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Showing System Messages (asg_varlog)

Use this command to show system messages written to message files stored in the /var/log directory on SGMs. The output shows in chronological sequence. Each line shows the SGM that created the log entry.


> asg_varlog [-b <sgm_ids>] [-tail <n>] [-f <filter>]
> asg_varlog -h



-b <sgm_ids>

The SGMs from which to collect /var/log/messages.

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)


-tail <n>

Show only last n lines of the log file for each SGM. For example, -tail 3 shows only the last three lines of the specified log file. Default = 10 lines.

-f <filter>

Word or phrase to use as an output filter. For example, -f ospf shows only OSPF messages.


Shows command syntax and help information.


This example shows messages on Chassis1 containing the word "Restarted".

> asg_varlog -b chassis1 -f Restarted
Feb  5 12:40:07 1_03 Athens-ch01-03 pm[8465]: Restarted /bin/routed[8489], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:09 1_04 Athens-ch01-04 pm[8449]: Restarted /bin/routed[9995], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:09 1_04 Athens-ch01-04 pm[8449]: Restarted /opt/CPsuite-R76/fw1/bin/cmd[11291], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:09 1_04 Athens-ch01-04 pm[8449]: Restarted /usr/libexec/gexecd[11292], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:10 1_03 Athens-ch01-03 pm[8465]: Restarted /usr/libexec/gexecd[9701], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:10 1_03 Athens-ch01-03 pm[8465]: Restarted /bin/routed[11328], count=2
Feb  5 12:40:10 1_05 Athens-ch01-05 pm[8458]: Restarted /bin/routed[9734], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:10 1_05 Athens-ch01-05 pm[8458]: Restarted /usr/libexec/gexecd[11331], count=1
Feb  5 12:40:11 1_01 Athens-ch01-01 pm[8463]: Restarted /bin/routed[12253], count=3
Feb  5 12:40:11 1_04 Athens-ch01-04 pm[8449]: Restarted /bin/routed[11378], count=2
Feb  5 12:40:11 1_04 Athens-ch01-04 pm[8449]: Restarted /opt/CPsuite-R76/fw1/bin/cmd[11379], count=2
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