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Views and Reports

In This Section:

Enabling Views and Reports

Catalog of Views and Reports


Making a Custom View Video


Making a Custom Report

Automatic View and Report Updates

Opening a View or Report

Exporting Views and Reports

Exporting and Importing Templates

Scheduling a View or Report

Customizing a View or Report


You can create rich and customizable views and reports for log and event monitoring. These inform key stakeholders about security activities.

Use these GUIs:

Enabling Views and Reports

To enable SmartEvent views and reports, you must install and configure a SmartEvent Server.

Catalog of Views and Reports

In the Logs & Monitor view, click the (+) tab to open a catalog of all views and reports, predefined and customized. Click a view or report to open it.




Open Log View - See and search through the logs from all Log Servers. You can also search the logs from a Log Server that you choose.

Open Audit Logs View - See and search records of actions done by SmartConsole administrators.

These views come from the Log Servers. All other Views/Reports (except the Compliance View) come from the SmartEvent Server.


Views - The list of predefined and customized views. A view is an interactive dashboard made up of widgets. The view tells administrators and other stakeholders about security and network events. Each widget is the output of a query. Widgets can show the information as a chart, table, or some other format. To find out more about the events, double-click a widget to drill down to a more specific view or raw log files.

Compliance View - Optimize your security settings and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


Reports - The list of predefined and customized reports. A report has multiple pages, and applies to the time that the report is generated. There are several predefined reports, and you can create new reports. A reports gives more details than a view. Reports can be customized, filtered, generated and scheduled. You cannot drill down into a report.


Favorites - Use this view to collect the views and reports you use the most.


Switch to Table View or Thumbnails View - The Table view is the default for views and reports. The Thumbnails view is the default for the Favorites, Recent and Logs views and reports.


Scheduled Tasks - See and edit scheduled tasks.

Archive - Completed and in-progress tasks for generating and exporting views, reports, logs and templates.


Views tells administrators and other stakeholders about security and network events. A view is an interactive dashboard made up of widgets. Each widget is the output of a query. A Widget can show information in different formats, for example, a chart or a table.

SmartConsole comes with several predefined views. You can create new views that match your needs, or you can customize an existing view.

In the Logs & Monitor view, clicking the (+) tab opens a catalog of all views and reports, predefined and customized. Double-click a view to open it.




Widget- The output of a query. A Widget can show information in different formats, for example, a chart or a table.


Drill Down - To find out more about the events, double-click a widget to drill down to a more specific view or raw log files.


Options - Customize the view, restore defaults, Hide Identities, export.


Queries - Predefined and favorite search queries


Time Period - Specify the time periods for the view.


Query search bar - Define custom queries using the GUI tools, or manually entering query criteria. Shows the query definition for the most recent query.

Making a Custom View Video


A report has multiple pages, and applies to the time that the report is generated.

A page is an interactive dashboard made up of widgets. Each widget displays the output of a query.

There are several predefined reports, and you can create new reports. A report gives more details than a view. Reports can be customized, filtered, generated and scheduled. You cannot drill down into a report.

In the Logs & Monitor view, clicking the (+) tab opens a catalog of all views and reports, predefined and customized. Double-click a report to open it.




Preview bar - A report is divided onto pages, usually, one view on one page. Editing a report is done per page, in the same way as you edit a view.


Options - Customize, and generate a report.


Time Period - Specify the time periods for the report.


Query Search bar - Define custom queries using the GUI tools, or manually entering query criteria. Shows the query definition for the most recent query.

Making a Custom Report

Automatic View and Report Updates

SmartEvent automatically downloads new predefined views and reports, and downloads updates to existing predefined ones. To allow this, make sure the management server has Internet connectivity to the Check Point Support Center.

Opening a View or Report

Use the predefined graphical views and reports for the most frequently seen security issues. You can also customize the views and reports.

To open a view or report:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or a report, and click Open. You can also double click to open it.
  5. Define the required timeframe, and filter in the search bar.
  6. Click Enter.

Exporting Views and Reports

The Export to PDF and Export to Excel options save the current view or report as a PDF or Excel file, based on the defined filters and time frame.

To export a view or report to PDF or Excel:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or report.
  5. Click Export to PDF. Optionally:
    • Configure the Period and filter.
    • To automatically send by email to specified recipients each time the view or report runs, configure the Send by email settings

    Alternatively, click Open and from inside the view or report click Options > Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

To see your exported views and reports:

  1. Add a new tab. Click +.
  2. Go to Tasks > Archive.

Generating a Network Activity Report

The Network Activity report shows important firewall connections. For example, top sources, destinations, and services. To create this report, SmartEvent must first index the firewall logs. Indexing is on by default in R80 and higher, in all environments except for Stand Alone.

To enable the Network Activity Report for R80.10 and higher Gateways:

In SmartConsole, in the Access Control Policy rule, add per Session to the Track settings.

To enable the Network Activity Report for Pre-R80.10 Gateways:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the (+) to open a Catalog (new tab).
  3. Click the SmartEvent Settings & Policy link.
  4. In the SmartEvent GUI client > Policy tab, select and expand Consolidated Sessions.
  5. Select Firewall Session.

    Note - this configuration increases the number of events per day by about five times. To avoid a performance impact, make sure the hardware can handle the load.

To export the Network Activity Report:

  1. Open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the (+) to open a Catalog (new tab).
  3. Click Reports.
  4. Select the Network Activity report and click Export to PDF.

Exporting and Importing Templates

You can export the view or report layout and widget definitions to a file. This is called a template. You can import the template from another server, or from another administrator.

To export the view or report layout and widget definitions to a file, use the Export Template option

To download exported templates, click the link in the notification message. To view historical reports, views, and templates, go to Tasks > Archive.

To import the file from another server, or from another administrator, use the Import Template option in the Catalog (new tab).

Scheduling a View or Report

To schedule a view or report, you need to define and edit it in SmartConsole.

To schedule a report:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or a report.
  5. Select Actions > Schedule PDF or Schedule Excel.

    The Schedule page of the Export settings window opens.

  6. Define the recurrence pattern.
  7. Define the Period and Filter.
  8. Optional: Configure email settings to get the scheduled view or report automatically. Click Send by Email.

To edit your scheduled views and reports:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Select Tasks > Scheduled.

Customizing a View or Report

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or a report, and click Open.
  5. Click Options > Edit.

  6. For a report: Select the page to edit.

    You can also add or remove pages by clicking one of these:

  7. Customize the widgets.
  8. Add a widget, or arrange widgets in the view: Drag & Drop or expand.
  9. Define filters.

Note -

View Settings

Views can be configured according to these options:

  1. Enter a title.
  2. To show more results, this option allows a table to spread across multiple pages when saved to PDF.

    The No page limit option shows all the results for the selected table query, spread across as many pages as required.

  3. Select what you want to display when this control has no data:
    • Remove the page
    • Show a default or custom message.
  4. Select to use the view as a template and add filter and sort criteria.

Report Settings

Reports can be configured according to these options:

Configuring Email Settings for Views and Reports

You can automatically send views and reports by email to specified recipients each time the view or report runs.

Configuring Email Server Settings

Mail server settings are shared for all email interactions. For each SmartConsole administrator, configure them one time.

To configure email server settings:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or a report.
  5. Click Export to PDF, or Actions > Schedule PDF or Actions > Schedule Excel.
  6. Click Send by email.
  7. In the Email Server section, click Edit.

    Note - In the web version, you can edit the mail server on the user preferences menu.

  8. Configure the email server options:
    • Sender email address. This shows on all report emails.
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP).
    • Port
    • Use authentication - if required by the email server, configure a Username and Password.
    • Connection encryption - if required by the email server, choose SSL or TLS.
  9. Click OK.

Configuring Email Recipients

Define the email recipients every time you run the view or report, or one time for scheduled reports.

To configure email recipients:

  1. In SmartConsole, open the Logs & Monitor view.
  2. Click the + tab to open a new tab.
  3. Click Views or Reports.
  4. Select a view or a report,
  5. Click Export to PDF, or Actions > Schedule PDF or Actions > Schedule Excel.
  6. Click Send by email.
  7. In the Email recipients section, click + to enter an email address. You can add multiple addresses.
  8. Click OK.

Adding a Logo to Reports

You can configure reports to show your company logo on report cover pages. The Check Point logo shows on report cover pages.

To add a logo to your reports:

  1. Save your logo image as a PNG file with the name cover-company-logo.png.
  2. Copy the image to the $RTDIR/smartview/conf directory on the SmartEvent server.

Note: The best image dimensions are 152 pixels wide by 94 pixels high.


You can customize the widgets to optimize the visual display. To customize widgets, switch to edit mode. Click Options > Edit.

Adding and Customizing Widgets

To add a Widget:

  1. Add a widget

  2. Select a widget type:







    Rich Text

To customize a widget:

  1. Drag and drop the widget within the view.
  2. Select the graphic presentation that best fits the information you want to see.
  3. Select filters for the widget in addition to the inherited filters from the report and view layers. (See: Filters).
  4. Configure settings for the widget.
  5. Delete a widget.
  6. Resize widget.


The search bar is used to apply on-demand filters, but you can also save filters with the view / report definition.

There are different layers of filters:

  1. Filters to apply to the full report.
  2. Filters to apply to a view, or a specified page in a report and all widgets that this page includes.
  3. Filters to apply to the selected widget.

To edit the view filter:

  1. Click the + (plus) button to add a filter.
    To delete a filter, click the X button.
  2. Select a field.
    To enable free text search, select Custom Filter.
  3. Select a comparison method.
  4. Select or enter the value.
    You can define multiple values, separated by a comma.

Filtering for Active Directory User Groups

You can filter reports, views and widgets for one or more Active Directory groups.

  1. In your Access Control Policy, create an Access Role that includes all the Active Directory groups you want to have in the query.
  2. Install the Access Control Policy on the Security Gateways.
  3. Look at the Identity Awareness login logs, and copy the names of the relevant groups. They usually have the prefix "ad_".
  4. Add a filter for the field User Group and type or paste the name of the group that you want to include in the filter. For multiple groups, use a comma-separated list.