the SNMP settings on the appliance, see the Gaia Administration Guide for the applicable version.

To hot swap a storage device:

Important - Make sure that there is at least one fully synchronized storage device in the system.

  1. When the system is up, remove the failed storage device.
  2. Wait 15 seconds.

    The appliance recognizes that you removed a storage device.

  3. Insert a new storage device. If necessary, you can reboot the appliance with one storage device and install the new storage device later.

    The system automatically adds the new storage device to the RAID configuration.

Initial Configuration

Configure the appliance with the First Time Configuration Wizard. See the Installation and Upgrade Guide related to the software version.

Go to the Configuring Gaia for the First Time section, and see the instructions for running the First Time Configuration Wizard.

Creating the Network Object

Configure the 16000 Appliances object as a Security Gateway object in the Security Management Server database.

  1. Open SmartConsole.
  2. Configure a new gateway object for the appliance.
  3. Enter the IP address for the appliance.
  4. Create Secure Internal Communication (SIC) between the Security Gateway and the Security Management Server. Enter the activation key you used in the First Time Configuration Wizard.
  5. Configure the topology.
  6. Install the security policy.