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Memory Leak Detection Wizard (asg_memory_leak_detect)

Use asg_memory_leak_detect to detect memory leaks. This utility replaces the procedure in sk98387.

To start the Memory Leak Detection Wizard:


# asg_memory_leak_detect
|           Memory Leak Detection Utility           |

SGMs Currently Running Memory Leak Detection:

| Chassis |  Security Gateway Modules  |
|    1    |                            |
|    2    |                            |

Choose one of the following options:
1) Start memory leak detection
2) Stop memory leak detection
3) Monitor memory leak detection
4) Exit

The wizard shows which Chassis and SGMs run Memory Leak Detection.

To start Memory Leak Detection:

Important - This process reboots the SGMs affected.

  1. In the Memory Leak Detection Wizard, press: 1
  2. Choose the Chassis.

    Note - We recommend that you run Memory Leak Detection on the active Chassis.

  3. Choose the SGMs for Memory Leak Detection.

    Note - You can run Memory Leak Detection on all active SGMs except the local SGM.

  4. Enter the time for Memory Leak Detection that starts an alert in days or hours. For example:
    • To enter a time of 1 hour, type: 1 hour
    • To enter a time of 2 hours, type: 2 hours
    • To enter a time of 3 days, type: 3 days

      Note - We recommend that you run Memory Leak Detection for as long as practical.

  5. Enter the percentage of memory used that starts an alert.

    Important - The duration and percentage only start alerts. Memory Leak Detection continues past the duration and percentage of memory use. You must manually stop Memory Leak Detection.

  6. Confirm that you want to run Memory Leak Detection.

    The SGMs reboot. The wizard returns to the main screen.

To stop Memory Leak Detection:

Important - This process reboots the SGMs affected.

  1. In the Memory Leak Detection Wizard, press 2.
  2. Choose the Chassis.
  3. Choose the SGMs to stop Memory Leak Detection.

    If the SGMs are on the Active Chassis in a Dual Chassis environment, the wizard suggests that you fail over to the Standby Chassis.

  4. Confirm that you want to stop Memory Leak Detection.

The SGMs reboot. The wizard returns to the main screen.

To monitor Memory Leak Detection:

In the Memory Leak Detection Wizard, press 3.

|            Memory Leak Detection Status                  |
|SGM ID|         Time         |        Memory Usage        |
|      | Duration | Threshold | Current | Peak | Threshold |
| 1_2  | 0 hours  | 2 hours   | 36%     | 36%  | 70%       |

Press enter to return to the main menu

The memory Leak Detection Wizard shows this information:

  • SGM ID - ID of the SGM running Memory Leak Detection
  • Time
    • Duration - Amount of time Memory Leak Detection ran
    • Threshold - Amount of time Memory Leak Detection runs before it triggers alerts
  • Memory Usage
    • Current - Percentage of memory used on the SGM
    • Peak - Highest percentage of memory used on the SGM
    • Threshold - Percentage of memory used before Memory Leak Detection triggers alerts

Related Topics

Locations of Memory Leak Detection Files

Rebooting SGMs During Memory Leak Detection

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