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Showing the Tests

This example shows the complete list of diagnostic tests. The list shows the test ID, test name and the command that asg diag runs to show the specified test results.

> asg diag list
| ID | Title              | Command                        |
| System Components                                        |
|  1 | System Health      | asg stat -d                    |
|  2 | Hardware           | asg hw_monitor -q              |
|  3 | Resources          | asg resource -q                |
|  4 | Software Versions  | asg_version verify -v          |
|  5 | Software Provision | asg_provision -diag            |
|  6 | CPU Type           | cpu_socket_verifier -v         |
|  7 | Media Details      | transceiver_verifier -v        |
|  8 | Chassis ID         | verify_chassis_id              |
| Policy and Configuration                                 |
|  9 | Distribution Mode  | distutil verify -d             |
| 10 | Policy             | asg policy verify -a           |
| 11 | AMW Policy         | asg policy verify_amw -a       |
| 12 | VSX Configuration  | asg vsx_verify -v -a -c -i     |
| 13 | Installation       | installation_verify            |
| 14 | Security Group     | asg security_group diag        |
| 15 | Cores Distribution | cores_verifier                 |
| 16 | SPI Affinity       | spi_affinity_verifier -v       |
| 17 | Clock              | clock_verifier -v              |
| 18 | Mgmt Monitor       | mgmt_monitor snmp_verify -diag |
| 19 | Licenses           | asg_license_verifier           |
| 20 | Hide NAT range     | asg_hide_behind_range -v       |
| 21 | LTE                | lte_verifier -v                |
| 22 | IPS Enhancement    | asg_ips_enhance status         |
| Networking                                               |
| 23 | MAC Setting        | mac_verifier -v                |
| 24 | ARP Consistency    | asg_arp -v -q                  |
| 25 | Interfaces         | interface_verifier -q          |
| 26 | Bond               | asg_bond -v -q                 |
| 27 | Bridge             | asg_br_verifier -v             |
| 28 | IPv4 Route         | asg_route -q                   |
| 29 | IPv6 Route         | asg_route -6 -q                |
| 30 | Dynamic Routing    | asg_dr_verifier                |
| 31 | Local ARP          | asg_local_arp_verifier -v      |
| 32 | Port Speed         | asg_port_speed verify          |
| Misc                                                     |
| 33 | Core Dumps         | core_dump_verifier -v          |
| 34 | Syslog             | asg_syslog verify              |
| 35 | Processes          | asg_process_verifier -v        |


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