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Example: fwaccel stats -q

Example of statistics for notifications the SecureXL sent to the Firewall:

fwaccel stats -q


Notification Packets Notification Packets

--------------------- -------------- --------------------- --------------

ntSAAboutToExpire 0 ntSAExpired 0

ntMSPIError 0 ntNoInboundSA 0

ntNoOutboundSA 0 ntDataIntegrityFailed 0

ntPossibleReplay 0 ntReplay 0

ntNextProtocolError 0 ntCPIError 0

ntClearTextPacket 0 ntFragmentation 0

ntUpdateUdpEncTable 0 ntSASync 0

ntReplayOutOfWindow 0 ntVPNTrafficReport 0

ntConnDeleted 0 ntConnUpdate 0

ntPacketDropped 0 ntSendLog 0

ntRefreshGTPTunnel 0 ntMcastDrop 0

ntAccounting 0 ntAsyncIndex 0

ntACkReordering 0 ntAccelAckInfo 0

ntMonitorPacket 0 ntPacketCapture 0

ntCpasPacketCapture 0 ntPSLGlueUpdateReject 0

ntSeqVerifyDrop 0 ntPacketForwardBefore 0

ntICMPMessage 0 ntQoSReclassifyPacket 0

ntQoSResumePacket 0 ntVPNEncHaLinkFailure 0

ntVPNEncLsLinkFailure 0 ntVPNEncRouteChange 0

ntVPNDecVerRouteChang 0 ntVPNDecRouteChange 0

ntMuxSimToFw 0 ntPSLEventLog 0

ntSendCPHWDStats 14871 ntPacketTaggingViolat 0

ntDosNotify 28 ntSynatkNotify 0

ntSynatkStats 0 ntQoSEventLog 0

ntPrintGetParam 0