Configuration Using the Command Line
SecurePlatform enables easy configuration of your computer and networking setup, and the Check Point products installed on them.
This section describes the sysconfig application, which provides an interactive menu system for all configuration aspects. Configuration can also be done using command line utilities provided by the SecurePlatform Shell.
First Time Setup Using the Command Line
After the installation from the DVD has been completed, and the computer has been rebooted, a first time setup is required in order to:
- Configure the network settings
- Apply the license
- Select which products will be installed
- Perform the initial setup, if selected
These settings can also be configured after completing the first time setup, using sysconfig .
Using sysconfig
Once you have performed the first time setup, via the command line setup wizard, you can use sysconfig to modify your configuration.
To run sysconfig , login to SecurePlatform and enter sysconfig at the prompt.
The sysconfig main menu lists various configuration items, (note that all configuration items must be defined). We recommend step by step configuration, by addressing each menu item in sequence, one after the other.
Select a menu item by typing the relevant number and pressing Enter. Selecting a main menu option displays an additional menu for setting or viewing various configuration items. To return to the main menu, select the menu item Done. To quit, select Exit from the main menu.
When selecting a set option, sysconfig prompts you to enter all relevant configuration parameters. As soon as all the parameters are completed, the change is applied.
Note - Entering e at any point during sysconfig takes you one menu level up.
Menu Item
Host Name
Set or show host name.
Domain Name
Set or show domain name.
Domain Name Servers
Add or remove domain name servers, or show configured domain name servers.
Time & Date
Set the time zone, date and local time, or show the date and time settings.
Network Connections
Add or remove connections, configure network connections, or show configuration of network connections.
Add network and route, add new host, set default Security Gateway, delete route, or show routing configuration.
DHCP Server Configuration
Configure SecurePlatform DHCP Server.
DHCP Relay Configuration
Setup DHCP Relay.
Export Setup
Exports Check Point environment
Products Installation
Installs Check Point products.
Products Configuration
Configure Check Point products (cpconfig).
Enable / Disable hardware monitoring
Enable hardware sensors monitoring via SNMP (on supported Open Servers only)
Check Point Products Configuration
Note - You must run the Check Point Products Configuration procedure (cpconfig ) to activate the products.