

Elephant flows are large (in total number of bytes) continuous connections that the TCP or UDP establishes.

For example, a download of a large file (such as a Linux ISO file) over the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or NFS protocol.

These large continuous connections consume the network capacity significantly in comparison to other types of data sessions.

Without the HyperFlow feature, a Security GatewayClosed Dedicated Check Point server that runs Check Point software to inspect traffic and enforce Security Policies for connected network resources. uses only one CPU core (one CoreXLClosed Performance-enhancing technology for Security Gateways on multi-core processing platforms. Multiple Check Point Firewall instances are running in parallel on multiple CPU cores. Firewall instance) to inspect one elephant connection. In addition, traffic throughput decreases gradually as the CPU utilization increases on the Security Gateway.

The HyperFlow feature on Security Gateways R81.20 and higher handles such elephant connections on more than one CPU core in parallel.

The HyperFlow feature breaks the whole inspection task into smaller tasks and dispatches these smaller tasks to the available CPU cores:

The tasks without the HyperFlow

The tasks with the HyperFlow

  1. Packet retrieval

  2. Inbound Streaming

  3. Protocol parsers

  4. Context Management InterfaceClosed (1) Interface on a Gaia Security Gateway or Cluster member, through which Management Server connects to the Security Gateway or Cluster member. (2) Interface on Gaia computer, through which users connect to Gaia Portal or CLI. / Infrastructure (CMI)

  5. Pattern Match (PM) and Hash (MD5, SHA)

  6. Software BladeClosed Specific security solution (module): (1) On a Security Gateway, each Software Blade inspects specific characteristics of the traffic (2) On a Management Server, each Software Blade enables different management capabilities. logic

  7. Outbound Streaming

  8. Routing

  9. Packet transmission

  1. Inbound processing in CoreXL Firewall:

    1. Packet retrieval

    2. Inbound Streaming

    3. Protocol parsers

    4. Context Management Interface / Infrastructure (CMI)

  2. Internal PPE processing (on many CPU cores):

    1. Pattern Match (PM) and Hash (MD5, SHA)

    2. Packet transmission

  3. Outbound processing in CoreXL Firewall:

    1. Software Blade logic

    2. Outbound Streaming

    3. Routing

As a result, the HyperFlow feature:

  • Increases throughput of elephant connections when Threat Prevention Software Blades are enabled (the Security Gateway takes less time to inspect elephant connections).

    This is possible only if the network infrastructure is not a "bottleneck".

  • Automatically detects and dynamically allocates the CPU cores between main tasks on a Security Gateway.

  • Improves response time from the CoreXL FWK processes while they inspects elephant connections (the idle time of the corresponding CPU cores increases).


  • By default, the HyperFlow feature is enabled on Check Point Appliances that meet the requirements.

  • By design, the HyperFlow feature works only in the User Space Firewall (USFW).

  • By design, the HyperFlow feature engages only when needed, and when the total CPU load allows it.

    The total throughput has priority over elephant connections.


  • By design, a manual allocation of CPU cores is not necessary. Therefore, it is not possible.

    You can configure thresholds to control when HyperFlow is active or passive.

  • By default, HyperFlow works in the standby mode.

    HyperFlow is triggered (becomes active) when a heavy connection is detected.

    HyperFlow becomes passive when the heavy connection is closed.

For additional information, see sk178070.

Watch the video:


  1. Check Point Appliance models with at least 8 CPU logical cores.

    For the list of supported models, see sk178070.

  2. Firewall in User Mode (USFW). See sk167052.

  3. Enable the CoreXL Dynamic Balancing (see Dynamic Balancing of CoreXL Instances):

    dynamic_split –o enable

  4. Configure SecureXLClosed Check Point product on a Security Gateway that accelerates IPv4 and IPv6 traffic that passes through a Security Gateway. to work in Kernel Mode (KPPAK) (see Configuring SecureXL).

  5. Enable the applicable Software Blades from one of these categories:





A CoreXL Firewall instance that handles the traffic concurrently.

Each CoreXL Firewall instance is independent and replicated multiple times (see CoreXL).

Each replicated CoreXL Firewall instance runs on one processing CPU core.

Note - CPView shows this string on the CPU > Overview > Host page > in the column Type.


A CoreXL Secure Network Distributor (SND) responsible for:

  • Processing incoming traffic from the network interfaces

  • Securely accelerating authorized packets (when SecureXL is running)

  • Distributing non-accelerated packets among FW instances

Note - CPView shows this string on the CPU > Overview > Host page > in the column Type.


A logical sibling of a CoreXL Firewall instance (FW worker) that handles a heavy connection.

When a logical CPU core is utilized at a high level because it handles heavy connections, its logical sibling can be stopped to decrease its utilization of resources from the physical CPU core.

Chain on events:

  1. CoreXL assigns a CoreXL Firewall instance to inspect an elephant connection.

  2. This CoreXL Firewall instance runs on a logical CPU core of a physical CPU.

  3. To improve the internal performance of the physical CPU, the CoreXL Dynamic Balancing feature can stop the CoreXL Firewall instances on the sibling logical CPU cores of the original logical CPU core.


Parallel Processing Engine architecture.

This is the HyperFlow dynamic infrastructure that allocates CPU cores as required to increase the throughput of Elephant connections.

This is the thread that polls the interface queues and retrieves packets.

Also known as Dual Mode Job Dispatcher (DMD).


Parallel Processing Engine Manager.

Receives packet payload and dispatches jobs to PPE.

Works on a complete physical CPU core (if there are 32 or more CPU cores).

Note - CPView shows this string on the CPU > Overview > Host page > in the column Type.

This string appears in CPView only when the HyperFlow is enabled, and an elephant connection passes through the Security Gateway.


A sibling of PPE_MGR.

Because PPE_MGR works on a complete physical CPU core (if there are 32 or more CPU cores), it is not possible to use other logical CPU cores on that physical CPU core.

The logical siblings have the status "PPE_MGR_RESERVED"

Note - CPView shows this string on the CPU > Overview > Host page > in the column Type.

This string appears in CPView only when the HyperFlow is enabled, and an elephant connection passes through the Security Gateway.


Parallel Processing Engine Worker Thread.

Receives packet handling jobs from the Parallel Processing Engine Manager.

Dispatches jobs to Worker Threads (WTs.)

Works on a complete physical CPU core (if there are 32 or more CPU cores).

Note - CPView shows this string on the CPU > Overview > Host page > in the column Type.

This string appears in CPView only when the HyperFlow is enabled, and an elephant connection passes through the Security Gateway.


Data Plane Development Kit.


Poll Mode Driver.


Worker Thread.

The thread that executes the packet handling logic.

In plural: WTs




















No Parameters

Shows the built-in help.


Must enter this command only on Security Gateways other than Scalable Platforms.


Must enter this command only on Scalable Platforms.


Shows the advanced options.


Allows new connections to be opened as accelerated pipeline connections - the Security Gateway uses the new asynchronous parsers for connections.

This is the default.


  • This command applies only to elephant connections that opened after you run this command.

  • When you run this command, the Security Gateway deletes all SecureXL Connection Templates with this command:

    fw tab -t cphwd_tmpl -x -y

  • This command does not require a reboot.


Configures the asynchronous flow mode (this is the default).

In this mode, CoreXL Firewall instances send jobs to the PPE.


  • This command applies to existing elephant connections.

  • This command does not require a reboot.


Restores default settings


Shows the statistics for the heaviest connection with the maximum duration (number of packets and bytes).


Disables the feature.

Important - This change requires a reboot.


Enables the feature.

This is the default (on Check Point Appliances that meet the requirements).

Important - This change requires a reboot.


Shows the accelerated elephant connections in the pipeline.


Prevents new connections from being opened as accelerated pipeline connections.

In this mode, the Security Gateway uses the legacy parsers for connections.


  • Use this command only to troubleshoot issues with elephant connections.

  • This command applies only to elephant connections that opened after you run this command.

  • This command does not require a reboot.

  • When you run this command, the Security Gateway deletes all SecureXL Connection Templates with this command:

    fw tab -t cphwd_tmpl -x -y


Configures the Job Dispatcher (PPE) and Working Threads (WTs) to sleep.


  • Use this command only to troubleshoot issues with elephant connections, if the issue persists after you configured the synchronous flow mode.

  • This command does not require a reboot.


Shows the status and configuration of the feature.

The output shows these lines with the applicable values:

  • Status of connection pipelining: <Status>

  • Flow mode: <Mode>

  • Status of PPE_MGR and PPE_WT: <Status>

  • Status of accelerated pipeline: <Status>


Configures the synchronous flow mode.

In this mode, CoreXL Firewall instances do not send jobs to the PPE.


  • Use this mode only to troubleshoot issues with elephant connections.

  • This command applies to existing elephant connections.

  • This command does not require a reboot.


Wakes up the Job Dispatcher (PPE) and Working Threads (WTs) from sleep.

The PPE gets CPU cores available for allocation.

Monitoring in CPView

You can monitor how the HyperFlow performs on the Security Gateway.



  • Log files (the main file is rotated every 10 megabytes):

    • $FWDIR/log/connection_pipelining.elg

    • $FWDIR/log/dmd.elg

    • $FWDIR/log/dmd_controller.elg

    • $FWDIR/log/dsd.elg

  • Internal configuration files (you must not edit these files):

    • $FWDIR/conf/connection_pipelining.conf

    • $FWDIR/conf/connection_pipelining_params.conf

For additional information, see sk178070.