Patterns (RegEx)
What can I do here?
Use this window to create or edit pattern (RegEx) data types.

Getting Here - Menu > New Object > More Object Types > Data Type > Data Type > New Patterns (RegEx)
Data Type - General Properties
- - Name of the data type representation.
- - Optional comments and notes.
- - For built-in data types, the description explains the purpose of this type of data representation. For custom-made data types, you can use this field to provide more details.
Pattern (RegEx) Fields
Pattern List
- - When you start to type the regular expression, the + is enabled. Click + to add the pattern to the list of this data type.
- - Define how many times the patterns must appear to be considered data to be protected. If you want to set different occurrences for different patterns, consider using Weighted Keywords as the data type.