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Configuring Alerts for SGM and Chassis Events (asg alert)

The asg alert utility is an interactive wizard used to configure alerts for SGM and Chassis events. Event types include hardware failure, recovery, and performance related events. You can also create events for other, general events.

An alert is sent when an event occurs. For example, an alert is generated when the value of a hardware resource is greater than the threshold. The alert message includes the Chassis ID, SGM ID and/or unit ID, as applicable.

The wizard includes these options:



Full Configuration Wizard

Create a new alert

Edit Configuration

Change an existing alert

Show Configuration

Show existing alert configurations

Run Test

Run a test simulation to make sure that the alert works correctly

To create or change an alert:

  1. Run:

    > asg alert

  2. Select and configure these parameters as prompted by the wizard:
    • Alert type and related parameters
    • Event types
    • Alert mode

These sections include details about the alert parameters that you configure with the wizard.

SMS alert parameters

  • SMS Provider URL - Fully qualified URL to your SMS provider based on this syntax.
  • HTTP proxy and port (Optional) – Necessary only if your Security Gateway requires a proxy server to reach the SMS provider
  • SMS rate limit - Maximum number of SMS messages sent per hour. When there are too many messages, the others are sent together as one message.
  • SMS user text - Custom prefix for SMS messages

Email alert configuration

  • SMTP server IP - One or more SMTP servers to which the email alerts are sent.
  • Email recipient addresses - One or more recipient email addresses for each SMTP servers.
  • Periodic connectivity checks - Run a periodic test to make sure that there is connectivity with the SNMP servers. If there is no connectivity, alert messages are saved and sent in one email when connectivity is restored.
  • Interval - Interval, in minutes, between connectivity tests.
  • Sender email address - Sender email address for email alerts.
  • Subject - Subject header text for the email alert.
  • Body text - User-defined text for the alert message.

SNMP alert parameters

Define one or more SNMP managers to get SNMP traps sent from the Security Gateway. For each manager, configure these parameters as prompted:

Note - Some parameters do not show, based on your settings.

  • SNMP manager name - Name for your SNMP manager (unique)
  • SNMP manager IP - Manager IP address (trap receiver)
  • SNMP version - SNMP version to use (v2cv3)
  • SNMP v3 user name - If using SNMP v3 authentication, you must configure this.
  • SNMP v3 engine ID - Unique SNMP v3 engine ID used by your system. Default = [0x80000000010203EA].
  • SNMP v3 authentication protocol - MD5 or SHA.
  • SNMP v3 authentication password - Privacy password.
  • SNMP v3 privacy protocol - DES or AES.
  • SNMP v3 privacy password - Privacy password.
  • SNMP user text - Custom text for the SNMP trap messages.
  • SNMP community string - Community string for the SNMP manager.

Log alert parameters

There are no configurable parameters for log alerts.

Event types

You can select one or more event types:

  • One event type
  • A comma-delimited list of more than one event type
  • all for all event types
1       | SGM State
2       | Chassis State
3       | Port State
4       | Pingable Hosts State
5       | System Monitor Daemon
6       | Route State
7       | Diagnostics
Hardware Monitor events:
8       | Fans
9       | SSM
10      | CMM
11      | Power Supplies
12      | CPU Temperature
Performance events:
13      | Concurrent Connections
14      | Connection Rate
15      | Packet Rate
16      | Throughput
17      | CPU Load
18      | Hard Drive Utilization
19      | Memory Utilization

Alert Modes

  • Enabled - An alert is sent for the selected events
  • Disabled - No alert is sent for the selected events
  • Monitor - A log entry is generated instead of an alert

Related Topics

Diagnostic Events

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