Upgrading one Multi-Domain Server from R80.10 and lower with Advanced Upgrade

In an advanced upgrade scenario, you perform the upgrade procedure on the same Multi-Domain Server.


Important - Before you upgrade a Multi-Domain Server:




Back up your current configuration (see Backing Up and Restoring).


See the Upgrade Options and Prerequisites.


In R80 and higher, examine the SmartConsole sessions:

  1. Connect with the SmartConsole to each Domain Management Server.

  2. From the left navigation panel, click Manage & Settings > Sessions > View Sessions.

  3. You must publish or discard all sessions, for which the Changes column shows a number greater than zero.

    Right-click on such session and select Publish or Discard.


In Multi-Domain Server R80 or R80.10 with enabled vSEC Controller:

  1. Connect with SmartConsole to the Global Domain.

  2. Delete all global Data Centers objects.

  3. Assign the modified Global Policies.


You must close all GUI clients (SmartConsole applications) connected to the source Multi-Domain Server.


Run the Pre-Upgrade Verifier on all source servers and fix all detected issues before you start the upgrade.


In Management High Availability, before you start the upgrade on other servers:

  1. Make sure the Primary Multi-Domain Server is upgraded and runs.

  2. Make sure the Multi-Domain Security Management Servers can communicate with each other and SIC works between these servers. For details, see sk179794.
