Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)
Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) Overview
PIM-SM differs from PIM-DM in that PIM-SM is an "explicit-join" protocol. An "explicit-join" grows branches of the multicast distribution trees from receivers back towards the root of the tree. In this way, multicast traffic only ever flows to members of the group. PIM-SM also differs from PIM-DM in that in PIM-DM all distribution trees are rooted at the sender. PIM-DM has no notion of shared trees, Rendezvous-Points (RPs), (*,G) state, and so on.
You can configure PIM-SM by entering an ip pim sparse-mode command. This indicates that only PIM-SM should run on the associated interfaces.
Note: PIM uses routes in the multicast Routing Information Base (RIB) to perform its RPF check. By default none of the IGPs (IS-IS, OSPF, RIP) place routes into the multicast RIB. They must be configured to do so. Check the relevant protocol's configuration section in order to obtain the correct syntax.
ip pim associate-msdp
ip pim associate-msdp - informs the MSDP component of active sources in the local PIM-SM domain
ip pim associate-msdp
no ip pim associate-msdp
Global Configuration
Use the ip pim associate-msdp command to inform the MSDP protocol of active sources in the local PIM-SM domain. The negative form of this command, no ip pim associate-msdp , removes this association with the MSDP protocol.
If ip pim associate-msdp is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim associate-msdp
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the Associate MSDP option.
(config)# ip pim associate-msdp
ip pim bsr-admin-scope
ip pim bsr-admin-scope - configures additional rules when using the BSR RP set distribution mechanism
ip pim bsr-admin-scope
no ip pim bsr-admin-scope
Global Configuration
This command specifies that the Admin Scope BSR rules, as defined in the IETF document draft-ietf-pim-sm-bsr-02, are to be used to distribute RP set information. By default, Advanced Routing Suite uses the single-BSR-per-domain BSR rules to distributed RP set information.
Note that it is a misconfiguration to combine these two styles of BSR in the same PIM-SM domain. If a BSR mechanism is desired for distributing RP set information, then all routers must be configured with ip pim bsr-admin-scope . If not, then none of them may be configured with ip pim bsr-admin-scope . Furthermore, when reconfiguring a router from using the Admin Scope BSR rules to using the single-BSR-per-domain BSR rules, or vice versa, all BSR state on the router is reset, which can result in a disruption of multicast traffic.
If ip pim bsr-admin-scope is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim bsr-admin-scope
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example specifies to use Admin Scope BSR rules when using the BSR RP set distribution mechanism.
(config)# ip pim bsr-admin-scope
ip pim bsr-border
ip pim bsr-border - configures a PIM boundary on the associated interface
ip pim bsr-border
no ip pim bsr-border
Interface Configuration
The ip pim bsr-border command configures a PIM boundary on the associated interface. A PIM boundary prevents the transmission and receipt of Bootstrap Router (BSR) messages. This option is useful when joining two administratively separate multicast domains via Multicast Source Discover Protocol (MSDP).
The negative form of this command, no ip pim bsr-border , remove any existing PIM border configured on the interface.
If ip pim bsr-border is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config-if)# no ip pim bsr-border
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the PIM sparse mode protocol on interface fxp1. A PIM border is also configured on this interface.
(config)# interface fxp1
(config-if)# ip pim sparse-mode
(config-if)# ip pim bsr-border
(config-if)# exit
ip pim bsr-candidate
ip pim bsr-candidate - configures a candidate bootstrap router on a specified interface
ip pim bsr-candidate interface
no ip pim bsr-candidate interface?
Global Configuration
interface - a physical interface name or a valid IPv4 address for the BSR message origination
The ip pim bsr-candidate configures the router to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR) on the specified interface. Only one interface can be configured as a CBSR. If any of the BSR Candidate commands are given, then candidate BSR mechanism is enabled. If an interface is not specified, then the first PIM-SM enabled interface is selected.
The negative form of this command, no ip pim bsr-candidate , removes the configured interface. Note: Specifying a value for interface in the no form has no effect on the configuration. It will not remove other BSR candidate configurations, such as priority or interval. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
A router does not act as a CBSR by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the router to be a CBSR on interface fxp0.
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate fxp0
ip pim bsr-candidate global
ip pim bsr-candidate global - configures the router be a CBSR in the global scope range
ip pim bsr-candidate global [priority level]?
no ip pim bsr-candidate global [priority level]?
Global Configuration
priority level - optionally specify a priority to be associated with the router volunteering to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR) on the given interface. The value for level can be an integer from 0 to 255, inclusive.
The ip pim bsr-candidate global command configures a router to be a CSBR in global scope range for the new ASBSR implementation syntax (for group ranges not within 239/8). You can specify an optional priority to be associated with this router. If this command is not specified, then PIM reverts to the older ASBSR implementation mechanism.
If ip pim bsr-candidate global is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim bsr-candidate global
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the router to be a CBSR in global scope, with a priority of 1, on interface fxp1.
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate fxp1
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate global priority 1
ip pim bsr-candidate group
ip pim bsr-candidate group - specifies a set of multicast groups and optional priorities for which the router will volunteer to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR)
ip pim bsr-candidate group prefix [priority level]?
no ip pim bsr-candidate group prefix [priority level]?
Global Configuration
prefix - a valid IPv4 prefix specified as a.b.c.d/e
priority level - specifies a priority to be associated with the groups for which a router is volunteering to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR) on the given interface. The value of level can be an integer from 0 to 255, inclusive.
Use the ip pim bsr-candidate group command to configure the administratively scoped BSR mechanism. The admin scope prefix is 239/8. The group range, therefore, can only be within 239/8. In addition, you can optionally specify a priority to associate with the group being configured.
A router does not act as a CBSR for a group by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the router to be a CBSR in the multicast group The priority is configured to be 10.
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate group priority 10
ip pim bsr-candidate interval
ip pim bsr-candidate interval - specifies the interval between originating bootstrap messages
ip pim bsr-candidate interval time-seconds
no ip pim bsr-candidate interval time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - an integer between 1 and 536,870,906, inclusive, specifying a number of seconds
If a router is acting as the elected BSR for a PIM-SM domain, then the ip pim bsr-candidate interval command specifies the number of seconds the router should wait between successive bootstrap message transmissions. The negative form of this command, no ip pim bsr-candidate interval , removes the configured time-seconds value and returns this to its default value of 60 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If a router is acting as the elected BSR, and ip pim bsr-candidate interval is not specified, then it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate interval 60
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, a router is configured to act as a BSR on interface The interval at which the router should wait between bootstrap message transmissions is then configured to be 30 seconds.
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate interval 30
ip pim bsr-candidate priority
ip pim bsr-candidate priority - specifies the priority to use when configuring a router to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR) on an interface or group
ip pim bsr-candidate priority level
no ip pim bsr-candidate priority level?
Global Configuration
level - an integer from 0 to 255, inclusive
Use the ip pim bsr-candidate priority command to specify a priority to be associated with the interface or groups for which a router is volunteering to be a CBSR. When more than one router attached to a network attempts to become the CBSR, the one with the highest priority wins. (Note that this is different than the CRP priority.)
The negative form of this command, no ip pim bsr-candidate priority , removes the configured level and returns this to its default value of 0. Note: Specifying a value for level in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If a router is acting as the elected BSR, and ip pim bsr-candidate priority is not specified, then it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate priority 0
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, a router is configured to act as a BSR on interface The priority is then configured to be 5.
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate
(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate priority 5
ip pim bsr-holdtime
ip pim bsr-holdtime - specifies the time after which the elected Bootstrap Router (BSR) will be assumed unreachable when bootstrap messages are not received from it
ip pim bsr-holdtime time-seconds
no ip pim bsr-holdtime time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - specifies the time, in seconds, between 12 and 1,073,741,823, inclusive
Use the ip pim bsr-holdtime command to configure the length of time that must pass without a BSR message from the elected BSR before a PIM-SM router considers the elected BSR to be dead. The negative form of this command, no ip pim bsr-holdtime , removes the configured time-seconds value and returns this to its default value of 130 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim bsr-holdtime is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim bsr-holdtime 130
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the BSR holdtime to be 50 seconds.
(config)# ip pim bsr-holdtime 50
ip pim dr-switch-immediate
ip pim dr-switch-immediate - causes a Designated Router (DR) to initiate a switch to the Shortest Path Tree (SPT) for (S,G) upon receipt of the first data packet from source S
ip pim dr-switch-immediate
no ip pim dr-switch-immediate
Global Configuration
The ip pim dr-switch-immediate command configures a Designated Router (DR) to initiate a switch to the shortest path tree upon receipt of the first data packet received from source S addressed to group G.
The negative form of this command sets the value to the default, which is to switch when the traffic rate exceeds a threshold.
If this option is set, than any other options related to the default method of switching will have no effect. Once this option has been configured, the only way to return to the default mode is to deconfigure it using the no form.
If ip pim dr-switch-immediate is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim dr-switch-immediate
Command History
NGC 2.2 – This command was introduced.
In the following example, if the router is a DR, then the first time that the router receives a Register message encapsulating data from source S addressed to group G, it will initiate a switch to the SP tree rooted at S.
(config)# ip pim dr-switch-immediate
See Also
"ip pim rp-switch-immediate"
ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier
ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier - together with the mrt-period , specifies the interval at which the data rate threshold for all S,G entries will be checked for a possible switch to the SP tree
ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier number
no ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier number?
Global Configuration
number - an integer between 1 and 100, inclusive
The mrt-spt-multiplier value, multiplied by the mrt-period value, specifies the interval at which the data rate threshold for all (S,G) entries will be checked for a possible switch to the shortest path tree. If either the rp-switch-immediate or dr-switch-immediate option is configured, then configuring this value will have no effect.
The negative form of this command, no ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier , resets the MRT Stale Multiplier to its default. Note: Specifying a value for number in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier 4
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the MRT SPT Mult value to be 20.
(config)# ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier 20
See Also
"ip pim dr-switch-immediate"
"ip pim rp-switch-immediate"
ip pim probe-interval
ip pim probe-interval - specifies the number of seconds prior to the RegisterStop timer expiry to send a null Register message to the Rendezvous Point (RP)
ip pim probe-interval time-seconds
no ip pim probe-interval time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - specifies the time, in seconds, between 0 and "ip pim register-suppression-timeout", inclusive
When PIM null Register messages are used, ip pim probe-interval specifies the number of seconds prior to the RegisterStop timer expiry to send a null Register message to the Rendezvous Point (RP). If a PIM RegisterStop message is received from the RP before the RegisterStop timer expires, the RegisterStop timer is reset, and the sending of encapsulating Register messages is delayed.
The negative form of this command, no ip pim probe-interval , returns this to its default value of 5 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim probe-interval is not explicitly configured, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim probe-interval 5
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the probe interval to be 6 seconds.
(config)# ip pim probe-interval 6
ip pim register-suppression-timeout
ip pim register-suppression-timeout - specifies the time, in seconds, between receiving a PIM RegisterStop message and allowing Register messages encapsulating multicast data to again be sent
ip pim register-suppression-timeout time-seconds
no ip pim register-suppression-timeout time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - specifies the time, in seconds, between 1 and 3600, inclusive
When a router receives a RegisterStop message from a Rendezvous Point (RP) for an (S,G) pair, it must stop sending multicast data encapsulated in Register messages for some period of time. Such a router is said to be "register-suppressed" for the (S,G) pair. The ip pim register-suppression-timeout command specifies the number of seconds for which the router remains register-suppressed. A lower value means that the RP receives more frequent bursts of encapsulated multicast data, while a higher value means a longer join latency for new receivers. (Note that if null Registers are sent every "ip pim probe-interval" seconds before the timeout, then Register bursts are prevented, and register-suppression-timeout can then be lowered to decrease join latency.)
The negative form of this command, no ip pim register-suppression-timeout , returns this to its default value of 60 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim register-suppression-timeout is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim register-suppression-timeout 60
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the PIM sparse mode protocol on interface fxp1. The Register Suppression Timeout is configured to be 70 seconds.
(config)# ip pim register-suppression-timeout 70
ip pim rp-address
ip pim rp-address - configures the router to be a Static Rendezvous Point (static RP)
ip pim rp-address address group prefix
no ip pim rp-address address group prefix
Global Configuration
address - a valid IPv4 address
group prefix - a valid IPv4 multicast group range
Advanced Routing Suite provides two mutually exclusive methods for RP set distribution: statically configured RPs and Bootstrap Router (BSR). The ip pim rp-address command lets you statically configure an RP set. Multiple ip pim rp-address commands can be used to add elements to the set.
A static RP address is not configured by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, RP is configured to serve multicast group, while is configured to serve all other multicast groups. RP is then de-configured, causing to serve all groups.
(config)# ip pim rp-address group
(config)# ip pim rp-address group
(config)# no ip pim rp-address group
ip pim rp-candidate
ip pim rp-candidate - configures the router to be a Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP) on a specified interface
ip pim rp-candidate interface
no ip pim rp-candidate interface?
Global Configuration
interface - a physical interface name or a valid IPv4 address
The ip pim rp-candidate command configures a router to be a Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP). Only one interface can be configured as the CRP. A router is chosen as the RP for a multicast group from the set of CRPs via a well-known hash function. A CRP's suitability for a given multicast group may be biased with a priority. When choosing an RP for a group from the set of CRPs, the hash function is computed for each member of the set of CRPs with the lowest priority for the group. The CRP yielding the highest hash value is selected as the RP for the group.
The negative form of this command, no ip pim rp-candidate , removes the configured interface. Note: Specifying a value for interface in the no form has no effect on the configuration. It will not remove other RP candidate configurations, such as priority or advertisement interval. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
A router does not act as a CRP on an interface by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the router to be a CRP on interface fxp0.
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate fxp0
ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval
ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval - sets the interval at which a Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP) will send CRP Advertisement (Adv) messages to the Bootstrap Router (BSR)
ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval time-seconds
no ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - an integer between 1 and 65535, inclusive, specifying a number of seconds
When using the BSR mechanism to distribute RP set information throughout a PIM-SM domain, CRPs must periodically send C-RP-Adv messages to the BSR. The ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval command is used to specify the time, in seconds, between successive C-RP-Adv messages.
The negative form of this command, no ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval , removes the configured time-seconds value and returns this to its default value of 60 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If a router is acting as the elected CRP, and ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval is not specified, then it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval 60
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, a router is configured to act as a CRP on interface The interval at which the router will send C-RP-Adv messages to the BSR is then configured to be 30 seconds.
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate advertisement-interval 30
ip pim rp-candidate group
ip pim rp-candidate group - specifies a set of multicast groups and optional priorities for which the router will volunteer to be a Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP)
ip pim rp-candidate group prefix/len [priority level]?
no ip pim rp-candidate group prefix/len [priority level]?
Global Configuration
prefix/ len - a valid IPv4 prefix and mask length within
priority level - specifies a priority to be associated with the groups for which a router is volunteering to be a Candidate Bootstrap Router (CBSR) on the given interface. The value of level can be an integer from 0 to 255, inclusive.
Use the ip pim rp-candidate group command to configure a set of multicast groups and optional priorities for which the router will volunteer to be a CRP. To configure a CRP to volunteer for multiple group ranges, issue the command multiple times, giving different ranges. In addition, you can optionally specify a priority to associate with the group being configured.
A router does not act as a CRP for a group by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
Example 1
The following example configures the router to be a CRP in the multicast group The priority is configured to be 10.
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate group priority 10
Example 2
The following example configures the router to be a CRP in the multicast group
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate group
ip pim rp-candidate holdtime
ip pim rp-candidate holdtime - specifies the holdtime, in seconds, advertised in Candidate Rendezvous Point Advertisement (C-RP-Adv) messages
ip pim rp-candidate holdtime time-seconds
no ip pim rp-candidate holdtime time-seconds?
Global Configuration
time-seconds - specifies the time, in seconds, between 1 and 65535, inclusive
For CRPs, ip pim rp-candidate holdtime specifies the holdtime advertised in C-RP-Adv messages and is used by the Bootstrap Router (BSR) to time out RPs. The negative form of this command, no ip pim rp-candidate holdtime , removes the configured time-seconds value and returns this to its default value of 150 seconds. Note: Specifying a value for time-seconds in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim rp-candidate holdtime is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate holdtime 150
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, a router is configured to act as a CRP on interface The holdtime is then configured to be 100 seconds.
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate holdtime 100
ip pim rp-candidate priority
ip pim rp-candidate priority - specifies the priority to use when configuring a router to be a Candidate Rendezvous Point (CRP) on an interface or group
ip pim rp-candidate priority level
no ip pim rp-candidate priority level?
Global Configuration
level - an integer from 0 to 255, inclusive
When using the BSR method of RP set distribution, CRPs will periodically send C-RP-Adv messages to the BSR. These messages specify a set of groups for which the CRP is volunteering to be an RP. In addition, a priority is associated with each set of groups and is used to decide which CRP will actually serve as the RP for a given group. When more than one router attached to a network attempts to become the CRP, the one with the lowest priority wins. (Note that this is different than the BSR priority.)
The negative form of this command, no ip pim rp-candidate priority , removes the configured level and returns this to its default value of 0. Note: Specifying a value for level in the no form has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If a router is acting as the elected CRP, and is not specified, then it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate priority 0
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, a router is configured to act as a CRP on interface The priority is then configured to be 5.
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate
(config)# ip pim rp-candidate priority 5
ip pim rp-switch-immediate
ip pim rp-switch-immediate - causes a Rendezvous Point (RP) to initiate a switch to the Shortest Path (SP) tree for (S,G) upon receipt of the first Register message encapsulating data from source S
ip pim rp-switch-immediate
no ip pim rp-switch-immediate
Global Configuration
The PIM-SM protocol allows an RP or a Designated Router (DR) to switch from receiving data from a source S sent to a group G via the RP tree, to receiving data from the SP tree. Two methods are available within Advanced Routing Suite for deciding when an SP tree switch should be initiated. One of these methods is to initiate a switch to the SP tree for an (S,G) pair upon receipt of the first Register message containing data from source S addressed to group G.
If the ip pim rp-switch-immediate command is not configured, then an active RP will initiate a switch to the SP tree when the traffic rate exceeds a threshold.
If this option is set, then any other options related to the default method of switching will have no effect. Once this option is configured, the only way to return to the default mode is to deconfigure it using the no form.
The default is to switch when the traffic rate exceeds a threshold. Thus, if ip pim rp-switch-immediate is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim rp-switch-immediate
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, if this router is an RP for G, then the first time that the router receives a Register message encapsulating data from source S addressed to group G, it will initiate a switch to the SP tree rooted at S.
(config)# ip pim rp-switch-immediate
See Also
"ip pim dr-switch-immediate"
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim sparse-mode - enables PIM sparse mode on an interface
ip pim sparse-mode
no ip pim sparse-mode
Interface Configuration
The ip pim sparse-mode command enables PIM sparse mode on the associated interface. The negative form of this command, no ip pim sparse-mode , disables PIM-SM on the interface.
PIM sparse mode is disabled by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the PIM sparse mode protocol on interface fxp0.
(config)# interface fxp0
(config-if)# ip pim sparse-mode
(config-if)# exit
ip pim threshold
ip pim threshold - specifies the threshold, in bytes per second, which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, initiates a switch to the Shortest Path (SP) tree
ip pim threshold bps
no ip pim threshold bps?
Global Configuration
bps - an integer between 1 and 4,294,967,295, inclusive
The ip pim threshold command configures the threshold, in bytes per second, which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, triggers a switch to the shortest path tree rooted at S. If either the rp-switch-immediate or dr-switch-immediate option is configured, then configuring this option has no effect.
The negative form of this command returns the value to the default of 1000 bps. Note: Specifying a value for bps in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim threshold is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim threshold 1000
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the threshold to be 2000.
(config)# ip pim threshold 2000
See Also
"ip pim dr-switch-immediate"
"ip pim rp-switch-immediate"
"ip pim threshold-dr"
"ip pim threshold-rp"
ip pim threshold-dr
ip pim threshold-dr - specifies the threshold, in bytes per second, for a Designated Router (DR), which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, initiates a switch to the Shortest Path (SP) tree
ip pim threshold-dr bps
no ip pim threshold-dr bps?
Global Configuration
bps - an integer between 1 and 4,294,967,295, inclusive
The ip pim threshold-dr command specifies the threshold, in bytes per second, for a Designated Router (DR), which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, triggers a switch to the shortest path tree. If either the rp-switch-immediate or dr-switch-immediate option is configured, then configuring this option has no effect.
The negative form of this command returns the value to the default of 1000 bps. Note: Specifying a value for bps in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim threshold-dr is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim threshold-dr 1000
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, if this router is a DR for the pair (S,G), then the data from S addressed to G must exceed an average of 2000 bytes per second before an SPT switch is initiated.
(config)# ip pim threshold-dr 2000
See Also
"ip pim dr-switch-immediate"
"ip pim rp-switch-immediate"
"ip pim threshold"
"ip pim threshold-rp"
ip pim threshold-rp
ip pim threshold-rp - specifies the threshold, in bytes per second, for a Rendezvous Point (RP), which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, initiates a switch to the Shortest Path (SP) tree
ip pim threshold-rp bps
no ip pim threshold-rp bps?
Global Configuration
bps - an integer between 1 and 4,294,967,295, inclusive
The ip pim threshold-rp command specifies the threshold, in bytes per second, for a Rendezvous Point (RP), which, when exceeded for an (S,G) pair, triggers a switch to the shortest path tree. If either the rp-switch-immediate or dr-switch-immediate option is configured, then configuring this option has no effect.
The negative form of this command returns the value to the default of 1000 bps. Note: Specifying a value for bps in the no form of this command has no effect on the configuration. Thus, it is displayed above as optional.
If ip pim threshold-rp is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# ip pim threshold-rp 1000
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example, if this router is an RP for G, then the data from S addressed to G must exceed an average of 2500 bytes per second before an SPT switch is initiated. If this router is a DR for the pair (S,G), then the same data must exceed an average of 2000 bytes per second before an SPT switch is initiated. The period over which the average will be calculated will be the mrt-interval times the mrt-spt-multiplier , or 60 seconds.
(config)# ip pim threshold-rp 2500
(config)# ip pim threshold-dr 2000
(config)# ip pim mrt-interval 30
(config)# ip pim mrt-spt-multiplier 2
See Also
"ip pim dr-switch-immediate"
"ip pim rp-switch-immediate"
"ip pim threshold"
"ip pim threshold-dr"
ip pim trace file
ip pim trace file - specifies the file to receive tracing information, the size of the file, whether to overwrite existing files, and the maximum number of files allowed
ip pim trace file file_name [max-size file_size[M | m |
K | k]? || max-files num_files || no-timestamp || overwrite]?
no ip pim trace file file_name [max-size file_size[M | m |
K | k]? || max-files num_files || no-timestamp || overwrite]?
Global Configuration
file_name - specifies the name of the file to receive the tracing information. Note that the file name is not specified in quotes.
max-size file_size[M | m | K | k] - specifies the maximum file size in bytes (by default) or megabytes or kilobytes. The acceptable value range is 10K to 4,294,967,295 bytes. Notice that there is no space between the file_size parameter and the unit type.
max-files num_files - specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the directory. The acceptable value range is 2 to 4,294,967,295, with a default value of 4,294,967,295 files.
no-timestamp - specifies that a timestamp should not be prepended to all trace lines
overwrite - specifies to begin tracing by appending or truncating an existing file
The trace file command is associated with each protocol, so that information pertaining to a single protocol can be written to its own file. The ip pim trace file command specifies a file for tracing of all PIM events. The negative form of this command disables this tracing. The specific events that are traced are controlled by the ip pim trace flag command.
The max-size option sets a maximum on the size of the trace file. The size can be specified in megabytes by giving 'M' or 'm' (without a leading space), or it can be specified in kilobytes by giving 'K' or 'k'. If no units are given, the size is assumed to be in bytes. The range of this parameter is 10K to 2^32-1 bytes (about 4294M). When the maximum file size is reached, the file is closed and renamed to fname.0, then fname.1, and so on, until the maximum number of files specified by the max-files option is reached. The default is unlimited. The size of a trace file is limited by the file system on which the trace file resides.
The max-files option specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the specified directory. The range of this parameter is 2 to 4,294,967,295. The default is 4,294,967,295 files.
The no-timestamp option disables the pre-pending of a timestamp to all lines written to the trace file. The default is to prepend a timestamp to all lines written to a trace file.
The overwrite option specifies whether to start tracing by truncating or appending to an existing file.
Note: These options are not cumulative across multiple commands. Consider the following example:
(config)# ip pim trace file /var/log/pim.log no-timestamp
(config)# ip pim trace file /var/log/pim.log max-files 10
The option given in the second command completely replaces that given in the first. In order to specify both no-timestamp and max-files 10 , they must be entered on the same line as follows.
(config)# ip pim trace file /var/log/pim.log max-files 10 no-timestamp
PIM tracing is turned off by default.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, PIM tracing is written to the file "/var/tmp/pim.log". The maximum size of the file is configured to be 1024 KB, and the maximum number of files permitted is 3. When the file reaches 1 megabyte in size (the maximum size in this configuration), the file is renamed to pim.log.0, and pim.log is re-created. When the next pim.log file reaches 1 megabyte in size, pim.log.0 is renamed pim.log.1, pim.log is renamed pim.log.0, and pim.log is re-created. This continues until four log files exist (the maximum allowed in this configuration). No timestamp will display at the beginning of the trace lines.
(config)# ip pim trace file /var/tmp/pim.log max-size
1024k max-files 4 no-timestamp
ip pim trace flag
ip pim trace flag - specifies PIM-specific tracing options as well as options that are common across all protocols
ip pim trace flag ( [ route | normal | state | policy |
task | timer | all | debug ] ) | ( [ packets |
assert | bsr | hello | register | jp ] [ send |
receive | send-receive ]? [detail?] )
no ip pim trace flag ( [ route | normal | state | policy |
task | timer | all ] ) | ( [ packets | assert | bsr |
hello | register | debug | jp ] [ send | receive |
send-receive ]? [detail?] )
Global Configuration
Flags common to all protocols:
[ route | normal | state | policy | task | timer | all ] - These tracing flags are common to all protocols. They cannot be associated with a send, receive, or send-receive action item. Similarly, you cannot specify to show detailed information when tracing these flags. These flags are defined as follows:
route - trace routing table changes for routes installed by this protocol or peernormal - trace normal protocol occurrences. Note: Abnormal protocol occurrences are always traced.state - trace state machine transition in the protocolpolicy - trace the application of protocol and user-specified policy to routes being imported or exportedtask - trace system interface and processing associated with this protocoltimer - trace timer usage by this protocolall - turns on all trace flags
PIM-specific flags that do not allow associated action items:
[ debug ] - This PIM-specific flag cannot be associated with the send, receive, or send-receive action items. This flag is defined as follows:
debug - extra trace information of use mainly to developers
IM-specific flags that allow associated action items:
[ packets | assert | hello | bsr | register | jp ] - These PIM-specific flags can be associated with the send, receive, or send-receive action items. These flags are defined as follows:
packets - specifies to trace all types of PIM packetsassert - specifies to trace PIM Assert packetshello - specifies to trace PIM Hello packetsbsr - specifies to trace BSR packetsjp - specifies to trace Join/Prune message packetsregister - specifies to trace all Register message packets
[ send | receive | send-receive ]? - optionally specify whether to limit the tracing to packets sent, received, or both
[detail?] - optionally specify to use a more verbose format when displaying information about the contents of packets instead of one or two lines
Use the ip pim trace flag command to specify tracing flags for PIM-SM, tracing. Each flag must reside on its own configuration line. For example, you cannot specify to trace both jp and bsr packets in the same command.
The default is for no flags to be explicitly configured.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
In the following example, trace flags specify that both the sent and received register and jp messages are traced in detail. This tracing information will be written to the file /var/tmp/pim.log.
(config)# ip pim trace file /var/tmp/pim.log
(config)# ip pim trace flag register send-receive detail
(config)# ip pim trace flag jp send-receive detail
ip pim whole-packet-checksum
ip pim whole-packet-checksum - specifies that checksums in Register messages should be calculated over the entire encapsulated data packet, rather than just over the Register message header
ip pim whole-packet-checksum
no ip pim whole-packet-checksum
Global Configuration
Previous versions of the PIM-SM specification had the checksum of Register messages calculated over the entire message, including encapsulated data. The latest version of the specification states that the checksum should be calculated only over the Register message header, not any encapsulated data. This is Advanced Routing Suite's default checksum method. Use the ip pim whole-packet-checksum command to specify that checksums in Register messages should be calculated according to the old method.
The default is to calculate checksums over the Register message header only. Thus, if ip pim whole-packet-checksum is not specified, it is the same as if the user had specified the following:
(config)# no ip pim whole-packet-checksum
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example configures the PIM sparse mode protocol on interface fxp1. When encapsulating data from local sources in Register messages and sending them to the Rendezvous Point on interface fxp1, the message checksum will be calculated over the entire encapsulated packet, rather than just over the Register message header.
(config)# ip pim whole-packet-checksum
show ip pim bsr-router
show ip pim bsr-router - displays the bootstrap router (BSR)
show ip pim bsr-router
User Execution
Use the show ip pim bsr-router query to view information about the router’s BSR status.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example returns information as a result of the BSR query.
> show ip pim bsr-router
PIMv2 Bootstrap Information
This system is the Bootstrap Router (BSR)
BSR address:
Uptime: 00:03:53, BSR Priority: 0, Hash Mask Length: 30
Next bootstrap message in 00:00:13
show ip pim cbsr
show ip pim cbsr - shows this router’s candidate bootstrap router (CBSR) information
show ip pim cbsr
User Execution
Use the show ip pim cbsr query to obtain information about the router’s CBSR status.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example displays PIM CBSR information.
> show ip pim cbsr
PIMv2 Candidate Bootstrap information
CBSR address:
CBSR Priority: 0, Hash mask length: 0
CBSR State: elected
show ip pim rp
show ip pim rp - displays rendezvous point (RP) set information
show ip pim rp
User Execution
Use the show ip pim rp query to obtain information about the RP set that is currently in use.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example returns information about the RP set currently in use.
> show ip pim rp
The PIM RP Set
Uptime: 00:04:10, Expires: 00:02:20, Priority: 0
show ip pim rp-candidate
show ip pim rp-candidate - displays this router’s candidate rendezvous point (CRP) information
show ip pim rp-candidate
User Execution
Use the show ip pim rp-candidate query to obtain information about the router’s CRP status.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example returns information about this router’s CRP status.
> show ip pim rp-candidate
Candidate RP information
Candidate RP address
CRP Holdtime: 150 seconds
Group: Priority 0
show ip pim rp-hash
show ip pim rp-hash - displays the rendezvous point (RP) to which a group hashes
show ip pim rp-hash ipv4_address
User Execution
ipv4_address - specify a valid IPv4 multicast group address specified in dotted-quad format
Use the show ip pim rp-hash query to view the RP to which a specified multicast group hashes.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example displays the RP to which address hashes.
> show ip pim rp-hash
show ip pim sparse-mode join-prune xmit
show ip pim sparse-mode join-prune xmit - displays sparse mode join/prune transmission information
show ip pim sparse-mode join-prune xmit
User Execution
Use the show ip pim sparse-mode join-prune xmit query to view information about sparse mode join/prune transmissions.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced
The following example returns sparse mode join/prune transmission information.
> show ip pim sparse-mode join-prune xmit
Neighbor address:
Via interface: fxp1
Next message in 335 seconds
Join: RPT
show ip pim sparse-mode mrt
show ip pim sparse-mode mrt - displays detailed information about S,G entries
show ip pim sparse-mode mrt [ group group-prefix ||
source source-prefix ]?
User Execution
group group-prefix - optionally specify a group prefix in the format a.b.c.d/e
source source-prefix - optionally specify a source prefix in the format a.b.c.d/e
The show ip pim sparse-mode mrt query displays detailed information about PIM-SM S,G entries in the Multicast Routing Table. The query shows all S,G entries by default, or you can specify a single group and/or source.
Command History
NGC 2.2 - This command was introduced.
The following example shows a request for all MRT information.
> show ip pim sparse-mode mrt
PIM Sparse Mode Multicast Routing Table
Flags: E - Entry forwarding on the RPT,
J - Joining to the SPT,
N - No flags set, R - RPT bit is set,
S - SPT bit is set, W - Wildcard entry,
X - External component interest uptime 01:02:09, flags: S
Incoming interface: fxp1, index 2, vif 1
Outgoing interface list:
fxp2, index 3, vif 2
fxp3, index 4, vif 3 uptime 12:12:12, flags: S
Incoming interface: fxp2, index 3, vif 2
Outgoing interface list:
fxp1, index 2, vif 1
* uptime 02:03:24, flags: N
Incoming interface: null
Outgoing interface list:
fxp2, index3, vif 2 uptime 00:10:13, flags S
Incoming interface: fxp3, index 4, vif 3
Outgoing interface list:
fxp2, index 3, vif 2
Field Descriptions
The following table describes the fields that appear in the PIM-SM MRT Detail Information Query.
PIM-SM MRT Detail Information Query Fields
| (and other top level IPv4 addresses)
Address of multicast group
| (and other IPv4 address below multicast group address)
IP address of source
Amount of time the entry has existed
Indicates any flags that are set.
fxp3 (and other physical interfaces)
The physical interface name
The interface index
The interface vif number