Compound Data Type
What can I do here?
Use this window to create or edit a compound data type.

Getting Here - Security Policies > Access Control > Policy > Content column > add new items > New > Compound Data Type Group
Menu > New Object > More Object Types > Data Type > More > New compound Data Type Group
Data Type - General Properties
- - Name of the data type representation.
- - Optional comments and notes.
- - For built-in data types, the description explains the purpose of this type of data representation. For custom-made data types, you can use this field to provide more details.
Compound Data Type Fields
A Compound Data Type is based on multiple data types. The relationship between the data types may be:
- AND (all the data types must be present to match traffic),
- NOT (if none of the data types are present, the traffic matches),
- A combination of AND and NOT (if traffic has all data types in the first list, and none of the data types in the second list, it matches this data type).
You must add at least one data type to at least one of the lists.
- - Select existing data types to add. Traffic must match all the data types of this group to match a rule using this compound data type.
- - Select existing data types to add to the definition. Traffic that does not contain any data matching the types in this list will match this compound data type.
- If you edit the properties of a selected data type. Any changes you make apply to the data type itself.
- If you remove the selected data type from the compound data type. This action does not affect the data type itself.