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Running all Diagnostic Tests

This example shows the summary output for all diagnostic tests. When a test fails, the reasons for failure show in the Reason column .

> asg diag verify
Duration of tests vary and may take few seconds to complete

| Tests Status                                                                 |
| ID | Title              | Result | Reason                                    |
| System Components                                                            |
|  1 | System Health      | Failed | (1)Chassis 1 error                        |
|  2 | Hardware           | Failed | (1)Chassis fan is down                    |
|    |                    |        | (2)Chassis fan exceeds threshold          |
|    |                    |        | (3)CPU exceeds threshold                  |
|  3 | Resources          | Passed |                                           |
|  4 | Software Versions  | Failed |                                           |
|  5 | Software Provision | Passed |                                           |
|  6 | CPU Type           | Passed |                                           |
|  7 | Media Details      | Passed |                                           |
|  8 | Chassis ID         | Passed |                                           |
| Policy and Configuration                                                     |
|  9 | Distribution Mode  | Passed |                                           |
| 10 | Policy             | Failed |                                           |
| 11 | AMW Policy         | Failed |                                           |
| VSX Configuration                                                            |
| 12 | VSX Configuration  | Passed |                                           |
| Policy and Configuration                                                     |
| 13 | Installation       | Passed |                                           |
| 14 | Security Group     | Passed |                                           |
| 15 | Cores Distribution | Passed |                                           |
| 16 | SPI Affinity       | Passed |                                           |
| 17 | Clock              | Passed |                                           |
| 18 | Mgmt Monitor       | Passed |                                           |
| 19 | Licenses           | Passed |                                           |
| 20 | Hide NAT range     | Passed |                                           |
| 21 | LTE                | Passed | (1)Not configured                         |
| 22 | IPS Enhancement    | Passed |                                           |
| Networking                                                                   |
| 23 | MAC Setting        | Passed |                                           |
| 24 | ARP Consistency    | Passed |                                           |
| 25 | Interfaces         | Failed | (1)RX drop                                |
| 26 | Bond               | Passed |                                           |
| 27 | Bridge             | Passed | (1)Not configured                         |
| 28 | IPv4 Route         | Passed |                                           |
| 29 | IPv6 Route         | Passed |                                           |
| 30 | Dynamic Routing    | Passed |                                           |
| 31 | Local ARP          | Passed |                                           |
| 32 | Port Speed         | Failed | (1)Inconsistent chassis configuration     |
|    |                    |        | (2)Inconsistency between chassis and conf |
|    |                    |        |  file                                     |
| Misc                                                                         |
| 33 | Core Dumps         | Failed |                                           |
| 34 | Syslog             | Passed |                                           |
| 35 | Processes          | Failed |                                           |
| Tests Summary                                                                |
| Passed: 26/35 tests                                                          |
| Run: "asg diag list 1,2,4,10,11,25,32,33,35" to view a complete list of fail |
| ed tests                                                                     |
| Output file: /var/log/verifier_sum.1-35.2014-02-17_09-27-55.txt              |


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