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Verbose mode

The verbose mode shows extended information, including information retrieved from the switch. You can use the verbose mode for one interface or a comma-separated list of interfaces. This operation can take a few seconds for each interface.

# asg if -i eth1-01 -v

Collecting information, may take few seconds
|Interfaces Data                                                                         |
|Interface|IPv4 Address         |Info        |State         |Speed   |MTU       |Duplex  |
|         |MAC  Address         |            |(ch1)/(ch2)   |        |          |        |
|         |IPv6 Address (global)|            |              |        |          |        |
|         |IPv6 Address (local) |            |              |        |          |        |
|eth1-01  |-                    |Bond slave  |(up)/(up)     |10G     |1500      |Full    |
|         |00:1c:7f:a1:01:0     |            |master:       |        |          |        |
|         |-                    |            |bond1(up)/(up)|        |          |        |
|         |-                    |            |              |        |          |        |
|Comment                                                                                 |
|internal interface                                                                      |
|Traffic                                                                                 |
|media            |In traffic |In pkt(uni/mul/brd)|Out traffic    |Out pkt(uni/mul/brd)  |
|FTLF8528P2BNV-EM |28.8Kbps   |0pps/38pps/5pps    |4.1Mbps        |0pps/355pps/0pps      |
|Errors (total/pps)                                                                      |
|OutDiscards                  |InDiscards         |InErrors       |OutErrors             |
|0/0                          |0/0                |0/0            |0/0                   |
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