global help
This command shows the list of global commands you can use in gclish, and how they are generally used.
> global help
> global help
Usage: <command_name> [-b SGMs] [-a -l -r --] <native command arguments>
Executes the specified command on specified blades.
Optional Arguments:
-b blades: in one of the following formats
1_1,1_4 or 1_1-1_4 or 1_01,1_03-1_08,1_10
all (default)
-a : Force execution on all SGMs (incl. down SGMs).
-l : Execute only on local blade.
-r : Execute only on remote SGMs.
Command list:
arp cat cp cpconfig cplic cpstart cpstop dmesg ethtool fw fw6 fwaccel fwaccel6 fwaccel6_m fwaccel_m ls md5sum mv netstat reboot sim sim6 snapshot_recover snapshot_show_current tail tcpdump top unlock update_conf_file vpn asg