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Copy Files to Blades (asg_cp2blades)

Use this command to copy files from the current SGM to other SGMs.


> asg_cp2blades [-b <sgm_ids>][-s] <source_path> [<dest_path>]



-b <sgm_ids>

Works with SGMs and/or Chassis as specified by <sgm_ids>.

<sgm_ids> can be:

  • No <sgm_ids> specified or all shows all SGMs and Chassis
  • One SGM
  • A comma-separated list of SGMs (1_1,1_4)
  • A range of SGMs (1_1-1_4)
  • One Chassis (Chassis1 or Chassis2)
  • The active Chassis (chassis_active)



Save a local copy of the old file on each SGM

The copy is saved in the same directory as the new file. The old file has the same name with this at the end:



Full path and name of the file to copy


Full path of the destination

If not specified, the command copies the file to the relative source file location.


> asg_cp2blades /home/admin/note.txt


Operation completed successfully


> cat /home/admin/note.txt         
-*- 3 blades: 2_01 2_02 2_03 -*-
hello world
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