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This is an LDAP utility that queries an LDAP directory and returns the results.


[Expert@MGMT:0]# ldapsearch [-d <Debug Level>] [-h <LDAP Server>] [-p <LDAP Port>] [-D <LDAP Admin DN>] [-w <LDAP Admin Password>] [-A] [-B] [-b <Base DN>] [-F <Separator>] [-l <LDAP Server Timeout>] [-s <Scope>] [-S <Sort Attribute>] [-t] [-T <LDAP Client Timeout>] [-u] [-z <Number of Search Entries>] [-Z] <Filter> [<Attributes>]

Note - You must run this command from the Expert mode.




-d <Debug Level>

Runs the command in debug mode with the specified TDERROR debug level.

Valid values are from 0 (disabled) to 5 (maximal level, recommended).

-h <LDAP Server>

Specifies the LDAP Server computer by its IP address or resolvable hostname.

If you do not specify the LDAP Server explicitly, the command connects to localhost.

-p <LDAP Port>

Specifies the LDAP Server port. Default is 389.

-D <LDAP Admin DN>

Specifies the LDAP Server administrator Distinguished Name.

-w <LDAP Admin Password>

Specifies the LDAP Server administrator password.


Specifies to retrieve attribute names only, without values.


Specifies not to suppress the printing of non-ASCII values.

-b <Base DN>

Specifies the Base Distinguished Name (DN) for search.

-F <Separator>

Specifies the print separator character between attribute names and their values.

The default separator is the equal sign "=".

-l <LDAP Server Timeout>

Specifies the Server side time limit for LDAP operations, in seconds.

Default is never.

-s <Scope>

Specifies the search scope. One of these:

  • base
  • one
  • sub

-S <Sort Attribute>

Specifies to sort the results by the values of this attribute.


Specifies to write values to files in the /tmp/ directory.

Writes each <attribute>-<value> pair to a separate file named:


For example, for the fw1color attribute with the value a00188, the command writes to the file named:


-T <LDAP Client Timeout>

Specifies the Client side timeout for LDAP operations, in milliseconds.

Default is never.


Specifies to show user-friendly entry names in the output.

For example:

shows cn=Babs Jensen, users, omi

instead of cn=Babs Jensen, cn=users,cn=omi

-z <Number of Search Entries>

Specifies the maximal number of entries to search on the LDAP Server.


Specifies to use SSL connection.


LDAP search filter compliant with RFC-1558.

For example:



Specifies the list of attributes to retrieve.

If you do not specify attributes explicitly, then the command retrieves all attributes.


[Expert@MGMT:0]# ldapsearch -p 18185 -b cn=omi objectclass=fw1host objectclass

With this syntax, the command:

  1. Connects to the LDAP Server to port 18185
  2. Connects to the LDAP Server with Base DN cn=omi
  3. Queries the LDAP directory for fw1host objects
  4. For each object found, prints the value of its objectclass attribute