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Example: fwaccel stats -x

Example of statistics for PXL:

fwaccel stats -x


PXL Release Context statistics:


Name Value Name Value

----------------------- ------------ ----------------------- ------------

End Handler 0 Post Sync 0

Stop Stream 0 kbuf fail 0

Set field failure 0 Notif set field fail 0

Non SYN seq fail 0 Tmpl kbuf fail 0

Tmpl set field fail 0 Segment Injection 0

Init app fail 0 Expiration 0

Newconn set field fail 0 Newconn fail 0

CPHWD dec 0 No PSL policy 0


PXL Exception statistics:


Name Value Name Value

----------------------- ------------ ----------------------- ------------

urgent packets 0 invalid SYN retrans 0

SYN seq not init 0 old pkts out win 0

old pkts out win trunc 0 old pkts out win strip 0

new pkts out win 0 incorrect retrans 0

TCP pkts with bad csum 0 ACK unprocessed data 0

old ACK out win 0 Max segments reached 0

No resources 0 Hold timeout 0