Uploading Client Packages to the Repository

Upload new client versions to the Package Repository on the Endpoint Security Management Server.

Endpoint Security Client packages contain the components (also known as Blades) to be installed on Endpoint Security clients.

There are a few client packages available for each client release. We recommend that you use the Dynamic Package. This is is a self-extracting executable (*.EXE file) that contains all components. Other packages are either EPS.MSI files for Windows or zip files for macOS, that contain different permutations of components.

When you upload packages to the repository on the Endpoint Security Management Server, they are stored by default at $FWDIR/conf/SMC_Files/uepm/msi

After you upload a package to the repository, you can choose the components that you want to install on the clients. You can then deploy the packages in one of two ways:

  • Automatically, using deployment rules.

  • Manually, after exporting the packages.