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Running the 'fw ctl affinity -s' command in VSX Mode


The fw ctl affinity -s command configures the CoreXL affinity settings on a VSX Gateway for:






-vsid <VSID ranges>

Configures the affinity for:

  • One specified Virtual System.

    For example: -vsid 7

  • Several specified Virtual Systems.

    For example: -vsid 0-2 4

Note - If you omit the -vsid parameter, the command uses the current virtual context.

<CPU ID ranges>

Configures the affinity to:

  • One specified CPU core.

    For example: -cpu 7

  • Several specified CPU cores.

    For example: -cpu 0-2 4

Important - Numbers of CPU cores start from zero.

-pname <Process Name>

Configures the affinity for the Check Point daemon specified by its name (for example: fwd, vpnd).

Important - The process name is case-sensitive.

-inst <Instances Ranges>

Configures the affinity for:

  • One specified FWK daemon instance.

    For example: -inst 7

  • Several specified FWK daemon instances.

    For example: -inst 0 2 4

-fwkall <Number of CPUs>

Configures the affinity for all running FWK daemon instances to the specified number of CPU cores.

If you need to affine all running FWK daemon instances to all CPU cores, enter the number of all available CPU cores.


Deletes all existing affinity settings and creates the default affinity settings during the next reboot.

Before this operation, the command prompts the user whether to proceed.

Note - You must reboot to complete the operation.


Deletes all current affinity settings and creates the default affinity settings during the next reboot.

Important - Before this operation, the command does not prompt the user whether to proceed.

Note - You must reboot to complete the operation.

Example 1 - Affine the Virtual Devices #0,1,2,4,7,8 to the CPU cores #0,1,2,4

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl affinity -s -d -vsid 0-2 4 6-8 -cpu 0-2 4

VDevice 0-2 4 6-8 : CPU 0 1 2 4 - set successfully

Multi-queue affinity was not changed. For More info, see sk113834.


Example 2 - Affine the process CPD by its name for Virtual Devices #0-12 to the CPU core #7

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl affinity -s -d -pname cpd -vsid 0-12 -cpu 7

VDevice 0-12 : CPU 7 - set successfully

Multi-queue affinity was not changed. For More info, see sk113834.

Warning: some of the VSIDs did not exist


Example 3 - Affine the FWK daemon instances #0,2,4 to the CPU core #5

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl affinity -s -d -inst 0 2 4 -cpu 5

VDevice 0 2 4: CPU 5 - set successfully

Multi-queue affinity was not changed. For More info, see sk113834.


Example 4 - Affine all FWK daemon instances to the last two CPU cores

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl affinity -s -d -fwkall 2

VDevice 0-2 : CPU 2 3 - set successfully

Multi-queue affinity was not changed. For More info, see sk113834.


Example 5 - Affine all FWK daemon instances to all CPU cores

[Expert@MyGW:0]# fw ctl affinity -s -d -fwkall 4

There are configured processes/FWK instances

(y) will override all currently configured affinity and erase the configuration files

(n) will set affinity only for unconfigured processes/threads

Do you want to override existing configurations (y/n) ? y

VDevice 0-2 : CPU all - set successfully

Multi-queue affinity was not changed. For More info, see sk113834.
