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Monitoring Virtual Systems (cpha_vsx_util monitor)

Use this command to stop or start Virtual Systems (VS) monitoring.

The state of an SGM is not affected by an unmonitored Virtual Systems. For example, an unmonitored Virtual System in problem state (pnote) is ignored. The SGM state does change to DOWN.

Not monitoring a Virtual System is useful if you want an SGM to be UP even if a specific Virtual System is DOWN or does not have a Policy (for example, after you unload the local policy).


# cpha_vsx_util monitor start|stop <vs_ids>
# cpha_vsx_util monitor show




Show all unmonitored Virtual Systems


Stop monitoring the Virtual Systems


Start monitoring the Virtual Systems


<vs_ids> can be:

  • No <vs_ids> (default) - Shows the current Virtual System context.
  • One Virtual System.
  • A comma-separated list of Virtual Systems (1,2,4,5).
  • A range of Virtual Systems (VS 3-5).
  • all - Shows all Virtual Systems.

Note: This parameter is only relevant in a VSX environment.

Note - When you stop Virtual System monitoring, you must run cpha_vsx_util monitor start to start it again. Monitoring does not start automatically after reboot.

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