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Common Scenarios

Common Scenarios

SmartReporter server is not running. Where can I get information to solve the problem?

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

Log Consolidator is not running. Where can I get information to solve the problem?

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

I performed an upgrade from a previous version of SmartReporter. The Consolidation session status in the SmartReporter client is "Aborted" and the following error appears in lc_rt.log:
Error:failed to fetch <TableName>_ID inter_code table data
Table 'rt_database.<TableName>' doesn't exist


Report generation failed and the following error appeared:
Failed to execute SQL query. Error: Table 'rt_database.<TableName>' doesn't exist. SQL: SELECT <TableName>_CODE, <TableName>_NAME FROM <TableName>.

What should I do?

To solve this problem:

  1. Check the SmartViewReporterInstallation.log file located in c:\Program Files\CheckPoint\CPInstLog\ on Windows or in /opt/CPInstLog/ on other platforms. If the SmartViewReporterInstallation.log file includes these error messages, continue with next steps:

    Error: Error in process '/opt/CPrt-FLO/svr/bin/evr_upgrade_db /opt/CPrt-FLO/svr'. Error code is 2

    Info: Error in database upgrade. For Database upgrade run /opt/CPrt-FLO/svr/bin/evr_upgrade_db after evstop -reporter.

  2. Run the evstop -reporter command.
  3. Make that the database process is not running. The database process name is mysqld-nt.exe for Windows or mysqld for all other platforms.
  4. On a Windows platform run %RTDIR%\bin\evr_upgrade_db.bat. On any other platform run $RTDIR/bin/evr_upgrade_db.
  5. Start SmartReporter by running the evstart -reporter command.

SmartReporter has been installed and the Standard Reports are empty. What should I do?

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

When configuring an Express Report I do not see a particular Security Gateway in the Input tab.

A Security Gateway in the Express Report Input tab will not appear if SmartView Monitor is not enabled on the Security Gateway. In order to see the Security Gateway in the Input tab, enable the Security Gateway object in SmartDashboard and install the Policy on the Security Gateway. Similarly, VPN needs to be selected for VPN reports.

After performing a Distributed installation the SmartReporter server is not communicating with the management and I cannot login to SmartReporter. What should I do?

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

When one of these reports runs, no data is received. What should I do?

FTP Activity, SMTP Activity, Web Activity and User Activity

For each FTP Activity, SMTP Activity and Web Activity report, create the associated resource and add a rule in the Security Policy whose service column uses this resource. FTP Activity uses an FTP resource, SMTP Activity uses an SMTP resource and Web Activity uses a URI resource.

User Activity

You may not receive data for a User Activity report because your logs do not contain User information. Open one of the applicable logs in SmartView Tracker and then make sure that the User field is empty for a applicable log entry.

In my rule base reports I see an asterisk after the rule number. What does this mean?

Security Gateways add the unique rule ID to each log to track the rule even though it may have changed its location in the Policy and has a different index.

When the rule ID is defined, the report displays the index to the rule at the time of report generation. However, when the rule unique ID is not available in a log, the Reporter uses the rule index. Since the rule index can change, the index may not accurately reflect the rule. The asterisk warns the user that the rule number may not be exact.

Standard report generation failed with the following error:
"Failed to write to result file, please check that there is enough disk space in the result directory for this report".

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

Standard report generation failed with the following error:
"Report generation optimization caused a failure of the report generation, could not populate temporary table. Error: Got error 28 from table handler'.

In this situation, there is not enough disk space in the temporary database directory. To solve this problem, change the location of the temporary database directory. Refer to Modifying SmartReporter Database Configuration for additional information.

When trying to define a new consolidation session the following error appears: "Failed to get the log files list from server/database".
- OR -
After successfully defining a consolidation session the log file in the log consolidator contains the following error "The Engine cannot read the log file from the Domain Log Server, and will automatically try to reconnect every several minutes".
- OR -
The session status in the SmartReporter Consolidation window is "Trying to reconnect".

To solve this problem perform one of the following:

The Logs read per second value in the More Info page is too low.

This value indicates the average log processing speed since the session began. However, this number is not accurate at the time the consolidation session starts processing logs. Wait at least 15 minutes and if this value does not rise try to disable the DNS and run the consolidation session again. If disabling the DNS improves performance, you can enable only internal address resolution, based on the Security Gateway topology. In order to do this, access SmartReporter and enable DNS resolution in Consolidation > Settings. Run the following command in order to only enable internal address resolution:
cpprod_util CPPROD_SetValue "Reporting Module" "dns_internal_only" 1 true 1

If you want to enable the resolution of all addresses run the same command with a false flag:

cpprod_util CPPROD_SetValue "Reporting Module" "dns_internal_only" 1 false 1

Maintenance was completed with the following warning: "Automatic maintenance cannot remove enough records to reach the low-end threshold since participating tables do not have enough old records to remove".

Maintenance failed with a Table CONXX_<Table-Name> is full error. For example, "Table 'CON02_CONNECTIONS' is full".

Note - In order to avoid this error in the future, it is recommended that you change the database capacity High End to not more than 75%.

A scheduled report does not appear in SmartReporter until the report is saved.

After defining a schedule for the specific report, save the report. A report will appear only after it is saved.

The status of a consolidation session is "Trying to reconnect". In addition, in the lc_rt.log file the following error appears: "Database space check failed. There may not be enough disk space or it may have failed to obtain database capacity information".

To solve this perform the following:

  1. Check your free disk space. Not enough free disk space can cause this error.
  2. Run Management > Database Maintenance > Maintenance > Activate now in order to free database space.