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Enable/Disable Interface Ports

Use the asg if command to enable or disable interface ports for specified SGMs.

To disable an interface port:


# asg if -i eth1-01 disable
You are about to perform port state disable on eth1-01 on blades: all

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y

Port state disable on eth1-01 requires auditing
Enter your full name: y
Enter reason for port state disable on eth1-01 [Maintenance]: y
WARNING: Port state disable on eth1-01 on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
interface eth1-01 is disabled

To enable an interface port:


# asg if -i eth1-01 enable
You are about to perform port state enable on eth1-01 on blades: all

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y

Port state disable on eth1-01 requires auditing
Enter your full name: y
Enter reason for port state disable on eth1-01 [Maintenance]: y
WARNING: Port state enable on eth1-01 on blades: all, User: y, Reason: y
interface eth1-01 is enabled
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