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Restoring Factory Defaults

In This Section:

Restoring With the WebUI

Restoring Using the Console Boot Menu

Restoring Using the CLI

If necessary, restore the appliance to its factory default settings.

Important - If you restore factory defaults, note that all information on the appliance is deleted.

Restoring With the WebUI

Use the Gaia Portal to restore the appliance to the factory default settings.

To restore a Gaia appliance with the Gaia Portal:

  1. In your web browser, connect to the management IP address: https://<appliance_ip_address>
  2. Log in to the Gaia Portal of the appliance with the administrator username and password.
  3. In the left navigation tree, click Maintenance > Factory Defaults.

    The Factory Defaults window opens. The image installed on the appliance is shown.

  4. Click Apply.

    The appliance reboots and installs the selected version from scratch.

Restoring Using the Console Boot Menu

To restore the appliance using the console boot menu:

  1. Connect the supplied serial cable's RJ45 or USB type-C connector to the console port on the front of the appliance.
  2. From the computer, open a terminal emulation program such as Microsoft HyperTerminal or PuTTY.
  3. Configure the terminal emulation program:
    • In the HyperTerminal Connect To window, select a port from the Connect using list.
    • In PuTTY select the Serial connection type.
  4. Define the serial port settings: 9600 BPS, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
  5. From the Flow control list, select None.
  6. Connect to the appliance.
  7. Reboot or turn on the appliance.

    The appliance initializes and status messages are shown in the terminal emulation program.

  8. When the message "Press any key to see the boot menu" is shown, you have approximately four seconds to hit any key to activate the Boot menu.
  9. From the Boot menu, select the relevant Reset to factory defaults image.
  10. Press Enter.

Restoring Using the CLI

To restore the appliance through the CLI:

  1. Log in to the appliance.
  2. Run this command from clish:

    set fcd revert <image_name>

    For example: set fcd revert Gaia_R80.30

    A reverting to factory defaults message is shown.

    Server123> set fcd revert Gaia_R80.30
    Warning! This command will erase all the current configuration on this appliance and will revert it to the selected image.
    Are you sure you want to continue such action? (Yes/No) [No]

    Reverting to factory defaults Gaia_R80.30
    Broadcast message from admin (Tue May 14 12:19:16 2019):

    The system is going down for reboot NOW!
    INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal