List of All Resolved Issues and New Features in R80.40 SmartConsole
This version reached its End of Support. If you are using this version (or lower), we strongly recommend you to upgrade your environments.

All SmartConsole Builds listed in this document are Recommended.
Build | Available Since |
13 Mar 2024 |
19 Jul 2023 |
06 Mar 2023 |
13 Nov 2022 |
20 Sep 2022 |
25 Jul 2022 |
30 May 2022 |
06 Apr 2022 |
19 Jan 2022 |
13 Oct 2021 |
04 Jul 2021 |
25 Apr 2021 |
17 Mar 2021 |
31 Jan 2021 |
16 Dec 2020 |
11 Nov 2020 |
05 Nov 2020 |
04 Oct 2020 |
26 Aug 2020 |
27 Jul 2020 |
15 Jun 2020 |
10 May 2020 |
26 Apr 2020 |
16 Mar 2020 |
ID |
Description |
Build 438 Released on 13 March 2024 |
PRJ-47860, |
UPDATE: In the Top Security Rules tab, under the Device & License Information view, the column "Name" is now called "Rule number". |
PRJ-47405, |
When running the Fetch branches action in the LDAP Account Unit window, non-existing branches may be removed without a warning message. |
PRJ-48135, |
When adding a route using vsx_provisioning_tool and the "interface_name" option, this route cannot be removed.
PRJ-48361, |
After copying and pasting a large amount of rules or rules with many objects, some of the pasted rules may not be saved in the Security Management Server database and may disappear from SmartConsole. |
PRJ-48843, |
In the User view, the creation/expiration date format is inconsistent. |
PRJ-44908, |
In some scenarios, clicking the Logs tab or a rule may cause SmartConsole to close. Refer to sk181222. |
PRJ-47626, |
In the Traffic tab, under the Device License Information view, the "Protocol" column shows the timer (the same as the "Duration" column) instead of the Service/Protocol. |
PRJ-47295, |
It may not be possible to update the Endpoint Security On Demand (ESOD) database. Refer to sk50361. |
PRJ-44652, |
An incorrect timestamp may be shown for logs in a predefined time filter. |
PRJ-46039, |
In rare scenarios, when adding an HTTPS inspection certificate in SmartConsole, a red X appears in the picker, and a "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" message is displayed. |
PRJ-47673, |
After deleting or pasting objects in a field of a rule, pressing an arrow key may not change the selected object. |
PRJ-48781, |
When viewing Subordinate CA objects in SmartConsole:
Requires installing R80.40 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 211 |
PRJ-48062, PMTR-93616 |
In rare scenarios, SmartConsole may close when opening a log in the Logs view. |
PRJ-49471, |
After importing or deleting the SNORT protections in SmartConsole > IPS Protections view, the view does not show the change.
PRJ-49277, |
In rare scenarios, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when creating or editing an OSE Device object. |
PRJ-51348, PMTR-93843 |
In rare scenarios, when opening the Logs & Monitor tab, a "No extra data" message is displayed. |
PRJ-48739, |
In the Object Explorer view, the "Tags" column may be empty even though the objects have tags. |
Build 436 Released on 19 July 2023 |
PRJ-46106, |
UPDATE: It is no longer possible to copy-paste/drag-drop network groups in the "Installed On" column in the NAT policy view. |
PRJ-45582, |
When the screen is minimized, the "Monitor" button is not shown. In the Gateways & Servers, when highlighting an object and clicking "Monitor" from the drop-down menu, the "Failed to open Device & License Information for xxx" error message is shown. |
PRJ-46328, |
Editing settings in the Inspection Settings view is greyed out. |
PRJ-44660, |
In the Logs & Monitor view, when adding free-text filters by right-clicking a field column, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close. |
PRJ-45028, |
In some scenarios, when adding a new NAT rule, the selected field of the rule may appear as duplicated. |
PRJ-46176, |
During startup, SmartConsole unnecessarily attempts to query the Documentation Server - |
PRJ-33943, |
In the Logs & Monitor view, querying logs by the "File" type may return no results, although there are matches. |
PRJ-45455, |
When updating the name or comment of an Access Policy rule and scrolling down or up in the policy view, another rule may be shown as edited. |
PRJ-44755, |
When searching the content of a Data Center object that is large, SmartConsole may freeze or close. |
Build 435 Released on 6 March 2023 |
PRJ-34408, |
UPDATE: The "Approve Changes" window in Extension modifications is now adjustable and can be resized. |
PRJ-41332, |
UPDATE: Added support for the "Search by name" filter in Threat Prevention > IPS Protections > Core Protections > See Details. |
PRJ-35356, |
Under TP Profile > Threat Emulation > General > Process Specific file types > Configure, when using the search, it returns "0" although the requested word found. |
PRJ-42092, |
Deleting two or more multiple bond interfaces from VSX under Topology may lead to IP addresses misconfiguration on other interfaces. |
PRJ-39693, |
In legacy SmartDashboard, when navigating to Data Loss Prevention > My Organization > Exclusions > Add, the drop-down list pops up. If the Management Domain contains 5000 or more objects, GUI freezes for several minutes. |
PRJ-39788, |
Cloned object names may differ between SmartConsole and Web SmartConsole. |
PRJ-43256, |
When connecting with SmartConsole to a Domain Management Server, switching views (Gateways and Servers, Security Policies, Logs, Manage & Settings) may not work and the currently open tab is reloaded instead. Refer to sk175884. |
Build 434 Released on 13 November 2022 |
PRJ-41269, |
When deleting a network object in a large database (>10K objects), SmartConsole may stop responding for an extended period. |
Build 433 Released on 20 September 2022 |
PRJ-29020 |
SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when pasting an extremely long search query in the Logs view. |
PRJ-34282, |
Re-connect tool may request a password when using the "/silent" flag and fail with an error printed in ReRegister.log: "A wrong password was entered. GetLastEror() = 2". Refer to sk176989. |
Build 432 Released on 25 July 2022 |
PMTR-61375 |
PRJ-36411, PRJ-36414, PMTR-78880, PMTR-79029 |
UPDATE: Added the new logo of Check Point. |
PRJ-37237, |
Updated VSX Creation wizard in SmartConsole. |
PRJ-37272, |
Removed the IPS checkbox from Virtual Router settings in SmartConsole. This is a cosmetic fix. |
PRJ-37717, |
When trying to navigate from the "Where Used" window to an object which is used in a nested inline layer, the "Failed to go to the requested rule" error is shown. |
PRJ-35872, PRHF-21340 |
In the Threat Policy view, when choosing a profile for a rule, if the number of IPS profiles is bigger than 28, the drop-down menu extends beyond the screen, and it is not possible to see all profiles. Refer to sk177167. |
PRJ-36424, PRHF-22269 |
When performing the "Where used" action on an object that is linked to a Layer and the Layer is not connected to any Policy, the Layer's details may be missing from the "Where used" window and it is not possible to navigate to it. |
PRJ-39453, PMTR-82884 |
In Security Policies, in the Access Control Rule Base, when entering a rule number and clicking "Go to Rule", the view may not change to display the selected rule. |
PRJ-39369, PRHF-23761 |
Rule Base exported to CSV includes the columns previously checked for displaying, although they are currently unchecked. |
PRJ-37735, |
In Threat Prevention Engine settings, the "Block Connections" button may be disabled. |
Build 431 Released on 30 May 2022 |
PRJ-36349, |
UPDATE: The time format in the "High Availability Status" screen has changed to "hh:mm:ss tt". |
PRJ-35325, |
UPDATE: Improved visibility of the end of an inline layer in the Rule Base base. |
PRJ-35914, |
When navigating under VPN Meshed Community view > Tunnel Management > Set Permanent Tunnels > On all tunnels of specific Gateways, when there are more than four Gateways some are not visible. |
PRJ-31500, |
The "where used" operation on UserCheck object may return a false result, stating "No usages found". |
PRJ-35235, |
The expiration date may not be shown in User objects. |
PRJ-34607, |
Trying to delete a cluster member without a valid cluster fails with a "<Cluster member name> can be deleted by editing the Cluster" message. Refer to sk116130. |
PRJ-34385, |
When there are many network objects, opening the IPSec VPN tab in the Gateway object may take a long time. |
PRJ-35785, |
When configuring Security Zone on SMB Cluster interfaces, the security zone may not be updated and enforced on SMB cluster members. |
PRJ-34820, |
Editing a cluster object may cause Smart Console to close. |
Build 430 Released on 6 April 2022 |
PRJ-31955, |
UPDATE: The Log4net library is updated to version 2.0.12. |
PRJ-33215, |
UPDATE: Added a warning that the Domain name cannot be changed after creating a new Domain. |
PRJ-33843, |
When Windows locale is set to a non-English language, creation\modification of new users fails with the "Illegal date format" error. |
PRJ-33744, |
In rare scenarios, when searching in Global Object Explorer, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close. |
PRJ-32841, |
Removing all Gateways that belong to a Domain from a Global VPN Community may cause SmartConsole to unexpectedly close when trying to open the Global VPN Community object. |
PRJ-25299, |
In rare scenarios, SmartConsole freezes when clicking "System History" on a Cluster or Gateway object. |
PRJ-34295, |
After disabling Compliance Best Practices, the user receives security alerts.
PRJ-13859, |
When running one of the Package Deployment API commands using SmartConsole CLI, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close. |
Build 428 Released on 19 January 2022 |
PRJ-29295, |
NEW: Added Multi-Domain Server (MDS) level support for exporting data from the Gateways and Servers view into a CSV file. |
PRJ-29448, |
UPDATE: Added the ability for users and Administrators that logged in to SmartConsole in Read-Only mode to edit the Profile column in the Logs tab. |
PRJ-26947, |
UPDATE: In the SmartEvent System Status window, the "Total Memory" indication is changed to "Used Memory". |
PRJ-29859, |
UPDATE: In SmartEndpoint, besides FDE Remote Help, Bitlocker Management Recovery is now available for administrators with limited rights. |
PRJ-31514, |
UPDATE: In Advanced view for Endpoint Applications, added the "Link Text" column for Mobile Native Applications. |
PRJ-32695, |
Deleting the RADIUS group object named "Radius-Group" may fail with "Failed to delete object - Object 'Radius-Group' is used by a policy or by other objects". Refer to sk176824. |
PRJ-11135, |
In Log view, the link to create a "New Service Request" redirects to a page that no longer exists in Check Point Support Center. |
PRJ-22643, |
An unclear error message is shown when trying to group Updatable Objects in a rule in Access Policy or HTTPS Inspection. |
PRJ-20389, |
In large environments, searching for specific devices in SmartProvisioning takes a long time. |
PRJ-29873, |
In some scenarios, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when opening the UserCheck object image under Security Policies. |
PRJ-26895, |
In scenarios with more than 100 Gateway objects, some views may not show some Security Gateways or display some of them as duplicates. |
PRJ-29816, |
In rare scenarios, when running a query with a filter in the Logs tab and scrolling down, there is a gap in the shown logs. |
PRJ-29455, |
In rare scenarios, SmartConsole unexpectedly closes when running a query in the Logs tab. |
PRJ-30262, |
When viewing or editing an object under Mobile Access in Legacy SmartDashboard, an error message is displayed. |
PRJ-31021, |
In the Shared Policies section, under the Security Policies view, it is possible to select different options for Geo Policy, even when the mouse cursor is hovering over their lines and is not located in the radio button/checkbox itself. Refer to sk175748. |
PRJ-30726, |
SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when adding an IPS protection exception. Refer to sk175343. |
PRJ-26461, |
In some scenarios, when changing the netmask of an interface in VSX, the netmask of the member network does not change. |
PRJ-30281, |
SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when the user opens the Global Assignment view after doing the "Solr Cure" procedure. Refer to sk175443. |
PRJ-33132, |
SmartConsole may close unexpectedly when configuring Threat Emulation settings for a Small Office LSM Profile object. |
PRJ-33055, |
In some scenarios, when editing Exceptions in Inspection Settings, Gateways without IPS blade may be missing from the "Install On" list. |
PRJ-30823, |
In some scenarios, in SmartConsole, the IPS update status list does not reflect correctly all the Gateways having the IPS blade enabled. Refer to sk175449. |
Build 425 Released on 13 October 2021 |
PRJ-23052, |
NEW:Added support for CloudGuard Edge appliances.
PRJ-27206, |
NEW : Added the Hitcount column to the "Export to CSV" functionality in Access Policy.
PRJ-26816 |
NEW: Added the Quantum Edge Hardware type to the Security Gateway drop-down hardware list in SmartConsole. |
PRJ-10152, |
NEW: Added a User creation date to the User creation editor. |
PRJ-28451, |
UPDATE: Removed "Upgrade management" and "Launch IP appliance" buttons from SmartUpdate. |
PRJ-30690, |
UPDATE: The default timeframe for logs queries using the SmartConsole's Logs tab is set to "Last 24 Hours". |
PRJ-17177, |
In some scenarios, changing the hardware type of a Gateway with Identity sharing fails. |
PRJ-17155, |
The administrator may not be able to scroll the list of Active Directory providers when many AD providers are defined. |
PRJ-19619, |
In some scenarios, the Domain Management Server hardware type shows incorrect information in SmartConsole. |
PRJ-25364, |
A read only user can lock the Domain object when attempting to edit the GUI Clients. |
PRJ-10964, |
Changes to the columns in the Global Exception view of the Threat Prevention Policy are not saved when changing to a different view. Refer to sk165833. |
PRJ-27862, |
In some scenarios, when opening a layer that is already open on a Global Domain, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close. |
PRJ-26905, |
In some scenarios, SmartConsole closes unexpectedly when loading the Access Control policy.
PRJ-28006, |
Login to SmartConsole fails if Brute force password guessing protection is set to 30 seconds.
PRJ-26696, |
The tooltips in the "Threat Prevention" Profile configuration window on the "Advanced" page of "Threat Emulation" may disappear after a short time. |
PRJ-29098, |
In some scenarios, it is possible to disable a Global rule for the Domain policy. |
PRJ-28147, |
Opening Mail Transfer Agent from the Gateway editor may take up to a few minutes. |
PRJ-12726, |
In rare scenarios, right-clicking on a Domain server in the Multi-Domain Sever view may cause SmartConsole to close unexpectedly. |
PRJ-22121, |
Some special characters may not be blocked when defining a password for client uninstall in SmartEndpoint. |
PRJ-26492, |
In rare scenarios, when navigating to/from the Logs tab, SmartConsole may close unexpectedly. |
PRJ-17610, |
Opening the Security Gateway editor from the VPN community editor in read-only mode may cause SmartConsole to close unexpectedly. |
PRJ-11394, |
In the Logs view, logs for the Global exception are shown with a different name. |
PRJ-28477, |
When the Identity Awareness blade is enabled on an LSM profile, the LSM policy verification may fail. |
PRJ-26901, |
In some scenarios, copying a rule from one Access policy to another fails because of a mismatch in the policy's Traditional VPN mode. |
Build 424 Released on 4 July 2021 |
PRJ-21822, |
NEW: Added ability to download files from SmartConsole Extensions. |
PRJ-20822 |
In some scenarios, the "Administrator Name" field in SmartEndpoint Install Policy dialog may display the name of the incorrect user. |
PRJ-21652, |
In some scenarios, the Policy installation history in the Access Tools view on a cluster member is not updated. |
PRJ-23206, |
SmartConsole configures a default value for the IPv4 mask length of VIP interface each time a user opens the interface editor for cluster object configured in the Active-Active mode. As a result, the value configured by a user is overwritten with the default value each time the user opens the cluster object and clicks OK.
PRJ-22863, |
When opening the "Users by Gateways" view in SmartView Monitor and the list contains thousands of entities, it may take a long time to show all results, and in rare cases, no results are displayed. |
PRJ-21281, |
In some scenarios, navigation between views may cause SmartConsole to close unexpectedly. |
PRJ-25072, |
When searching in the rulebase, the entire word is highlighted instead of the partial string that matches. |
PRJ-25519, |
When attempting to log in to a SmartEndpoint server running a different version from SmartConsole, the client may unexpectedly close instead of showing a message to launch the correct version. |
PRJ-25522, |
When a mismatch version message is shown on the SmartConsole login window, it is displayed with an "error" icon instead of "info". |
PRJ-24059, |
In some scenarios, when searching objects in SmartConsole, the summary counter shows "0", although the objects are found and displayed. |
PRJ-24418, |
In a rare scenario, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close after policy installation. |
PRJ-22283, |
In some scenarios, the "Push CA Certificate" push operation in SmartEndpoint cannot be initiated and fails with exception. |
PRJ-23094, |
In some scenarios, the "Last Connected From" for Users and Computers tab of SmartEndpoint is not displayed correctly. |
PRJ-23513, |
In SmartView Monitor, when the user sorts tables by the field "Connect Time", the sorting was not done according to date and time, but as a textual sorting. |
PRJ-24624, |
When using SmartConsole in Demo Mode, in some cases while opening a new Logs and Monitor tab, the "SmartView is not available, SmartView server certificate is invalid" error message is shown. |
PRJ-21954, |
In some scenarios, the "Session timeout" field is not visible when opening a single log in the "Logs & Monitor" tab in SmartConsole. |
Build 423 Released on 25 April 2021 |
PRJ-24678, |
NEW: Added support for SAML authentication method for Remote Access VPN. Refer to sk172909 for configuration instructions.
PRJ-21286, |
NEW: When connecting to incompatible server version and the compatible SmartConsole is not installed, user can download the installation package from the login screen. |
PRJ-21687, |
NEW: Added the "Verify Access Policy" action to the Access Policy toolbar Actions menu. |
PRJ-21803, |
SmartConsole title and borders for some windows may become transparent after upgrade to Windows10 build 20h2. |
PRJ-21204, |
In some scenarios, adding the '#' symbol in the "End-User Agreement Settings" form under Identity Awareness may cause the Threat-Prevention Policy installation to fail. |
PRJ-22606, |
The diffServ properties are missing from the Express QoS configuration page in SmartConsole. |
PRJ-14735, |
In some scenarios, the protection name for IPS static protections is not visible on the log card. |
PRJ-10356 |
In rare scenarios, the "Publish" operation performed by one administrator may cause the SmartConsole of another administrator to unexpectedly close. |
Build 422 Released on 17 March 2021 |
PRJ-20352, |
NEW: When the user connects with an incompatible client version to the server, he will automatically launch the correct SmartConsole version installed on his computer. Refer to sk171422. |
PRJ-20579, |
PRJ-20404 |
In some scenarios, SmartConsole web extension does not load correctly in environments where proxy is defined. |
PRJ-21815, |
When uploading Endpoint Client with SmartConsole R80.40 Build 415, the action may fail with message "This version of Smart Endpoint is not compatible with the uploaded client. Creating a recovery media for this client might now be possible. Do you wish to upload the client anyway?" |
PRJ-20622, |
When moving Endpoints from SmartEndpoint Reporting tab to a virtual group after scrolling down the list, not all endpoints are moved. |
PRJ-20815, |
In some scenarios, a wrong value for 'Any' is displayed when adding an exception in the Inspection Settings view. |
Build 416 Released on 31 January 2021 |
PRJ-15504, |
UPDATE: Removed the "Scan priority will be lower than other running processes" option from SmartEndpoint. |
PRJ-20215, |
In some scenarios, when a user attempts to delete a VSX Gateway / VSX Cluster, the "Server error is: Failed to remove/detach objects licenses" error message appears and the operation may not be completed successfully. Refer to sk167492.
PRJ-20262, |
"N/A" is displayed instead of "Any" in the Protection drop-down menu under |
PRJ-12507, |
Export of dynamic package may fail if the folder destination name is written in a non-English language. |
PRJ-20511, |
In rare scenarios, legacy SmartDashboard may unexpectedly close upon loading. |
PRJ-20465, |
In some scenarios, after search in Access policy, Hitcount shows incorrect information. |
Build 415 Released on 16 December 2020 |
PRJ-18593, |
PRJ-18856, |
NEW: Added IoT support on Multi-Domain Security Management.
PRJ-18571, |
UPDATE: Added ability to select 'Any' in the Service column when creating a custom firewall Best practice.
PRJ-18052, |
In some scenarios, when hovering quickly between objects in SmartConsole, the tooltip shows incorrect information. |
PRJ-17048, |
In some scenarios, in the IPS Core Protections > Exceptions view, the default protection appears as (object id ; "Any") . |
PRJ-18505, |
In large environments, SmartConsole may disconnect due to timeouts when the user edits a large network group. |
PRJ-18228, |
When there are many gateways and servers defined in a policy and the administrator needs to scroll up and down to see them all, the links in the "Recommended Updates" column ("GATEWAYS & SERVERS" view) may jump to another row. |
PRJ-18260, |
In some scenarios, when searching for logs per rule, the "Not Type session" filter is added automatically to the end of the query. |
PRJ-13992, |
In rare scenarios, SmartConsole unexpectedly closes when opening a log or navigating inside a log card to previous/next log in the results list. |
PRJ-18486, |
In some scenarios, switching to "GATEWAYS & SERVERS" view in CMA context shows the object view instead of switching to the "GATEWAYS & SERVERS" tab. |
PRJ-19103, |
In SmartConsole Demo Mode, some pages may display an "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error message. |
PRJ-20036, |
In a rare scenario, when user clicks on Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) options in the Security gateway settings or on 'Next hop' column inside MTA settings, SmartConsole shows "Not Responding" and freezes. Refer to sk161232.
Build 414 Released on 11 November 2020 |
PRJ-17126, |
NEW: Added ability for administrators to view, add, and delete licenses directly from SmartConsole.
PRJ-14436 |
NEW: Added ability to enable developer protection feature.
PRJ-18416, |
UPDATE: Removed all exe files from data/util library and the old cpm_dir (Legacy demo). |
PRJ-16372, |
Adding LSM Small Office Appliance Cluster via LSMcli may cause the SmartProvisioning application to unexpectedly close when navigating to Topology tab in SmartLSM Security Cluster window. |
PRJ-16350, |
In some scenarios, the "Choose Devices" page in the SmartProvisioning Wizard does not show any devices when the user chooses any type of device. |
PRJ-13486, |
In some scenarios, Network Objects are missing in Implied Rule for Mail Transfer Agent.
PRJ-17132, |
When scrolling or clicking on a rule, some inline layer rules may open unexpectedly. |
PRJ-17922, |
In Global Properties under Stateful Inspection tab, the "TCP end timeout (R80.20 and higher gateways)" option does not support values higher than 60 seconds.
PRJ-17293, |
SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when clicking the license information link under "Licenses" tab of a cluster object on a Multi-Domain Management. |
PRJ-14219, |
When creating a new gateway interface via SmartConsole and click "Get interfaces without the topology", new interfaces are visible. The first interface in the list "bond.0" is marked as edited. |
PRJ-14065, |
In some scenarios, the "Content" column does not appear in the Access policy view even if the Content Awareness blade is on one of its inline-layers. |
PRJ-16410, |
Opening Network Interface Topology Settings dialog in read only mode may lock the Network Interface object. |
PRJ-16690, |
"Auto Refresh" removes the filter from SmartEndpoint Deployment Status Report after refresh. Refer to sk168232. |
PRJ-15955 |
Improved the SmartConsole session hijacking prevention mechanism. |
PRJ-17255, |
When the mouse hovers on the Custom Application Group, "Error:Loading failed" may appear. |
PRJ-17347, |
In some scenarios, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when the user navigates to the Package Repository page. |
PRJ-16758, |
In some scenarios, it may not be possible to select users for FDE Remote Help with a mouse click/enter in SmartEndpoint. |
PRJ-15617, |
SmartEndpoint may close without any errors when the user logs in using AD authentication and the username includes spaces or dots. Refer to sk168197. |
Build 412 Released on 5 November 2020 |
- |
The content of Build 412 is identical to the content of Build 411. All planned content of Build 412 was added to Build 414. |
Build 411 Released on 4 October 2020 |
PRJ-12737, |
In some scenarios, an OPSEC Application editor may work slower than expected or freeze in environments with a very large number of network objects. |
PRJ-14349, |
Opening the "Mobile Access" tab in SmartConsole directs to the "DLP" tab in SmartDashboard. |
PRJ-14499, |
When connecting through SmartConsole for the first time, the fingerprint message is not suitable for Multi-Domain System. Refer to sk167980. |
PRJ-15866, |
In a rare scenario, the Group Services tooltip shows incorrect information. |
PRJ-7998, |
A new user registration key for certificate enrollment may fail to open if the expiry value for user certificates is set to 1 in Global Properties. Refer to sk163872. |
PRJ-16887, |
R80.40 SmartConsole Build 407 shows empty list of scan policies in Gateway Properties > Mobile Access > Endpoint Compliance Settings. Refer to sk169095. |
Build 410 Released on 26 August 2020 |
PRJ-12401, |
It is not possible to view logs in Install Policy Presets view, if the selected policy name contains spaces or "slash" characters. |
PRJ-13759, |
In SmartConsole's localized language versions (non-English), scrolling a long list of objects in the objects explorer may cause SmartConsole to unexpectedly close. |
Build 407 Released on 27 July 2020 |
PRJ-13113, |
UPDATE: Do not use the Sticky Decision Function checkbox for ClusterXL Load Sharing. Use the ccl_force_sticky parameter instead. For more information, see sk162637. |
PRJ-12217, |
In a rare scenario, SmartConsole freezes when double-clicking the Identity Provider object. Refer to sk166434. |
PRJ-12593, |
When attempting to modify the "Default Time Frame" or "Custom time zone" options in the query settings of log view in Logs and Monitor tab, the list of values is presented in be background and the new value cannot be selected. |
PRJ-11522, |
Login with CAPI certificate may cause SmartConsole to unexpectedly close. |
PRJ-13328, |
In high latency environments, the rulebase may get locked if the user tries to rename a rule soon after it was added. |
Build 398 Released on 15 June 2020 |
PRJ-10567, |
NEW: SmartConsole default login timeout was increased. |
PRJ-12034, |
SmartEndpoint may display an error when administrator navigates to the "Packages For Export" tab. |
PRJ-12874, |
An incorrect netmask may be shown for Virtual System objects in the network group editor. |
PRJ-12085, |
When configuring "Visitor Mode" in SmartConsole and choosing the IP address, the wrong IP address may be displayed after clicking "OK". |
PRJ-9735, |
The SmartConsole utility's Reconnect Tool may show the "MSVCP140.dll is missing" message. |
PRJ-12301, |
In some scenarios, inline layers are not shown when searching within the Access policy. |
Build 396 Released on 10 May 2020 |
PRJ-11012 |
NEW: Added support for Check Point 3800, 6400, 6700, 7000, 16200, 16600HS, 28000 and 28600HS appliances. Refer to sk110052, sk139932 and sk152733.
Build 40 Released on 26 April 2020 |
PRJ-9506, |
NEW: Added section in SmartConsole.exe.config that allows defining the per-server custom connection ports for FWM and CPM |
PRJ-9503, |
NEW: Added a list item count inside the User Group, Network Group and Service Group editors. The item count supports only one level of nesting. If a group includes another group, only one object is counted (users, network and services from the nested group are not counted). |
PRJ-10727, |
In some scenarios, it is not possible to enable the Threat Emulation blade for a Security gateway. |
PRJ-10291, |
In some scenarios, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when trying to update statuses of the Compliance Best Practices and generating new alerts. |
PRJ-11067, |
In a rare scenario, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close after stopping the SmartConsole diagnostics service. |
PRJ-10468, |
A certificate in the Certificate column of the HTTPS Inspection Policy cannot be removed by selecting it and hitting the delete key on the keyboard. The number of changes made in the session increments by one but the certificate remains in the column. |
PRJ-9981, |
After overriding the logging or the Packet Capture option for an IPS protection, the protection may be shown as disabled. This is only a display issue. |
Build 19 Released on 16 March 2020 |
PRJ-9509 |
In a rare scenario, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when closing a window of Revert to Revision, Central Deployment, Infinity Threat Prevention or a window hosting an extension (like Changes Report). |
PRJ-9353, |
In a rare scenario, SmartConsole may unexpectedly close when scrolling in the rulebase or navigating to a rule. |
PRJ-9386, |
In some scenarios, the Menu option to view or edit cluster member object on Multi-Domain's gateways view does not show the correct data. |
PRJ-8702, |
The shared secret's edit button may be grayed out. |
PRJ-10167 |
While in Multi-Session mode, SmartConsole may not display the "Recent Sessions" menu. |
PRJ-8840, |
In high latency environments, hovering over the Access Policy to view a tooltip may cause the user interface to freeze for a few seconds. |
PRJ-9274, |
After selecting a rule with an inline layer and then selecting a "simple" rule, the action may be missing from the rule summary. |