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This is an LDAP utility that imports users to an LDAP server. The input file must be in the LDIF format.


[Expert@MGMT:0]# ldapmodify [-d <Debug Level>] [-h <LDAP Server>] [-p <LDAP Server Port>] [-D <LDAP Admin DN>] [-w <LDAP Admin Password>] [-a] [-b] [-c] [-F] [-k] [-n] [-r] [-v] [-T <LDAP Client Timeout>] [-Z] [ -f <Input File>.ldif | < <Entry>]

Note - You must run this command from the Expert mode.




-d <Debug Level>

Runs the command in debug mode with the specified TDERROR debug level.

Valid values are from 0 (disabled) to 5 (maximal level, recommended).

-h <LDAP Server>

Specifies the LDAP Server computer by its IP address or resolvable hostname.

If you do not specify the LDAP Server explicitly, the command connects to localhost.

-p <LDAP Server Port>

Specifies the LDAP Server port. Default is 389.

-D <LDAP Admin DN>

Specifies the LDAP Server administrator Distinguished Name.

-w <LDAP Admin Password>

Specifies the LDAP Server administrator password.


Specifies that this is the LDAP add operation.


Specifies to read values from files (for binary attributes).


Specifies to ignore errors during continuous operation.


Specifies to force changes on all records.


Specifies the Kerberos bind.


Specifies the Kerberos bind, part 1 only.


Specifies to print the LDAP add operations, but do not actually perform them.


Specifies to replace values, instead of adding values.


Specifies to run in verbose mode.

-T <LDAP Client Timeout>

Specifies the Client side timeout for LDAP operations, in milliseconds.

Default is never.


Specifies to use SSL connection.

-f <Input File>.ldif

Specifies to read from the <Input File>.ldif file.

The input file must be in the LDIF format.

< <Entry>

Specifies to read the entry from the stdin.

The "<" character is mandatory part of the syntax that specifies the input from the standard input (from the data you enter on the screen).